Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Have You Heard

Dr. White is telling some staff that this is his last year. What have you heard?


  1. I just woke from a dream.


    Cite source, please.

  2. Long ago one of our uniserve directors told me he would leave when all the money was gone...looks like the money is almost gone. Lets see how much he can get rid of before he leaves...

  3. Guess which BRHS teacher lives with a drug dealer?

  4. New Board/Administration Operational Protocol
    Dr. Eugene G. White, Superintendent

    Due to increased concerns with miscommunications, unofficial public information reports to media entities and lack of respect for past Board/Administrative relationships, we are making the following operational changes:
    1. We will become a closed centralized operation district starting Monday, March 14, 2011. Up until now, we have decentralized our operations, but for security and integrity concerns we will now direct all Board Members requests through the Superintendent. If I am out of the Distinct, all concerns and requests must be directed to the Deputy Superintendent.
    • If Board Members make requests to building principals, teachers, support staff, or other school personnel, no response will be made until the request is reviewed by the Superintendent, Failure to follow this directive by any district employee is a primary act of insubordination and failure to follow an official operational directive.
    • If Board Members make requests to central office administration and/or support staff, the request must be directed to the Superintendent for approval. This is now the normal operative process.
    2. The administration cannot direct the action of individual School Board Members. However, I strongly urge all requests through the Board President and the Superintendent to increase of build greater accountability for requests and responses.
    3. This new centralized operational process is directed at reducing and/or eliminating surprises, We cannot have loose ends and undocumented activities at this time.
    4. Only the School Board President can engage the services of the School Board Attorney. All Board Members legal requests must go through the School Board President.

  5. I heard this from Dr. Johnson, and he will leave when Dr. Bennett takes over all of the schools.

  6. So he is not leaving until the last dog is dead.

    How does he live with himself?

  7. are you talking about the BRHS teacher who is married to a pharmacist?

  8. Nope, shacking up with a hard core drug dealer, like crack and weed. BRHS is a screwed up mess, I will be glad when the DOE takes them over this summer, and hires highly qualified staff instead of friends of Linda. Most will teachers will become susbstitutes for IPS and then RIF the next year.

  9. Man, I must be blind, deaf and dumb! I work-WORK- at Broad Ripple every day. I spend every moment engaged with the students, not only in my classes, but those who need help from others. It is the best IPS school I have taught at. Our students are better behaved than a lot of other IPS students because they know if they fight, get into too much trouble, miss too many days, fall below a 2.0--as a magnet school, they will be returned to their boundary school. I don't have time to spend gossiping about my colleagues,
    Furthermore, your statement that the state will take us over and we will become subs is no more than your wishfull thinking. Clearly, you are mad at someone or about something at Broad Ripple. Frankly, you probably don't even teach at BR.

  10. hope u don't teach English

  11. You have no problems with students at BHS because you ship any student that hiccups off to Tech.

  12. Check the news and DOE reports, BRHS is targeted, and a wonderful source in DOE tells me that they will take over BRHS this summer. For such a wonderful school you have no hard data to prove that point, BRHS is a failing school. Blunt and to the point, even the students you keep are failing and a 2.0 GPA is nothing, no state university will accept them.

  13. I am done with this blog FOREVER! You are destroying IPS from the outside with your negative, racists attitude. Now you are adding vulgar, teenage posts with filthy language. Hope you don't kiss your children with that mouth--GOODBYE!! You are not even professional anymore!

  14. Get serious, IPS is being destroyed but not by this blog. When Mr. Wilson retired from BRHS he said he'd been in hot water several times, but he said you can't get clean without hot water. IPS is so dirty it needs a good bath in really hot water.

    The corruption is on all levels, teachers who are merely going through the motions, and don't believe kids can learn and change. Mafias that function for the benefit of their members and not the benefit of kids and schools. And an administration that would put any of those ponzi scheme operators to shame with their manipulation of data, students lives, and teachers lives, to meet their objectives... objectives that have nothing what-so-ever to do with future student success.

    Shame on all of us. Now what are we going to do to fix things...certainly bringing things to light that have happened might be a start.

    I get a national newsletter and their was an article in the Washington Post about a principal who is suspended for allegedly altering students transcripts, funny but I know for a fact (have seen the grievance paper work) that a principal (in one of the mafias) did the same thing and his "punishment" was a quiet move to another school, and what about a certain senior administrator who altered attendance and grades for seventeen years and was moved to a higher position....get out the hot water, the lye soap and the scrub brush.

  15. IPS has become a dark, cruel landscape. Many good teachers - some of whom have worked in IPS for a long time - are being persecuted and crucified as I write this.

    How can children in a school district feel that they are in a safe, positive environment when there is so much meanness and cruelness coming from the top and trickling down? And the pathetic thing, a lot of the people who are doing the persecuting and crucifying call themselves "Christian" and go to church twice a week.

    Let me tell, your God isn't looking away when you go to your administrative and principal offices to plan and scheme how to persecute and crucify good people. He is looking right at YOU. And he hates what you are doing and He is disappointed in you for doing it.

    I have spent so many years of my life defending IPS in public and hoping and praying for IPS to prosper and survive.

    But now, I have to say I will never have another positive word to speak about IPS. In fact, just the opposite.

    Dr. White. I am not one who has made jokes about you or ridiculed you or spread gossip about you. I have always really wanted to be able to respect you.

    But it is time for you to move on.

  16. Please remember that IPS is more that the administration and their bad deeds, it is the innocent children trying to figure out their futures.

    Read some Kozol and get back in touch with why you began this trek into trying to help children. We really work for them and their futures...keep the faith...I know it is hokey but it was written by a Hoosier and I still take solace in it,
    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible without surrender
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
    they are vexatious to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain or bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs;
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals;
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love;
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
    it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.
    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.

  17. I repeat. For the good of the children and for the entire IPS dysfunctional family:

    Dr. White. I am not one who has made jokes about you or ridiculed you or spread gossip about you. I have always really wanted to be able to respect you.

    But it is time for you to move on.

  18. I prefer this version:

    Go placidly amid the noise and waste,
    And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof.
    Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep.
    Rotate your tires.
    Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself,
    And heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys.
    Know what to kiss, and when.
    Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do.
    Wherever possible, put people on hold.
    Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment,
    and despite the changing fortunes of time,
    There is always a big future in computer maintenance.

    Remember The Pueblo.
    Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate.
    Know yourself. If you need help, call the FBI.
    Exercise caution in your daily affairs,
    Especially with those persons closest to you -
    That lemon on your left, for instance.
    Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls
    Would scarcely get your feet wet.
    Fall not in love therefore. It will stick to your face.
    Gracefully surrender the things of youth: birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan.
    And let not the sands of time get in your lunch.
    Hire people with hooks.
    For a good time, call 606-4311. Ask for Ken.
    Take heart in the bedeepening gloom
    That your dog is finally getting enough cheese.
    And reflect that whatever fortune may be your lot,
    It could only be worse in Milwaukee.

    You are a fluke of the universe.
    You have no right to be here.
    And whether you can hear it or not,
    The universe is laughing behind your back.

    Therefore, make peace with your god,
    Whatever you perceive him to be - hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin.
    With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal,
    The world continues to deteriorate.
    Give up!

  19. Wow, I think I find more to be learned in the first. Don't let this pathetic district jade you to the love of life. Someone once told me if you don't have to go home and lay your head next to theirs, then they really don't matter. As with all things this power regime shall pass, I feel the toll and am not sure that I will outlast this power structure, but we do this for the children. Only you have to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and feel the pain or the joy with knowing what you have done.
    Someday a sad old black man will have to ask himself if his practices were worth the money and false friends that he made while taking out the youth of this city at the knees.

  20. Actually, I posted the second version in the hope it might bring back fond memories and a smile to a few people - I'm really not jaded at all :). The original audio recording is much better than reading the lyrics. That was National Lampoon's heyday - long before the likes of Tim Durham.
    From Wikipedia (yea, I know ... it's Wikipedia, but what the hey):

    '"Deteriorata" is a famous parody of San Francisco radio and television personality Les Crane's spoken word recording of Desiderata. It was written by Tony Hendra and recorded by National Lampoon as part of their National Lampoon Radio Dinner album of 1972.

    The parody earned a great deal of cultural significance and popularity as a frequent presentation on the Dr. Demento radio show. Les Crane himself admitted to preferring this version over his Grammy-winning recording of the original poem.

    Voiceover talent Norman Rose read the "poem" and then-little known Melissa Manchester was a background singer on the chorus section of the song. Christopher Guest wrote the music.

    Sorry this is off-topic, but after seeing the vulgarity on the main page, rules seem to be out the window.

  21. Oops - I meant to include this:

  22. Someday a sad old black man will have to ask himself if his practices were worth the money and false friends that he made while taking out the youth of this city at the knees.

    One can only hope that day will be March 25, 2011.

  23. "How can children in a school district feel that they are in a safe, positive environment when there is so much meanness and cruelness coming from the top and trickling down?"

    Re.: The comments that "it's all about the kids." Who has ever disputed that? But the above point tells how that the abusive, negative, cold-hearted tactics of the IPS administration factors directly into the educational and emotional well-being of the students of IPS.

  24. I am reminded of an old phrase that was posted on an office wall at an IPS high school. It goes like this:
    "We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing."
    Believe it or not, the man who put that slogan on his office was was a dedicated teacher, with great passion for his students, english, and the arts. He always thought of the slogan as a positive thing, and so do I. It does describe some of the circumstances that we find ourselves in. Despite the turnaround and threats from the state/DOE, please remember my fellow teachers that we do make a positive impact. Even if it seems that all we deal with are impossible and ungrateful people. Enjoy the spring break everyone, and remember we have about 41 more school days to make a positive impact.

  25. my bad, should have edited better... sorry grammar police

  26. Help Wanted: Proofreader for DOE publications. For crying out loud-at least get the spelling right in the headlines:

  27. Checked out the headline. Evidently the person who does the webpage suffers from my malady -- fingers faster on the keyboard than my brain can process. I forgive the person for transposing, can you?

  28. Rif list is out. It was e-mailed to principals @ 5:15pm on Friday, March 25th. This is around the same time that the 'displaced' vacancies list was e-mailed to everyone. And this, my friends, is how I found out that I'm being rif'd...my job was posted in an e-mail that was sent to everyone. Really?! Nice work, HR.

  29. How many rif's?

  30. Original list had 120. New list that was sent out last night had another 180. 300...real nice.

  31. Should be around 350 plus lots of classified staff at different schools, but none at the Education Center. Dr. White knows if you lose too much staff at the Education Center, the vending machine company will not keep the machines stocked with fresh items. Dr. White might lose a few pounds and have to eat old twinkies. I am a RIF teacher, going to collect my unemployment and finish up the masters degree.

  32. They should get rid of detention people ...especially @ the elementary level. That's a huge waste of $.

  33. Sad thing is if you get called back you will have to go or forfeit your unemployment and put your masters on hold. If you new this was coming you should have applied for a TA/RA and had your masters paid for and get insurance and some money for teaching at the college

    It will be interesting to see if the follow the FWCS plan and any turnaround school can go hire outside teachers before bringing back rif'ed teachers

    Were the rif'ed teachers new teachers or what was the year up to riffing? FWCS rif'ed according to certification and got rid of a lot of SS and PE teachers and then hired outsiders eliminating older teachers/salaries

  34. No they should get rid of
    #1 Dr. White's perqs. He doesn't need nearly $1000 a month for a car and clothes. He makes 4 times what teachers make and we all pay for our own clothes and car.
    #2. Directors
    #3. 1/3 of the people at the ed center.

    Then loook at teachers. Increasing class size by eliminating positons DOES NOT/WILL NOT make scores go up.

  35. Lots of 5yr. teachers were rif'd....well, 4yrs of experience, this is our 5th in ips.

  36. "If you new this was coming you should have applied for a TA/RA and had your masters paid for and get insurance and some money for teaching at the college."

    Can you explain all of this for those of us who don't know anything about a "TA/RA" with insurance and money for teaching at a college?


  37. Check with Purdue and IU. We have kids who have done this. The problem now is that it is probably too late for next fall. It is competitive and goes early, but your teaching experience will get you in before those without as it did my daughter. Check with those colleges and they will explain the application process after you are accepted into the masters' program.
    As a TA you will teach two classes a semester for two years while you work on your masters. As an RA you will live in a free apartment in a dorm and oversee the student RA's in that building. RA's don't teach they oversee living.
    Both are great programs. I think as an RA you don't get a paycheck, in return free living and meal plan, but if you have your own home then the TA program is a better option

  38. Professional Compensation for Educators
    By Dale Chu, IDOE's Assistnat Superintendent for Policy

    Yes, it's a typo, but it went to all teachers in the state. I think it should have been proofed. They don't give us any breathing room.

  39. True true
    Someone sits at a computer and could have taken the time to proof read their writing. Teachers are dealing with hundreds of students from different backgrounds and issues and their futures are depending on students who may or may not care if they are getting an education.

    Cute story--years ago a football coach was talking about his team. It can be related to the day by day lives of every teacher.

    Talking about pregame talk between coach and players--Well, before we could get to the game plan we had to deal with (names have been changed) Tommy's upset because dad text and couldn't make the game, Bobby's girlfriend broke up with him today, Joe has a stomach ache, Richey had a fight with his mom before school and is trying to call her. These were simpler problems compared to Bob who is changing foster homes this weekend, Jack who is worried about his dad in prison, Mike whose mother hasn't been home in two days and is worried about her and hey lets not forget Al who just isn't feelin' it today.

    Welcome to our world of education, teaching and coaching and until Govenor Daniels, Tony Bennett or the general public has a clue in our daily dealings--well you know what I am thinking

  40. Total RIF'd: 277.9
    Elementary: 92
    Secondary Core: 73
    Special Area: 57.9
    Special Education: 55

  41. This is off the topic, but does anyone out there know what happened to Greg Allen?

  42. Is there any way to find out if we are on the rift list before the letters are mailed out? It sounds like some of you already know. It will be a long spring break wondering.

  43. Call or email your principal...u will get a certified letter by april 1st

  44. If your position is posted on the list of jobs available to the displaced teachers, then assume that you are on the RIF list. Right?

  45. what is a .9 teacher?

  46. Probably a combination of .5 and .4 teacher.

  47. what is a is "rift list?" rift? really?

  48. "If your position is posted on the list of jobs available to the displaced teachers, then assume that you are on the RIF list. Right?"

    Not necessarily, some principals moved around people at the grade levels (elementary) and some had to had positions based on enrollment for next year. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that teachers are being called back. Some schools lost positions so those teachers are displaced. Also, some coaches are being displaced and will need to be placed in schools. Does that make sense?

  49. oops...In the first sentence I meant that some schools to cut positions. Should have proofread..I'm sorry.

  50. The .9 means it's not a full time position, but you would get benefits, but shorted in full time pay.

  51. Each day is .2 so .9 is four and a half day week,
    .8 is four days per week, etc. It generally applies to Art, Music, and PE teachers and high school teachers who teach less than a full day...and job share teachers

  52. How does one go about doing a job share position? I would love to job share.

  53. Job share-erMarch 27, 2011

    To job share you need to find a person who isn't too fond of money and would like more free time. If you job share you get credit for a full year of teaching for your TRF. You make 1/2 your salary and you can still get full benefits you just pay WAAAY more for them. I think I pay about 55% of the total cost. It's over $300 a pay for family coverage on the HMO. If you go non-HMO it's over $1000, I think you have pay them. :)

    You can download the proposal. It has to be in by May 1st so if you are interested start talking to your friends and/or send out mass e-mails.

  54. .2 has nothing to do with the days of the week. It is a porportional part of the school day. There is no .9 teacher. A loss of .9 could reflect a loss of a .5 and 2 teachers who were .4 or any combination thereof.

  55. Does anyone even care what happened to Greg Allen?

  56. What DID happen to Greg Allen?

  57. Who is Greg Allen?

  58. Greg Allen is the past principal at Broadripple, about 8 years ago or so, who was a good guy but not a standout leader. He was sent to Arlington to "clean the place up" which he could not do. He was fired early in the year. It was a set up.

  59. He wasn't sent to Arlington to clean up, he was sent there after he changed grades and graduated a group of students who failed senior English. The teacher (now deceased) filed a grievance or complaint and when he was told to product the finals that he had re-graded showing that she had graded them incorrectly he did not have the original finals, only Xeroxed copied, he lost the grievance.

    In other districts he would have been fired for this alone. In IPS it made him an asset to Dr. White, much like Giles and many others, people who are owned by Dr. White. When he couldn't do Dr. White's bidding at Arlington he was not fired but once again reassigned, and at that point he resigned.

  60. I wonder if Raphael Sanchez (we know Tully won't) would be willing to do an expose on hiring people outside of IPS during a RIF. We did it with Basil Mawby, and rumor has it we are about to do it again.

  61. We should check into that...bc we are finding out that there are errors all over the place with this point system that they are using for the 3-5 yr. teachers.

  62. What is this point system? Isn't it all by seniority? Are you saying a 3 year teacher with more points is keeping a job over a 5 year teacher with fewer points? Who gives the points?

  63. 2 5yr teachers got a rif letter Friday, but a 3 year teacher did not!!!! HR said this system was union approved. I was shocked. There is no way to ensure that principals are not showing favoritism or retaliation. Why isn't this process transparent for all to understand??? This is wrong!

