Friday, July 29, 2011

He Said What? Again?!

Did you hear Dr. White was complaining about the salaries of some of the state's University Presidents? He says he works much harder than them and should be paid more. Stop laughing, he was serious.


  1. AnonymousJuly 29, 2011

    He does work harder than every single one of them. Looking that cheesy, that arrogant, that ignorant takes a lot of hard work.

  2. AnonymousJuly 29, 2011

    Is this the starting bullet to demanding a raise! Will he threaten to leave unless given their same wages like he did when football was almost kept at Washington, Manual, and Marshall?

    He needs to focus on the system. I don't see teachers getting a raise they are the frontline personnel working! They deserve a contract and raise long before him in my opinion. Ohter than parochial and charter teachers they are the bottom of pay barrel in Marion County and the IPS teacher benefit from the contract I read online is a joke!

    Guess, IPS wants its employees to live in poverty just like most of the students.

    Dr. White deserves nothing until the educators get a raise. (again JMO)

    But hey I am not one the downtown administrators listen too. I am only a parent!

  3. AnonymousJuly 29, 2011

    He was speaking at a hearing in which law makers are discussing putting a cap on Superintendents pay! Possibly around the pay of our governor.

    This would mean that Dr. White and other local Supers (along with many at the Ed center) would be getting pay cuts. Actually thinking this would be good legislation. I would tell my representatives to vote for or I would vote for if on a ballot.

    That extra money could be sent to the classroom.

  4. AnonymousJuly 29, 2011

    White is overweight and overpaid.

  5. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Was he wearing his red Gucci slippers? The huge rings, two hundred tie, and tight suit? I love that man, he makes me feel warm all over thinking about how he, Busch, and Brown has led IPS into the Valley of the Shadows with their vast wisdom and experience.

  6. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    So very glad this blog's day are numbered.

  7. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Naa, it's always been good for laughs now and then. I'll miss it,(sorta)

  8. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Hey, So very glad...

    Here's a novel idea for ya: If you hate this blog so much, STAY OFF OF IT. It has been good for a lot of reasons. Some have abused it, but there are idiots in every walk of life. Deal with it.

    For the most part, the blog has been a great source of information. Us smarty-pants people check out that information before we take it to the bank. You should try that out. It works.

    So, "numbered"... Shut your whining little mouth and let the rest of us enjoy this for the next few weeks.

    Have a nice day.

  9. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    I love the way Bennett sent a rep to the hearing to say Bennett doesn't agree with a cap. Well of course he doesn't because as soon as he is voted out of office he has to go find a job and he doesn't want lowered pay

  10. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    I never said I hated this blog. Scroll back up and read it again. Your readin' comprehension skills are seriously lacking. Dumb ass.

  11. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Ahh, but one can easily infer (look it up, Honeybun) that you dislike the blog if you are "...glad that this blog's days are numbered." Logic tells me that any resonable person would be, at the very least, dismayed to discover that something they liked was about to die.

    It is interesting that your vocabulary is so limited that you must resort to name-calling. I could do that also, but I find it rather boring to engage in a battle of wits with someone who is only half armed.

    Blog on, Wayne!

  12. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    You just wanna parse words, don't you? Inferences are like assholes. Everybody has one.

    I could have as easily said, "I hope your days are numbered, honeybun." Would you suggest/infer that I dislike you, an anonymous troll, er coward, whom I don't even know and care even less about?

    Listen, honeynut, you threw down this gauntlet with your origial snark to my original post above. See how that works?

    And trust: My vocab is extensive, I just choose not to exercise it on the likes of folk like you.

    Get it? Got it? Good!

  13. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    Not to change the subject (however, it does have something to do with Dr. White)...
    Has anyone heard what his plans are if this heat continues? I, thankfully, work in an air conditioned building but I realize there are many buildings that aren't so lucky.

  14. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I haven't heard about contingency plans for the heat, but was wondering the same thing myself. Next weekend, as of today, is forecasting storms and a high of 88. Translation: HOT AND STEAMY! It is too dangerous for students and staff to be in this heat. However, I did hear one teacher last week say that a window unit had been installed in her room.

  15. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    Get over the Dr. White stuff....You all work for Mitch and Tony now. That why this blog ceases in September.

  16. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I agree that it will be way too hot for those without air! If someone is getting a window unit, that's good. I wonder if the district can afford to give everyone one, though. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.....

  17. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I have never had quite as much fun baiting an idiot as I have had with "You just wanna parse words..." from above.

    One can virtually see the steam coming from the little half-wit's ears.

    You, little one, are just too easy!

    Thanks for the laughs. I needed that.

  18. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    Thanks for playing, Abdrool!

  19. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    "origial snark"


    This one has the ability to use the word "parse" correctly, but doesn't check spelling.

    Read message twice, hit "Post Comment" once. That's why there's an option to edit one's message.

  20. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I'm sure we're all relieved that Peyton Manning will be making 90 MILLION DOLLARS over the next 5 what about the IPS teachers? Does anybody care about us?

  21. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    Yea- We want a culture/economy/political system that equally distributes between you and Peyton Manning.These are the teachers working in IPS? Scary!!!

  22. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I believe that this might fall on deaf ears, but here goes. While you could knock the performance of any of the Marion County superintendents, a cap on salaries would be horrific. The fact of the matter is our region has to be competitive with other areas. Our Superintendent is not out of sync with averages from the Midwest or the nation. A cap on compensation would effectively kill our ability to be competitive when looking for the gifted educators we need to lead our systems.

    Now, this is no justification for paying inept people a reasonable salary, given their position. The answer, then, is not to cap salaries, but to terminate the people who are undeserving of the wages we pay (no matter who they serve). The superintendancy should be about people, not politics.

    The legislature should think twice about capping superintendent pay and placing us in a poor position to recruit the people we need to address our problems (after we get the courage to throw out the people who have failed to do so).

  23. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I actually agree with that 100%. I have no issue with competent superintendents making what White makes. I have an issue with White making what White makes.

  24. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    @yea- You are obviously a moron. Never was anything posted about teachers making what the NFL pays. I was merely pointing out the inequities of our country/state/city when the millionairs of the NFL needing a contract overshadows the fact that the teachers of IPS have worked without a contract for the entire last year and are starting this year without one.

    We need a contract. Especially with all these new laws that our glorious legislators bestowed upon us.

  25. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I believe that that the Lord God will bless us with a new Superintendent within 10 months.

    Of course, I believe this because White will jump ship as soon as he can while saving face to the best of his ability.

    To "@yea- You are obviously a moron.." Please, please, please (!) quit being so rude. Please. Let people talk.

  26. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    To "@ yea..."
    Yes, we do need a contract, but because of the "new laws that our glorious legislators bestowed upon us," we will not get any kind of a good one. Your ISTA/IEA has been trying to make this happen for over a year. IPS, however, recognized a while ago that they would not have to negotiate if they just waited it out. They did just that, and now our bargaining team is trying their best.

    Please support them.

  27. >>Get over the Dr. White stuff....You all work for Mitch and Tony now. That why this blog ceases in September. <<

    The reason this blog is ceasing is due to the blogmaster having left IPS and going to another school system.

  28. I went to the Save our Schools Rally in DC this past weekend...where was IEA? The rally was fabulous, best speaker John Kuhn, Superintendent of Perrin Whitt Schools,
    other great speakers Jonathan Kozol and Diane Radavitch. Main point, what we are being blamed for is really a problem of poverty.

    Funniest speaker John Stewart

  29. We drove and it was a bear, a long hot trip, and DC is really hot, as long as we are here it is off to the Smithsonian. Matt Damon, however flew cross country, probably because his mother, a teacher, made him....

  30. There's an editoral by Dr. White in the Star today. I didn't know there were so many wonderful inovative choices in IPS. Something for everyone, wow!

  31. What are the changes to insurance? I didn't attend the information sessions. :(

  32. Insurance cost is increasing about 2.5%. Everyone who works for IPS is in one group.
    copays go up from 20/30 to 30/45
    lab work and tests get covered at 80% ONCE you meet the deductible.

  33. >>Get over the Dr. White stuff....You all work for Mitch and Tony now. That why this blog ceases in September. <<

    "The reason this blog is ceasing is due to the blogmaster having left IPS and going to another school system."

    That will be the NEXT school system taken over by Mitch and Tony. Hmmmm.

  34. AAh-ha! I think I know who runs this blog. You work-or use to work-at Broad Ripple. You DO NOT teach English, you teach Math,right? You are going to Ben Davis.

  35. Nope, Warren Central.

  36. SO then you are already at work.

    another ips deserter....

  37. You just can't win. No matter what you say, someone has to rain on your parade. ______ insert deity of your choice, bless America.

  38. Go to the meetings! Your Association Reps are trying to keep you informed. If you cannot go to a one hour meeting to find out what is happening, then do NOT complain when you get screwed over. The stuff posted above is NOT necessarily true. The IEA wants to know what we ALL want before they make any decisions about insurance plans. And there will be choices.

    This is an association of professionals. It is NOT a hired few representatives. You need to be active and involved. PLEASE go to meetings, ask questions, contact your IEA rep from your building, and if you don't get answers, call the ISTA!

    Now, more than ever, folks.

  39. I have not received any info about the opening of school meeting with Emperor White. Is it possible that the Eugene White Dog and Pony Show with some new ugly magic slippers of his has been cancelled or never scheduled??

  40. The Jesus talk is at wonderful Arlington this year. Seems like El Genie is opting for a RIF of a different kind.

  41. There are 2 choices with insurance. The HMO we had last year with a slight reduction in coverage, and an increase in cost. $750 deductible with 80% coverage, co-pays going up, precription costs going us.

    Then there is a high deductible one with an individual deductible of $2500 but then everything is covered 100%.
    Kinda leaning this way myself....

  42. Do all the schools have air conditioning?

  43. Nope. Even the newer ones have "chillers", so the upstairs rooms still reach the upper eighties.

  44. Powerful blog entry from Education Week

  45. "There are 2 choices with insurance."

    The first choice is bad for people with family coverage. The second choice is much worse. The second choice would represent an immediate pay cut of multiple thousands of dollars for teachers who pay for family coverage.
    Like someone else said, looks like many veteran IPS teachers are headed to poverty. Not everyone has a husband or wife who is working and carries insurance.

  46. Family maximum deductible is (I think)like 1500.
    If you have a chronic illness with medicines that cost over $30,000 a year $2500 doesn't look too bad. 20% of $3300 a month is still a heck of a lot.

    No matter what we are all going to pay more for health care.

  47. Make your union BARGAIN for this! They are taking what IPS is offering and handing it to you as if it is the only option. That is not the case. We still have the right to bargain benefits. BARGAIN is the key word here. Make them bargain Board Contribution so that we don't have our benefits reduced so dramatically. Don't be compliant with this, please! Raise some hell with the IEA. Phone calls, e-mails. All make a huge difference. Make some noise on this blog at least! We should not have to pay for the increase that is benefitting other IPS employees. Speak up, please.

  48. The IEA union's communication with teachers is absolutely horrible. The last newsletter on its website is last May. I didn't see anything about the health insurance meetings on the union website until after they were over. If I have to pay a huge amount more for family coverage health insurance, then I will be leaving this union that I have been a member of for decades.
    The money I will save on union dues will go towards paying the increase in health insurance costs! Previous poster, how is that for speaking up?

  49. If true I have an option. Not to take IPS health insurance.

    In my case my wife's work has better insurance and no out of pocket to meet. Cost a heck of a lot less. Have been staying with IPS trying to help others (more in better benefits). Problem is that it is not happening. Not going to financially hurt my family.

    So, IPS health insurance will be a thing of the past if this happens. Will jump ship ASAP!

  50. Funny thing, this might have never happened, if IPS would have listened to FWCS. White, when at Wayne H.S., wanted to be superintendent. They said NO, so he went packing for Indy. Sadly, we got Robinson - no better, just better students.

  51. Why r sup

