Thursday, July 21, 2011

This the End

IPS B.S. has been away for a while because we are getting ready to wind down. The main writer has taken another position in another school district. They will miss the teachers, but not the administration. The only satisfaction we will get from leaving is that Eugene White and the bobblehead board are going to lose the schools they have run into the ground. Thanks for the memories. This blog officially shuts down on Labor Day.


  1. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Someone else must pick up the ball here. This blog has served the purpose of airing IPS's dirty secrets, sadly nothing has been done about them.
    1. Decisions made not in the best interest of students, families, and the community.
    2. Educationally unsound policies
    3. People who have their own best interest at heart, and function with in the mafia system.
    4. Nepotism
    5. Money spent on foolish programs often run by friends of friends.

  2. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    You forgot the ruby slippers.

    Bye bye, BS.

  3. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    That is truly a shame. Someone needs to continue this blog, even though IPS-BS has left us. !

  4. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    "This blog has served the purpose of airing IPS's dirty secrets.."

    You had some poor word choice in there. Let me fix that for you.

    "This blog has served the purpose of spreading rumor and hearsay with only the rare inclusion of fact or truthful basis."

    That's much better.

  5. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    I have found a lot of important information from this website. As in other journal writings, there is garbage, but when weeded is very informational. Please find someone to carry on this valuable site.

  6. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    I would guess that several folks (downtown) are heaving big sighs of relief at getting this "monkey off their back"; I believe we do need to have a way to explore and discuss what is happening in IPS and trust one another to attempt to be fair and truthful in what is shared as it seems to be a way to also seek out the facts in the responses.

  7. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Best wishes to the Blogmeister,

    I'm not a teacher, but I know a lot of teachers used this blog to vent and reduce their blood pressure and anxiety medications (smile).

    As a close friend of a teacher, I know that much important information circulated here went beyond the venting and debating.

    It would be nice if IPS teachers could have some kind of vehicle in the future that's more focused about spreading important information and communicating and less about arguing and debating one another. From the times I have read here, it seems like many questions teachers have about information that is important to them does not get many (if any) responses.

    Well, as an outsider, I'll just close here and again wish the blog person well and a happier teaching career in the future.

  8. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    There are thousands of IPS teachers. It's unrealistic to think there could be an anonymous forum for teachers that is also open to the general public, and not have any debate, discussion, or disagreement. Especially with some of the gossip and outright lies that people have tried to post here as fact. Teachers get a bad enough rap without fools posting nonsense on here and then pretending that's what all teachers think and feel. Still, I personally have gained knowledge from some of the debates and discussions, so for that reason, I'm sorry to see the blog go.

  9. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    I'm truly sorry that the blog will close on September 1. Of course, there have been a lot of undocumented complaints and gripes; however, there also have been a large number of valid issues exposed and shared on this forum.

    Shining the light upon the valid issues within IPS has far outweighed the mention of undocumented gripes and the basic run-of-the-mill gossip. Personally, I would like to believe there's another IPS employee who's willing and capable of picking of the baton and maintaining this blog.

  10. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    I'm quite sure that someone out there will create a new one and get the word out. There is no way that we will make it through the coming school year without the opportunity for venting.

  11. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Why? Are all the teachers' lounges going to close?

  12. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Dear Blogmathter,

    Theriouthly, we will all mith your courage and thintherity in the cruthade to dithplay the emperor without hith clothteth.

    Thankth for your dedicathion and devotion in thith endeavor. Betht of luck in your new thcool.

  13. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    While this blog is still up....
    Does anyone know what is going on with the health insurance? I see the union has been having informational meetings on this, but didn't find out about them until they were over. I figure the news is going to be bad about this - teachers paying more for less, IPS cutting its contributions, etc. Would appreciate it if anyone can share what they know.

  14. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Well, the Broad Ripple broad that keeps telling me that DOE will not take over her wonderful failing school that is being ran by soneone with some serious addictions. Guess what you are being taken over and all of the teachers will be fired as DOE knows that most are nothing but friends of Linda, and would create problems with the new administration. Better look for a new job at a Charter school making $35,000 a year with 30 years experience? This DOE knows for certain, can't wait to hand you your pink slip, it will be in as you are headed out the door. The sad part is you called yourself a teacher, hand picked students, you sent away over 400 students to other IPS schools, and you are still a group of losers, with you Queen Bee eating and drinking herself to death? Toxic school.

  15. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    As I read the title I thought it in reference to the morning news across the state that most of the Indy schools on probation did not get off and the state will be stepping in. Not sure what is going to happen but rumors are that it won't be pretty. I guess IPS will need to go to Ft. Wayne/South Bend/Hammond and see what they did to improve.

  16. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    "I guess IPS will need to go to Ft. Wayne/South Bend/Hammond and see what they did to improve."

    Or how they weren't caught cheating?? The answer to high stakes testing when parents and students are NOT held accountable yet schools ARE.

  17. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    "This blog has served the purpose of airing IPS's dirty secrets.."

    Funny how NOW that the state has taken over schools and handed them to their for-profit entities that bought them votes that the blog closes. No need to criticize the NEW management?? I always thought this blog was created just to over throw the teachers union, Dr. White and the School Board. It had NOTHING to do with IPS kids and rarely criticized the state DOE or their for-profit joke schools. Their agenda accomplished what they started out to do. Good riddance. We were duped by you guys.

  18. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    I highly doubt that many schools "cheated" but nice try.
    Bottom line is that White butted heads and went on his own agenda instead of helping teachers

  19. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    What are you talking about? Most of the posts here are pro-union and anti-reform? There are only a few people who post here who are happy about the takeover. I happen to be one of them, but I'm definitely in the minority here. The fact that this blog is closing confirms my suspicion that the blogmaster is an unhappy teacher from Tech who is retiring this year. Between the takeover, her retirement, and the people who are protest the awful things she posts (personal attacks and rumors, racist jokes, mocking handicaps and family tragedies, exploiting child violence, etc.) this place is just no fun for her anymore.

  20. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    What makes you think that pro union and anti reform are opposite ends of a scale...most teachers see the need for REAL REFORM and REAL IMPROVEMENT....Most teachers do not want incompetent colleagues working with kids, but it is not their job to do anything about it...that belongs to administration. And until something happens to clean up IPS administration and get the corrupt, self serving, mafia involved folks out the door we have to have a union to protect the teachers from capricious and inane administrators.

  21. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    You HAVE a teacher's lounge? Ours can seat about 3 people. I would also like to know about the insurance.

  22. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    At least after September I won't have to listen to the person who hates the principal at Broad Ripple make her comments anymore.

  23. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Basically: Insurance is going up, coverage is going down. Oh and if your spouse has insurance they will no long cover them (maybe).

  24. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    "At least after September I won't have to listen to the person who hates the principal at Broad Ripple make her comments anymore."

    Why did she get rid of 75% of her faculty and staff? She is a female version of Dr. White, He is the Emperor with the new clothes, and she is the Naked Queen, who surrounds herself with people who don't mention that the bare butt. She has her own Willie Giles, baby Stan, her own Jane Kendrick, Tuttle...and quite a few other people who would eat dirt if she asked them to...and she also manages to be involved in nepotism...what is with hiring baby Stan's unqualified brother? Oh that's right he is related to Stan. Parents start showing up and spending some time at Ripple...not a good place where the queen makes all the decisions...with only the counsel of her trusted and incompetent staff. And with that I think I'll sit back and have several double vodkas and grapefruit juices.

  25. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    "The sad part is you called yourself a teacher, hand picked students, you sent away over 400 students to other IPS schools, and you are still a group of losers, with you Queen Bee eating and drinking herself to death? Toxic school."
    Something tells me that OUR WONDERFUL Principal Linda Davis must have FIRED you! So sad about your luck. Broad Ripple is STILL AN AWESOME SCHOOL with a WONDERFUL Principal and EXCELLENT Teachers! We will make it!!!

  26. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    To: "At least after September I won't have to listen to the person who hates the principal at Broad Ripple make her comments anymore."

    Hey, I hate that person, and I've never posted anything on here about her at all! I'm sure there are more than just a couple of people who are sick of the toxic environment at that school. I know teachers from there who are welcoming a takeover hoping that "she" will be gone. She harms children, people. Period. She should have been fired two years ago when she was consistently showing up at school functions after drinking. Those functions ranged from Monday mornings to graduation meetings to the infamous Homecoming non-crowning.
    The things she does are harmful to IPS students. It's not anything as personal as "hating her".
    It's about the students and hating what she does to them through her actions. She is a toxic presence in the school.

  27. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    "Principal Linda Davis must have FIRED you!"

    Nope, Linda Davis transferred her to Tech, and the teacher put up this blog as revenge.

  28. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Linda Davis didn't fire anyone, in order to fire someone (prior to the new legislation) she would have had to leave her office and document a teacher's performance. She has no idea what any of the teachers at Ripple are doing, good, bad or indifferent. The only thing she did do was conduct farsical interviews where the decisions had been made before the applicants walked in the door. Is this really anyway to run a school?

  29. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011

    "The only thing she did do was conduct farsical interviews where the decisions had been made before the applicants walked in the door"

    I had that feeling later on. I interviewed in Dec. 2008. It was the best interview I felt I had done in 30+ years; people on the interview committee were smiling and nodding, I answered their questions well, anticipated several, had a killer portfolio of art work and vitae, and was able to teach acros the curriculum in several areas including core content. Nada was what what I got. Yeah, I think the outcome was already decided.

  30. I guess I'm kinda dumb about blogs, but I don't understand why this has to stop because someone is going to a different school system. Can't the person moving still post questions for us to discuss? Can't it just stay open and anyone post a question? Like I said, I'm kinda dumb about blogs.

