Friday, August 5, 2011

Pack the House

Dr. Tony Bennett is going to address the IPS School Board Monday night. You should be there! Who's bring the popcorn and drinks?



  2. What about the big dog face BAT??

  3. Who cares

  4. Am I the only one who noticed that Dr. White was wearing pretty blue shoes with silver buckles???

  5. Did he kill the rare blue alligator to get those shoes...someone call the national wildlife federation.

  6. Call PETA! They'll pour oil-based paint on his alligator shoes.

  7. Of course Bennett won't let IPS off the hook. Rumor has it he wants Whites job. Makes sense to me. Bennett has relocated to Indy, will probably get voted out next election, went against school superintendents to have salary caps, would make more money as IPS supt and is making sure that IPS will want White out soon.

  8. "Of course Bennett won't let IPS off the hook. Rumor has it he wants Whites job. Makes sense to me. Bennett has relocated to Indy,..."

    Like he can relate to IPS kids and families??? ...very funny!

  9. He won't/can't relate. He will rule from afar. It isn't like he is going to spend anytime with the students or teach

  10. The annual salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Indiana is $79,400, like, he wants White's job for sure.

  11. Bennett was the superintendent of a failing small rural system in southern Indiana. Why would IPS want yet another failing superintendent? We already have one.

  12. Same reason Indiana voted him in over a very competent Super from Tippecanoe Cty--ignorance

  13. If there is truth in the statement about Bennett taking over Dr. White's job....holy crap. I had better go back to college and work on a different degree/career.

  14. If you want to invest in Indiana's future, buy a horse and buggy business.

  15. The school board makes the decision about the super. Why would you think any IPS board would hire Bennett?

  16. I had to laugh about Dr. White chewing out the staff and administrators of BRHS and Shortridge for being such horrible schools. He made the plain statement that with the ability to send students back to their home schools, why are they failing. Failing teachers who need to be fired or re-trained.

  17. Shortridge has been a miserable failure but it is staffed with hand picked administrators who White put there.

  18. I am one of the RIF teachers that have been let go till school is in session and then they come calling back saying "HELP! We put 85 6th graders in one class! We need you to teach 6th grade so we can open another room!" ..... Could someone please tell me in detail what was the story from this years super meeting? Last year it was the donkey in the well. Also, for fun could you also tell us what he wore? Besides the blue alligator shoes? Lol!!!!

  19. RE: I had to laugh about Dr. White chewing out the staff and administrators of BRHS and Shortridge ..

    I am not a teacher at Broad Ripple but, I never heard him say ONE word about Broad Ripple. I think you listened with jealous ears. I was stunned that they were not mentioned.

  20. PIMP ROGERS like's the BAT.

  21. IPS may need teachers, but apparently they don't need subs. A friend of mine was informed by the sub office that they, "wouldn't be reviewing applications until late fall." Hmmmm...

  22. They accepted applications until early summer. It takes a while to process.

  23. At the super meeting, he talked a lot about boobs and cussed.

  24. boobs. mountains, and female body parts, do you really think they were Gucci shoes or Prada? I am sorry about the mistake about BRHS, but I know that Linda and Stan were chewed out in person by Dr. White.

  25. "Linda and Stan were chewed out in person by Dr. White."

    Yeah, big whoop. Rambo was on PIP at one time, and she still managed to suck her way up into power. I hear Leser is on the same track
    over at Washington. She's managed to get rid of virtually all the old staff and the school is still spiraling down in flames.

  26. Of course they won't need "subs". They will do the same thing FWCS did this past school year. Expect ALL RIF'ed teachers to be their subs so they don't have to pay unemployment or they will call back the rif's as full time subs without benefits and sub pay.

  27. Robert F. Kennedy
    “In the light of a truly freed mind no prejudice can disguise itself as zeal, no bullying can masquerade as leadership, no pettiness can pose as importance. The freed mind will never confuse a sentimentality with a true emotion, an act of violence with an act of heroism, a slogan with a cause. Men and women with freed minds may often be mistaken, but they are seldom fooled." - 1963

  28. Now that we have had our annual spanking from Dr. White it might be time to reflect on the words of someone far more intelligent than Gene.

    "Keep away from people who try and belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great." Mark Twain

  29. More wag, less bark.

  30. More bite, less tail!

  31. Re: "Bennett has relocated to Indy, will probably get voted out next election,"

    This needs to be something that teachers need to get over...what he says, whether we like it or not, plays very well with the general public. In an era where the "Tea Party" has influence (meaning, screw the poor, help the rich)on one side, and the other is dominated by people who want to blame others rather than take responsibility for their own lives and actions, the "teachers and school districts are all bad" message plays well. No one wants to blame the real problems- the parents who don't care, the parents who can't read (a large number in IPS) and the politicians who set stupid guidelines. Teachers and schools are an easier target. So, Bennett's message will get him easily re-elected.

  32. I don't know where you get your information about Bennett being so well liked in the state...that is definitely not what I hear...most people can't stand him...and that is just not Indianapolis.

  33. Re: "I don't know where you get your information about Bennett being so well liked in the state...that is definitely not what I hear...most people can't stand him...and that is just not Indianapolis."

    Probably because you are talking to teachers and close friends of teachers. Get out of that circle and his popularity is high. I'm telling you- you can mark this down- he wins re-election with at least 55% of the vote. You heard it hear first.

  34. He is not well-liked and I know because I talk to plenty of people who are not teachers!

  35. I believe that people with children like their kids teachers and are getting tired of his all out war on education. Let's hope the general public is as sick of him as are we.

  36. I agree that Bennett is popular with everyone but teachers (and only some teachers, I know several teachers who like him too.) I'm in the middle (I don't think his reforms are going to make much of a difference, good or bad). But I agree that he'll be reelected.

  37. I know this is not a political opinion site, but since others have voiced their opinions, I guess other opinions should be expressed. People keep blaming the Tea Party for effecting available government money. How the party is against the poor and helping the rich. An opinion from the other side goes like this: Perhaps there is a large portion of society that is not only tired of paying for all the freebies, but tired of being yelled at for complaining about paying for programs that attempt to "level the playing field". Whatever happened to "if you want to get ahead in life, you have to work for it"? I agree that people may need a temporary helping hand in hard times, but why should society support individuals that make a living on social programs that they did not pay into?

  38. How the hell do you decide "if you want to get ahead in life, you have to work for it" if you are five years old and have never seen anything else...

    IPS teaching endorses a pedagogy of poverty.

  39. How is it my responsibility to help provide for other peoples kids?

  40. More important than the above do you feel that you have a right to demand that I be forced to help others out?

  41. Why is public education okay for everyone but poor people? Only the very rich and those without children put more into the education system than they take out. But you aren't speaking out against public education. You're speaking out against public education for poor people. That's morally and logically unsound. I've never heard the viewpoint of "Socialism for the wealthy and middle class but fuck the poor people." Unique perspective you have.

  42. I totally didn't get that out of the "I know..." post.

  43. I don't either, apparently the social liberals have their own interpretation going on.

  44. Didn't get what? That it was against public education for the poor? It was posted on an IPS blog in response to other viewpoints on public education. When someone responded with thoughts on educating poor kids, the poster replied that it wasn't his/her responsibility to help poor kids or be forced into helping poor kids. If you didn't get that he/she is against public funding for educating poor kids, then what DID you get out of it. How else could it be interpreted? (And just for clarity, I'm not the person who posted "Why is public education...", but I completely agree with the sentiment, albeit without the vulgarity.)

  45. What I got out of it was that some people are tired of having the money that they worked for given to people who do NOTHING AT ALL.

    Me too.

  46. We don't educate "People who do nothing at all" we educate CHILDREN.....Is that you Phil Boot? I really hope you are not a teacher.

    March 2011
    Sticking a boot in his mouth
    By Rod Rose

    It’s between himself and his Supreme Being why State Sen. Phil Boots, R-23, uttered one of the most irresponsible, ill-informed, idiotic statements in Hoosier political history.

    In Zionsville Saturday — at a public legislative breakfast, no less — Boots implied that children who receive free or reduced lunches are inferior to those who don’t and are undeserving of support.

    Not specifically, you understand, not directly: Boots did not say that children in families so close to poverty that they are eligible to eat school lunch for free or at a reduced cost are mentally defective.

    Boots, as you would expect from a multiple-term Indiana legislator, was only slightly slyer than that. He said ... well, let’s drag that quote into the open again:

    Students on the free and reduced lunch program, Boots said, are “under achievers.”

    “We need (our public schools) to focus on our high achievers, the people that [sic] will be our future instead of the ones that [sic] will not,” he said. By “those that [sic] will not,” I presume Boots meant under achievers, and by underachievers I presume he meant the thousands of children in his own senate district who are poor.

    Boots prefaced his remark with the observation that went something like, “I’ll probably be shot for saying this,” according to our reporter who covered the breakfast.

  47. "giving money to people who do nothing." Okay, but if you're not talking about education, then why post it here? If you're talking about welfare reform, that's all well and good, but how odd to post about welfare reform on a public education blog unless you were insinuating that public education was welfare.

  48. And if you are against Welfare reform, why don't you rail against all of the corporate welfare we provide for companies who then take jobs over seas and sock their profits away instead of reinvesting them in the economy? The pennies I spend on Welfare, Medicaid, and Social Security out of the more than $1,000 per pay period I pay in taxes.

  49. To "More important than the above do you feel that you have a right to demand that I be forced to help others out?"

    I don't. In fact, I say let them all rot in heck.

    As a model, Eskimos had a tradition at some point where they put their elderly community members on rafts and floated them out to sea to die. These people had outlived their usefulness. Well, it seems that much of our society has outlived their usefulness before reaching elderly status.

    Shall we start with the pregnant 7th graders or the proud 8th grade Daddies? Or should we start with the students who require special helps because of their special needs? Maybe we should just figure out a way to get rid of everyone whose household income is less than $75,000 a year. Wouldn't THAT make the wealthy happy! Wow.

    Keep cutting education and screwing our children over. It's been working for so many who milk the systems and take care of their "families" along the way.

    Let the disadvantaged children just deal with their lot in life! Too damned bad for them. As long as "I" am okay, I don't give a rat's ass.

  50. I was educated to teach not be on a psych ward. IPS is a psych ward that forgot to give out the meds.....maybe this is caused by the special ed laws ...if too many children from one minority group are tested and identified for special education the school system will loose federal funds......mmmmm maybe that law creates the psych ward climate in IPS..... Oh and when a child is identified with a certain low IQ ...Low IQ is not the determining factor for placement in special ed.I feel sorry for the teacher and the normal kids wanting to learn. I cannot wait for the response to this law ......

  51. I say blame parents and students. Teachers cannot do it all. The first 5 years....most important and that is parent and student time together....Yes, blame the teacher too for those bad 5 years......everybody knows it but no one wants to admit it .....too hard and expensive to solve....and every kid will not pass ISTEP or go to college ...get real .....make all the chances available but do not get mad and blame the teachers for such failures....... all of us are not medical doctors or even got into medical school....are we failures ...Dr. White did not go to med school...he had the chance... according to the present thinking he would be a failure because he is not an MD...maybe he does blame a teacher ......

  52. Once again.... LOOSE and LOSE are different words!

  53. "I am one of the RIF teachers that have been let go till school is in session and then they come calling back..." "I am one of the RIF teachers WHO was let go until school was again in session and now I am being called back...." I am not trying to be the grammar police but the fact that 6th graders are not being taught by teachers who are able to write a coherent sentence may be one reason why they do not do well on standardized tests.

