Saturday, April 3, 2010

Did You Hear the One About the Raises?

Has anyone else heard about administrators in the Central Office getting raises because they have more work to do overseeing programs?


  1. I haven't heard it but it sounds like something Eugene White would do. You know those administrators have to tolerate 60% bad teachers.

  2. Wouldn't surprise me.

  3. How about some specifics?

  4. I thought that was the reason given for the most recent round of Ed Center raises; remember, the raises for Joan Harrell, Jackie Greenwood, etc.? That was only a few weeks ago.

    Is this another round of new raises?

  5. Joan Harrell hardly warrants a raise. If she were to take her Freakshow of a self anywhere else, do you think she would get hired? Besides being about as dumb as a stick, her awful hair and sweeping peasant dresses would turn anyone off. Who is she doing, or what does she know, that enables her to keep her job?

  6. Well, I have to agree that Harrell ain't exactly a fashion plate or ready for Vogue, but I suppose in fairness to her and to all women, making fun of her looks/dress makes about as much sense as saying Michelle Obama has shoulders and biceps like a linebacker. It's just not too funny when we make snide remarks about what people wear, what their hair looks like, what their body shape is, etc.

  7. Yes and you have really mentioned nothing beyond her looks as far as qualifications. Is that what we are supposed to teach students? I know she runs a lot of programs in the Ed Center for all of IPS. She does a lot more than many. Perhaps she is just an easy target? (And no, I am not an adminsitrator.)

  8. I am a woman who taught a primary class, and I've seen firsthand, when she was principal at our school, before she became a director, how mean and dumb she is. She had her favorites, and those she didn't like she was awful to. Those who taught Montessori were treated well,and those who taught the traditional program weren't. Working long hours doesn't make you a good administrator.

  9. I heard Dr. White is giving everyone a huge raise, car allowance, and bonus before the state takes over the secondary schools. The "Bobble-Headed Board" will just bob a "yes" vote without one question of where the money is coming from in the budget. Dr. White doesn't want anyone hiring "Dr. Greenwood, or Dr. Johnson away from IPS.

  10. My understanding is that when the state takes over IPS that they will istall their superintendent and White will be gone.

  11. Hopefully those admin downtown are polishing up their resumes as we speak. I'm sure White is adding all his accomplishments to his.
    By the way, how much money has he raised since he reorganized his asst. superintendents?

  12. Perhaps Tony Bennett will take over IPS.

    His schools in southern Indiana couldn't make AYP either.

    New coach, same players?

  13. That is what I don't understand. How can Bennett think he can turn IPS around when his tiny district in Floyd County was a failing district?

  14. O.K. I will be the first to ask.

    If we get a delay for the Colts in the Championship Game on a Sunday night.

    Will we get the same for the Butler Bulldogs on Monday night? Do you think a lot of kids will not be up watching? (Not to mention the adults and bandwagon jumpers just looking for something to celebrate and miss work.)

    I will watch (as I have all season) and be there at work either way. But would love an extra hours since the game does not start till almost 9 on Monday night. Just wondering if the same criteria will be used?

  15. No delay unless the bus drivers are big Butler fans.

  16. To the blogger who had the nerves to belittle Michelle Obama by mentioning her in the same sentence as Joan can't mix classy with trashy!!!! Michelle Obama is definitely a class act!!!! Leave her the hell off of this IPS Blog!

  17. Yeah. A real "class" act. Classy enough to be married to a crook who is robbing us blind before our eyes? Give me a break. Wake up already. And Mrs. Obama does have shoulders and biceps like a linebacker. She works out. But who really cares?

  18. I guess you are not of the thousands of teachers whose job was saved by the Obama stimulus plan. You have been poisoned by the likes of wackos like Palin, Glenn Beck and the drug addicted, Rush Limbaugh.

  19. Absolutely his stimulus plan (my tax dollar) didn't save me a job. And get it correct it is my tax dollar he continues to give away. I believe he thinks he is a King of the US.

  20. I guess with you it is all about "me". I got mine and the hell with everyone demonstrate what is wrong with this country. I hope you are not a teacher as you sound just like some of my "me cnetered" high school students.

  21. I can't believe people are fussing about Michelle Obama's arms when our district is going to hell in a handbasket.

  22. When I reach 46 years old, I can only hope my arms look like that. Totally off topic, but will gladly talk about instead of politics. What a taboo topic. We all have our own opinions but at least be respectful with them! It amazes me how narrow minded and disrespectful grown adults can be.

  23. The recent announcement by President Obama and the U.S. Department of Education of the availability of $61 million for Indiana's lowest-performing schools ("Schools must make big changes to get federal cash.") will mean the introduction of an educational concept relatively untried in the Hoosier state. One of the requirements for this funding is a process that includes the recruiting, rewarding and retaining of quality teachers through compensation that is based in part on the performance of their students.

    Such "performance pay" initiatives have been implemented in more than half the states, but in Indiana, school districts and teacher unions generally have resisted such plans based on concerns regarding cost and fairness. This resistance has declined, however, as "growth in student achievement" has become more accepted as the prime performance measure, and as more sophisticated methods have been developed for calculating the effect of teachers on academic growth.

    In Indiana, the Department of Education has developed a pilot incentive program at Marshall Community High School. Both the Republicans AND the Democrats jointly are intent on breaking the union.

  24. I'm an outsider - not a teacher and not in the field of education.

    But, I'm curious about teachers unions in Indianapolis and in Indiana. How much of a capacity do they have to stand up to the pressure of governmental leaders to dissolve the current contract system (and to even exist as unions)?

    I also wonder if there is any movement by perhaps the state and national teachers unions to support the IPS teachers union against this mounting pressure?

    How is the IPS teachers union standing up to this pressure? Is the union becoming stronger in terms of its teacher support/membership or weaker
    in light of all that is going on in the district?

    Are we nearing the end of the era of teacher unions in Indianapolis, all of Indiana, and perhaps even throughout the country?

    I am asking anyone who might have an informed opinion about these questions because I am genuinely curious and want to hear what people have to say about it. I don't have any agenda other than curiosity.

    It would be especially good to get some responses from anyone in a leadership position with the IPS teachers union.

  25. To the blogger who stated that President Obama is robbing us blind..........get your facts straight, when Bush was in office did you feel he was robbing us blind leading us into an unjustified war that cost the tax payers billions of you didn't say anything because you are a racist and because we now have an African American President, in which many racist can't deal with the fact that he is educated and BLACK!!!! Being BLACK and EDUCATED are two things that make white racist very angry and nervous! You need to get over it because whether you realize it or not President Obama was elected fairly and didn't ride on the coat tails of his daddy in order to get elected into office!

  26. So, disagree with Obama = racist? Wow.

  27. @So, disagree with Obama = racist? Wow.

    Apparently, so. At least with the person who wrote the post.

    Actually I don't think Obama personally is robbing us blind; however, I do believe that far-left Democrats are leading us down a slippery slope toward our country's being in so much debt for domestic entitlement programs that our children and their children will reap the financial disaster long after we're dead and gone.

    Occasionally I believe that most of us forget that the government has no money of its own; the government depends on us, the rank and file citizen, for all its money. You can't receive money from the government that the government did not first take from another person. When the government hands out Stimulus Funds, the government ultimately will get that money from us, through higher taxes. That's all of us in IPS included.

  28. Wel, I still say I disagree with him and we are being duped. We are being ripped off. I am not a racist because I disagree. This is America isn't it? That is the essence of a democracy. So, I proudly disagree. It has nothing to do with Obama being black and educated.

    If George W Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

    If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

  29. If President Barack Obama's goal was to tick off a good 50 percent or so of the American people, he's been a roaring success.

    Bring the troops home as he promised? He's adding 30,000 to the dubious mission of pacifying Afghanistan.

    Gun control? All he's done so far is use his fingers to sign off on pistol-packing in national parks.

    Health care? A big piece of law, to be sure. But with all its changes, it leaves intact the for-profit foundation of the world's costliest system.

    Environment? Just the other day, Obama proposed to open vast stretches of the Atlantic, Alaskan and Gulf of Mexico coasts to offshore oil drilling for the first time.

    It all adds up to a hefty chunk of disgruntled Americans.

  30. No one can seriously discuss the national debt and George Bush without realizing how greatly he increased by his unfunded wars and programs. Obama has added troops to Afghanistan but has greatly reduced troops in Iraq. Afghanistan is where we should have been all along....even given that, there are less troops there now in those two countries than before. Some on here apparently think that they can make any wild baseless claim about Obama and everyone should believe it. It is not about racism. It is about your ignorance.

  31. I thought htis blog was IPS-BS, not Indiana Barrister. Wow.

  32. "Being BLACK and EDUCATED are two things that make white racist very angry and nervous!"

    I can think of a few more black and educated people: Eugene White, Willie Giles, Larry Yarrell, Dexter Suggs, Jackie Greenwood, Prudence Bridgwaters, Jane Ajabu, Phyllis Barnes, Jackie Clency. . .

  33. and your point?

  34. If I were Black, I would resent those examples of Black and Educated people. I know many who are really Black and Educated and who lead productive lives.

  35. @"I know many who are really Black and Educated and who lead productive lives."

    I am hoping you meant Black and really Educated, not really Black and Educated... as you wrote. Writing applications do make a big difference, don't they?

  36. Dr. White has been the worse superintendent employed by IPS, black or white.

  37. As I reread what I wrote, I have no idea why I included the word "really". You are correct in that writing applications do make a difference.

  38. Can we stop the petty bickering over biceps and writing applications, and get back to the topic?
    I am not concerned about the color of anyone's skin at this point. I am very concerned about the well-being of our children in IPS.
    We need to stop attacking one another, and keep a united front.
    The only way to make a difference is for teachers and parents to work together for our common goal - our children's success.
    This blog is starting to make us nitpick and attack one another...which is what Central Office wants to happen.

  39. well said

  40. I think Ann Wilkins has managed to kill IEA. she has silent on every issue happening now in the troubled state of IPS. When was the last time you saw the IEA president or spokesman interviewed, respond or make any public statement on any issue? You won't see it because Ann Wilkins is owned lock, stock and barrell by Eugene White. She obviously has a big paying job waiting for her when she leaves the presidency of the IEA.

  41. Redundancy

  42. The union killed the auto workers; the union will kill us as public school teachers. I can't think of one thing that the IEA has accomplished for the profession, for us as educators, or for the students in the last five years, can you?

    I decided to give myself a 'raise' a couple of years ago. I dropped my IEA membership.

  43. Both of my parents were autoworkers and represented by the UAW. They had wonderful benefits and working conditions. It is because of their fair wages that I was able to attend college and become a teacher. They had a good pension and wonderful healthcare until the day they died. I became a teacher where I am disrespected and bad mouthed by our superintendent and have horrible healthcare.

  44. Someone told me today that there were teachers at Northwest who were terminated (given pink slips) last week and they were not on PIPs I am thinking that the person misunderstood when she said terminated. Can anyone clarify that for me?

  45. It would have to have been in the board reports for "pink slips' and was probably meant surplus slips...those were passed out at several schools.

  46. The teachers at Northwest are being displaced, not pink-slipped. A lot of buildings notified their teachers yesterday.

  47. What's the definition of "displaced" as it applies to IPS teachers?

  48. From the Indianapolis Recorder Online edition:

    "Speaking of IPS, officials were boneheadly wrong to evict a TV documentary crew during a recent public meeting on IPS’ budget crisis. A conservative education reform group came to the meeting, ostensibly to interview Ann Wilkins, head of the Indianapolis Education Association.

    The crew signed in and began taping in the public meeting. But eventually were evicted by IPS brass.

    IPS should understand that public meetings are public meetings. And unless state law specifically prohibits taping or filming at public meetings by non-media or ordinary folks (which the law doesn’t prohibit), then IPS was wrong and should publicly apologize (Even if they disagree with the politics and philosophy of the filming group).

    Its bone headed stunts like this, along with the IPS administration’s bullheaded refusal to consider temporary salary reductions in the midst of their budget crisis, that’s causing longtime IPS supporters to seriously begin to rethink their support of the district!"

  49. More from the Indianapolis Recorder Online edition:

    "Will the state of Indiana’s Department of Education take control of most of Indianapolis Public Schools’ high schools and middle schools? That’s the impression the Indianapolis Star left Sunday.

    IPS Superintendent Eugene White and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett allowed Star columnist Matt Tully to sit in on a meeting White and Bennett had with IPS staffers about a possible state takeover.

    The takeover would occur because several IPS middle and high schools have failed to meet Adequately Yearly Progress (AYP) under the No Child Left Behind Act. Years of failing to improve all but mandates a state takeover of those schools.

    So, why are the IPS School Board and Supt. White not preparing the IPS community for this upcoming draconian action?"

  50. Has anyone heard through the grapevine about an Ed. Center employee that was so abused by the administration that she was driven to suicide? I won't mention the name as I have no idea if there is any truth to it or if it is just a wild rumor. She was a wonderful person.

  51. We would need at least a last name to verify this. It would be easy to verify recent deaths through the obituaries, but we'd need a last name.

  52. I know the name but am uncomfortable posting it as the info may just be rumor and it would be less than kind to do so. I have heard it from several employees from different schools so there may be someone who knows who can confirm the situation even if they don't publicly reveal the name.

  53. Wow! Was this person an administrator, teacher, clerical staff, etc.?

  54. Did we receive an email about this individual?

  55. Did this happen recently, like this year?

  56. Me bieing a Teach for American fellow and was given a "pink slip" well IPS be sorry that I will not being teaching english next year. You will never learned anything.

  57. Is that a joke? English teacher?

  58. LOL! Obviously someone has a beef with Teach for America.

  59. I don't believe this rumor. Why haven't the rest of us heard anything? And how convenient that you hate to spread a rumor so much that you won't give any details (or check them yourself) but you have no trouble posting the rumor here in the first place.

  60. This person was listed in an earlier board report this year as having been terminated. A month later, this person died. The 'In Memoriam' notice e-mail was sent to all Ed Center Staff on Monday, March 22.
    Oddly enough, if you look for the Board Item notification now, you won't find it.
    Maybe ‘the rumor’ fits, maybe it doesn't.
    The only thing of which I am certain, she was truly a nice person, and will be missed.

  61. I think you are talking about the same person I heard. She was very capable and very nice....that is the reason why I didn't name her as I keep hearing the story from IPS employees. I know that there are people who were close to her and maybe they know.

  62. She had a lot of personal issues and was fired for being intoxicated on duty! Please deal in facts not rumors!

  63. Well, if we're going to deal in facts, then what IPS taxpayer funded employee showed up intoxicated at work?

  64. Follow the paper trail.

  65. The Super Bowl facility will not be built at Tech High School. Wow! What a let down. Who is responsible for this? Does any know?

  66. Eugene White probably pisssed them off and they backed off...............he has to be the star of the show or there is no show!!

  67. What's the story about super bowl facility? Where was it mentioned?

  68. I don't see anything in the local newspaper or on TV about the Super Bowl facility.

