Monday, December 20, 2010

Did You Get a "Thank You"?

IPS' graduation rates are up. Did anyone thank you for your hard work?


  1. Credit and blame are two sides to the same sword. I don't give any credit for success to anyone who doesn't take part of the blame for failures. Many, many teachers, parents, are helping to improve IPS. They're not the ones who cry "teacher bashing" every time someone mentions the power of good teachers.

  2. You have missed the point. When Eugene or Tony Bennett get on one of their teacher bashing tirades, they indict all teachers. We all know that there are teachers not doing a good job. It is the job of the administration to either assist those teachers or get rid of them. There is a clear cut procedure to do so which was agreed to by both IPS Board of School Commissioners and the IEA. Neither want bad teachers. In the meantime, Eugene and Bennett need to quit using all of us as whipping horses for the problems of IPS. After all, there are good superintendents and bad superindents. To judge all superintendents by the miserable performance of Eugene White would be wrong.

  3. Although I don't work at a high school, our principal gave a huge "Thank you!" and acknowledgment to our staff for making AYP. She stated that it took EVERYONE and that included our custodial staff, cafeteria staff, campus police, support staff along with the teachers and administrators to support our students. Yes, I do know how fortunate I am for working in such a wonderfully supportive environment.

  4. That principal must be one in a million. She/he is right. The support staff is essential in this process also. Students need clean classrooms, functioning equipment, lunches and lots of other services provided by support staff. Too bad that Eugene White's ego will never let him acknowledge that this is a team effort and every member of the team is important. Let him keep his $5000 bonus he earned off our hard work. His day will come.

  5. I am thanked every day when I know I have influenced a young person to become a productive citizen or that I have otherwise influenced a young person's life positively. I love my job and would do it for free if I could afford it.

  6. I have former students write on my wall of my FaceBook accoun,t that I never opened about their lives after high school. I had three students this year call me to ask some advice about school and finaces. One wanted me to know that she is only six credits short and will graduate this year. She is signed up for Ivy Tech College and she tells me that I have influenced her so much to be sucessful, one step at a time.

  7. I hope she does not ask for advice on spelling.

  8. Oops, the Spelling Police are on patrol and always putting someone down, instead of just listening!

  9. Do you accept that from your students when they turn in essays????

  10. Snip, snip, essays are different! It's a formal paper for formal assessment. For some reason I have the feeling that you are a understanding and caring teacher? Who would use positive reinforcement daily in her classroom? Now take your whole afternoon and look for the mistakes in this message. A blog is informal and I was typing on a Blackberry.

  11. I have former students write on my wall of my FaceBook accoun,t that I never opened about their lives after high school.

    What exactly does "that I never opened" mean?
    Someone else opened the facebook account for you, or you never opened the posts? And if you never opened posts how do you know what they are saying?

    I have many current students that send me friend requests on Facebook. My personal policy is not to friend anyone until they became past students.

    Anyone have thoughts on that matter?

  12. I agree, once they are left the school system

  13. is acceptable to appear stupid when using a blackberry on a blog.

  14. Stupid is as stupid writes, as stupid types, as stupid speaks, as stupid thinks. Excuses are excuses, and if you speak or write incorrectly, people will perceive you as ignorant regardless of how intelligent you think you are.

  15. Once again, only six comments into the topic and folks are off topic and into personal attacks.
    Why can't we stay on topic and have meaningful dialogue ?

  16. We are role models both in formal and informal speaking and writing. If we are careless then that sends a message to our students. I think we need to always be aware of that.

  17. If Manual is any guide, the new state graduation rates should be eyed with hardy skepticism. Either that, or I spent an entire school year at Manual and missed a remarkable turnaround.

    The Southside school isn't alone in reporting tremendous advancement. The question is whether the improvements at so many struggling schools are as grand as portrayed. For answers, look at data the state released this week.

    Relying on IPS reports, the state says Manual's graduation rate increased from 39 percent in 2008 to 44 percent in 2009 and to 60 percent this year.

    Along the way, though, the number of actual four-year graduates declined -- from 142 in 2008 to 119 in 2009 and then to just 113 this year.

    Two factors seem to best explain how the rates are calculated. First, there is a wide gap in the number of students enrolled as freshmen and the number who are counted as members of the freshmen class. A state official said that is because many students are classified as freshmen even though they have been in high school a previous year.

    So although the Manual class of 2010 started on paper with 490 freshmen in 2006, only 360 of those students counted when the school began to calculate its graduation rate.

    Second, schools work hard to compile lists of students who leave early for officially valid reasons. There's good reason for that, as each student placed on the list bumps up a school's graduation rate because it lowers the overall number of students in a class.

    Some students are put on the lists because they transferred to a charter, private or different district school. But a growing number of students in recent years have been placed on the lists because they said they were being home-schooled, a claim made easier by the state's lax rules. Manual listed 172 students in the class of 2010 who left for supposedly valid reasons -- a number that has increased sharply in the past two years even as enrollment has declined.

    As a result, Manual had to claim only 188 students as potential members of the class of 2010. So even a paltry graduating class of 113 resulted in a graduation rate of 60 percent. That's an astonishing number in a school where only 25 percent of students passed both math and English assessments last year.

    And consider this: If you add back in only the students who reported they were being home-schooled, Manual's graduation rate drops below 50 percent. Meanwhile, of this year's 113 graduates, nearly 20 percent received a waiver, meaning they were allowed to graduate even though they failed to meet state guidelines.

    IPS School Board President Elizabeth Gore said the district was happy with the new statistics, which she says provide a much-needed dose of hope to students. But she couldn't explain how the skyrocketing graduation rate meshed with other, apparently contradictory numbers.

    "I hear what you're saying," she said. "I don't have an answer."

    It's important to note that inspiring efforts are being taken in Marion County to help more students graduate, and a number of programs are clearly having an impact.

    But math has long been a problem for Indiana schools. For years, graduation rates were based on ridiculous methods of calculation that suggested even the state's worst schools graduated nearly all of their students.

    And each year, many schools go through a sham process to boost enrollment figures, working hard to get students to attend early in the year when state funding is determined but not putting nearly as much effort into getting them to school later in the year.

    There have long been doubts about attendance rates, graduation rates and enrollment figures in some districts.

    Those doubts continue.

  18. Mathew Tully reveals the smoke and mirrors of IPS turn around in graduation rates....|newswell|text||p

    Eugene needs to return the $5000.00

  19. "Meanwhile, of this year's 113 graduates, nearly 20 percent received a waiver, meaning they were allowed to graduate even though they failed to meet state guidelines.

    IPS School Board President Elizabeth Gore said the district was happy with the new statistics, which she says provide a much-needed dose of hope to students. But she couldn't explain how the skyrocketing graduation rate meshed with other, apparently contradictory numbers.

    "I hear what you're saying," she said. "I don't have an answer."

    Board Member Gore's lack knowledge concerning how double digit graduation increases appeared is troublesome. If nothing else, she should have been briefed more extensively so that when questioned, she'd have a ready answer.

  20. Elizabeth Gore has not understood one thing since she began her term on the board. She lied to the staff, parents and students of School #48. She will not be reelectd. She is a simple puppet of Eugene White.

  21. Quote from Elizabeth Gore ---
    "IPS School Board President Elizabeth Gore said the district was happy with the new statistics, which she says provide a much-needed dose of hope to students."

    I'd really like to believe that double digit increases in graduation rates are reliable and not the result of someone's cooking the statistics or over-granting GQE waivers. Mrs. Gore's statement that regardless higher graduation scores provide a 'dose of hope' is indicative of a major problem within IPS. Kids don't need 'hope' based on faulty premises; they've had enough 'hope' thrown at them for years...the only thing that builds true and lasting self-esteem for anyone is earning something through individual effort and hard work.

  22. You may not get everything you work for, but you must work for everything you get.
    Frederick Douglass

  23. "Stupid is as stupid writes, as stupid types, as stupid speaks, as stupid thinks. Excuses are excuses, and if you speak or write incorrectly, people will perceive you as ignorant regardless of how intelligent you think you are. "

    I was not the person you were speeking too. I would like to point out that people such as Sean Connery, George Patton, IKE, Einstein, and many others had/have learning disabilities. They do not/did not write well with out the help of others. Did that cause them to be poor in their fields.

    Remember not all teachers are English teachers or Math Teachers. They know there content even though they may have poor grammar and spelling.

    Educated is about the content area you chose to specialize in. Some people (even myself) know their limitations and problems. I know my grammar and spelling are poor. I tell students (and parents) it is about the content area (SCIENCES). I do say though, if I spot something that they must be really bad and need to work harder. They still get their grade based on the SCIENCE not on the english. I let do not deduct on someone else's content. They pass on their knowledge of Biology, Earth Science, and Chemestry not English.

    Again, just wanted to throw my two cents in even though this was ment for someone else.

  24. To the above poster; I do believe that we need to make accommodations for learning differences, but surely you do not mean that a teacher of Science should not have to be able to spell words such as "speaking", "meant" and Chemistry?

    You are joking, right?

  25. There is word that general education teachers at IPS will have to get licensed as special education teachers. They will be put on limited license status and will be gone if they do not meet annual and third year requirements. This will cut costs significantly. Hope it is not true, but may be a new trend.

  26. Goodness, your two cents was quickly depreciated. Post something that demonstrates the your content area knowledge. If a the offspring of a horse and a donkey breeding mates with the offspring of a similar parent lineage, what are the chances the 2nd generation offspring will win the Kentucky Derby?

  27. Duhhhhh, how did this website get so many dimwits?

  28. I am now convinced that White is completely in Mitch's pocket and wants nothing more than for IPS to die. Downtown IPS has building level administrators working hard to make sure that the turnaround schools don't stand a chance. At Broad Ripple, for example, 8th graders were placed in algebra 1 at the beginning of this school year. Their teachers recognized immediately that many students lacked the basic math skills needed to be successful in algebra and went to the counselor to have the students correctly placed in 8th grade math. The counselor started moving students into the correct math placements. The principal, Linda Davis, then chastised the counselor and made her put the kids right back in algebra classes. Aapproximately 80% of those students failed this semester. This is not due to the teachers not teaching; this is due to incorrect placements.
    At the end of this school year, all students enrolled in algebra 1 will have to take the ECA's (end of course assessments) in order to recieve credit. When the incorrectly placed students are not able to pass the ECA's, Broad Ripple will not make AYP. Broad Ripple doesn't make AYP, and the state takes Broad Ripple over.
    This is so unfair to our students. We are not serving them at all. We are, however, serving our schools on a shiny silver platter into the hands of Tony Bennet and Mitch Daniels.

  29. That same principal told her staff that she didn't give a damn what grade the students got in their classes. The teachers are to teach the students how to pass the state tests, period. That is all she cares about. It's understandable as she is focused on saving her school from state takeover, but it is a sad state of affairs nontheless.
    Are things like this happening at the other turnaround schools?

  30. I teach foreign language and I tell the students, it doesn't matter how you spell it in English as long as the part I'm teaching you is right. Perhaps that makes me stupid, but I don't want to go back and reteach them how to spell words in English such as "PINCL"- Pencil.

  31. To the above poster; I do believe that we need to make accommodations for learning differences, but surely you do not mean that a teacher of Science should not have to be able to spell words such as "speaking", "meant" and Chemistry?

    YES, that is in english class for them to learn that. Again, I know that I do spell things wrong at times. Use interchangable words wrong. It is part of my learning problem and I don't have a secretary to check me.

    I expect them to know the periodic table. Formulas and the state requirements of my subject area. That is what I am paid to do.

    Again, I am upfront with my students and tell them I will circle what I see but not take points off (for grammar and spelling). That is the responsibility of another subject area.

    BTW on a blog to be talk about this when people are responding using cell phones and other devises with small keys. To be so critical is crazy. It could be a typo or just rushing. This site does not offer spell check or grammar check. Get off your high horse and look at the content and meaning only. Petty, stuff like this is why I rarely respond. Just thought I had to this time as I am tired of reading all grammar and spelling polices post.

  32. Illiterate, ignorant dimwit, are you going to tell us your mistakes are also because you are texting and driving at the same time?

    Errors are errors and excuses are excuses.

  33. Perhaps with your poor grammar and horrible spelling, you should refrain forever from responding. Some of your sentences are difficult to understand what you are trying to say as they are so error ridden.

  34. Linda Davis was sober and not "working from home"? Just give her a few hot pockets and she will run back into her office.

  35. She doesn't work when she is in her office so she might just as well stay home.

  36. The point is that intelligence is not based solely on English. There are very smart people within their disciplines. I have had professors whom I saw the mistakes in writing. The content, formula’s, and understanding of the subject at hand is all that matters.

    If I were a social studies teacher I would look to see if the students understood the circumstances around Pearl Harbor. The mistakes made by the Americans in not being prepared.

    I would not kill a kid’s grade or take down their meaning unless it was off based and not supported by facts. There are many people in the world who are very intelligent but you would have them be ignored based on writing grammatically incorrect papers. You would refuse to look at the content based solely on English.

    I instead base the kid’s grades on the content that is required for my subject area. Not everyone is English majors. I have a master’s degree in my content area and am proud of the knowledge I impart on the students I teach. I am proud to say students whom I have taught are in the science field working for Lilly and other organizations.

  37. Goodness, you are really illiterate.

    Your reasoning is also an example of why it is difficult to achieve excellence in education. I have had biology, chemistry, history and political science professors deduct grade points for poor syntax and grammar. I have also had employers who have not promoted peers because of poorly written emails. I have also given poor performance reviews for poor communications, regardless of the instruction used for communicating.

    You are not preparing students for reality; you are part of the problem.

  38. Yes, I did make an error and I admit not proofreading. Instruction should be instrument.

  39. I completely disagree with you about the importance of educators having a grasp on English. I too am a science teacher and while I wouldn't take credit off of a child's assignment for spelling or grammar errors, I would not want my child to have a teacher or a professor who did not have a grasp of basic English. Especially in a district like IPS, I think spelling and grammar skills need to be modeled constantly by teachers. I would never in a million years want to give any child the impression that these skills were only important in English classrooms.

  40. I would love to know where you got your Master's Degree. You do know there are papers in college, right? It's one thing to let a child get away with saying "Atoms has the same number of protons and alectrons" because you want to give them credit for the scientific understanding. But you couldn't get through college doing that, lol.

  41. Gosh! You guys bicker like a couple of 6th graders !!!! ( She looked at my shoes! No I didn't! Yes, you did! )

  42. Did not. Did too. Did not. Did too.

  43. There's more than one sixth grader. I posted "I completely disagree..." but none of the other comments.

  44. How was Milano's?

    Wow! I'm so happy I've already driven to Florida and back! (Diane's fine, and her boat sold.)

    There IS life after teaching. I've seen it!

  45. But, it being too picky to expect a Science teacher to be able to at least spell Chemistry? "Gosh, used to be I couldn't even spell Chemestry teecher....Now I is one..."

  46. Again, I teach foreign language and I feel the same way as chemistry teacher. I don't have all the time in the world to explain English to high school students.

  47. Apparently English is a foreign language to the alleged "chemestry" teacher who posted above.

  48. I am going to give the Chemistry teacher above a pass. This is a blog. Many of us do this while waiting in line at stores (as I am now) on our cell phones or other technology. I suggest to him/her to speak in IM next time when posting here. Really get them going. The GRAM/SPELL police patrol here with vengeance in their heart. That would just fry their (hindends).

    As a social studies teacher. I agree about not having time. I underline problems in papers and responses but NEVER take off myself. I don't have enough time for my subject matter as it is. So, I point out problems and grade solely on social studies knowledge. I do take off if new terms/people/or places from the current chapter or recent chapter is spelled wrong that is the closest to english teaching I come.

    This store really needs more people at the registers.

  49. Oh, c'mon. Without the spelling and grammar police, the unsubstantiated rumors, and the personal insults, 90% of the posts would be gone.

  50. I can see your point...but the issue was that this teacher seemed to be indicating that grammar and spelling didn't matter in other subjects - all teachers are teachers of English and Reading. That post was not written from an Iphone and it was apparent that the teacher was serious..and they misspelled their subject area? 'nuf said from here...

  51. CORRECTION: ""they misspelled their subject area" SHOULD BE: he/she misspelled his/her subject are................

  52. Ath I thit in my expanthive den, wathching my new thixty inch televithion thet that I bought with my five thouthand dollarth bonuth, I am thankful for all of my thubthervienth who made my thatithfaction pothible.

    Merry Chrithmath to all. Thank you for thupporting my effortth while I thrived to improve the graduation rate increath in all our high thchoolth. While I accthept the rethponthibility of thith rithe in thuccetheth, I challenge all thupport thtaff to join thith goal. Eventually, all thtaff will learn from my effortth and begin teaching all thudentth. This way, I can earn another thuper bonuth.

    I'll thee you all January third!

    Hugth and kitheth,


  53. The key is that a "teacher" must TEACH. We must set an example. We all teach little pieces of all subject areas.

  54. See, it's hard to get worked up about the spelling police when we have the above mentality about making fun of the way someone talks. No wonder people don't respect teachers. It only takes a couple of immature, unprofessional, and/or illiterate teachers to taint the image of the whole profession.

  55. Re: talking funny

    It is amazing that Dr. White has not availed himself of the services from a good speech language pathologist. After hearing and watching him speak since he's been with IPS, it appears that he has an interdental lisp which is the most common lisp. The tongue pushes through the front teeth, which is why it is called “interdental.” This produces a noticeable substitution error when 'th' replaces 's.'
    (For example, thun/sun).

    This substitution error of 'th' replacing 's' is one of the easier speech production errors to correct and is accomplished through a series of exercises performed by the person with the problem.

  56. Well, it's easy to say what's easy to correct. But considering Barbara Walters has the thing with her Rs, obviously some things aren't so easy. I actually don't think White's is all that bad. I mean I notice it, but I don't think he has a real th/s substitution error. It's almost like a th/s substitution "accent" (very much like Barbara Walters r thing -- it's not a full impediment, just a hint of a past one.)

  57. We want people to remember 'what' we said more than 'how' we said it. The fact that many people comment on Dr. White's articulation problem indicates that many are attuned more to 'how' he says something than 'what' he says.

  58. What is amazing is how people who claim to be professional educators can sit here and make fun of a speech/language problem of anyone. It is alright to have issues with the policies of IPS or with Dr. White personally. To make fun of a disability is sad and disturbing.

    (And yes. The policies of IPS are not always great and they are distrbing. But to focus on one thing is so immature. Sadder still are those who chime in and support this and then claim professional status.) Children in adult sized clothing.

    Now before you attack me:

    I am not an administrator. I am one of you. I do not claim Dr. White is good for IPS or the students. But a professional does not attack based on a disability. That is the wimp's approach. Attack the issues.

  59. And hey Spelling police: I spelled 'Disturbing' wrong once in that posting.

  60. "Attack the issues."

    I read between the th's in the "letter from Gene". Seems that the poster did address the issue, directing attention to the fact that Dr. White singlehandedly accepts all credit for IPS's increase in graduation rates, and plans for a repeat bonus in the future.

    Let's look at the truth behind the sarcasm. White takes all the credit when things go well, but refuses to accept blame for our students' lack of progress. No, I did NOT receive a thank you. Sometimes one has to laugh to keep from crying.

    Best wishes to all in our IPS family. We have a tough job, but will return next Monday to continue busting our butts to equip our kids with skills for success.

    Season's greetings!

  61. I received a Thank You, one more year and I am retired from IPS.

  62. Normally I would agree that it is in poor taste to make fun of someone's speech impediment. Eugene is so pompous and self important that I think he deserves it. He also deserves comments about his ill fitting pimp suits that he buys with the clothing allowance that the taxpayers of IPS provide him.

  63. I completely disagree. I teach middle school and I am constantly arguing against this mentality. Two wrongs don't make a right. Take the high road and don't participate in nastiness. When you invest energy into spite and revenge, you are giving mean people unnecessary power over your life. (Not to mention, even if one subscribes to the tit-for-tat school of thought, White has never said anything unkind about me personally. The equivalent would be merely to brag about my own importance and minimize the contributions by others.)

  64. "Re: talking funny

    It is amazing that Dr. White has not availed himself of the services from a good speech language pathologist. After hearing and watching him speak since he's been with IPS, it appears that he has an interdental lisp which is the most common lisp. The tongue pushes through the front teeth, which is why it is called “interdental.” This produces a noticeable substitution error when 'th' replaces 's.'
    (For example, thun/sun).

    This substitution error of 'th' replacing 's' is one of the easier speech production errors to correct and is accomplished through a series of exercises performed by the person with the problem."

    So what keeps him from getting this resolved... ego, pride, stupidity, or perhaps he doesn't see it as a problem.

  65. He doethen't THEE it ath a problem.

    Merry Christmas, educators!

  66. "White has never said anything unkind about me personally."

    Are you kidding? Every time White gets a chance, he publicly diminishes our capabilities and efforts to change the lives of impoverished children. I do take it personally, since I've dedicated three decades of my life to educate my charges, and the public displays of White's disrespect are regularly mentioned by people I encounter on a daily basis.

    Wake up.

  67. If you are an IPS teacher, White has said many abusive and bullying statements about you. don't care about your students. are poorly are fight change even when the change is think you are better than IPS students.......and there are many more examples. The change for the better that I strongly support is a new superintendent who cares more about students and staff than about his own accumulation of his personal wealth and power. Maybe the new one will have corrected any speech impediments he has had.

  68. I ran into him the other day as he was checking out. I was behind him and he had no idea who I was. Go figure. He had a fanny pack on and pulled out a big wad of hundred dollar bills as we waded through to try and find a twenty. It was pretty difficult to find.

  69. sorry not "we" I meant "he". I don't have hundred dollar bills.

  70. I always warn my students about the stupidity of carrying large sums of cash and waving the cash can get you killed, and has gotten kids killed...and now we heard our superintendent is out flashin cash...please.

    And if he's got this much cash he could afford speech therapy.

  71. Did you like my diamond-studded doeskin fanny pack? It's too bad you didn't follow me out to the sidewalk. You would have seen me drop TWO WHOLE QUARTERS in the bell-ringer's pail.

    Who says I don't care for the less-fortunate?

  72. LOL. You left off the rest of my post and then argued with that sentence out of context. Making negative comments against teachers as a whole is not a personal insult, it's a general insult. So the equivalent would be generally insulting administration.

    Obviously you're very invested in spending energy on Eugene White. Good luck with that.

  73. When Eugene gets a speech therapist, he badly needs a personal trainer also. He is huge!!!! The problem is that he still wears clothes that fit him 75 pounds ago.

  74. @ "invested in spending energy on Eugene White" That is exactly my opinion of some of the posts here. If I wanted to put that much passion into someone, I would marry him, lol! I've never understood wanting to put so much time and energy into someone they don't like! Crazy as hell!

  75. "@ "invested in spending energy on Eugene White" That is exactly my opinion of some of the posts here. If I wanted to put that much passion into someone, I would marry him, lol! I've never understood wanting to put so much time and energy into someone they don't like! Crazy as hell!"

    The problem here is that if you divorce someone and no children are involved you can simply become indifferent to that person...but Eugene is like a bad ex husband with whom you share children, you just have to keep dealing with him. And the analogy is pretty accurate, we do share our children with him...and he never visits the children, tells them to brush their teeth, or makes sure they do their homework, but he is willing to tell you both in person and in public that you are rotten at doing all those jobs and are completely incompetent as a just can't get over that type of husband.

  76. I don't know how you're having all these dealings with white or even the things he supposedly says. I've been an IPS teacher for over a decade, and I've never heard most of the stuff on this blog. He says the same "yay rah we owe it to the future to do better" type stuff that every other superintendent in the country says. And he has absolutely zero influence my my day-to-day. I just don't get some of the venom here. But maybe some of you have more interaction with him than I do.

  77. But even with an ex, I wouldn't get emotionally invested in what he was saying. That's 17-year-old Jerry Springer nonsense. And I certainly wouldn't let myself be drug down to his level by participating in the insults. You're giving White more power than he deserves, just like people who are hung up on their ex. Who cares what they say and who cares about the people who believe them?

  78. "Who cares what they say and who cares about the people who believe them?"

    Apparently we do, since we're here on Christmas instead of enjoying our time resting up for the second half of the school year.

  79. Eugene works so hard at ass kissing the private sector bigwigs and the media. It is our job to help show what a fool and phony he is and how much harm he is doing. Fortunately for us, the community and the city leaders are catching on that we have a problem superintendent. If he lasts to the next school board election in 2012, he will be gone soon after that. The community is ready to oust the Eugene White fan club and head bobbers. No more puppets on the school board like Mary Busch, Elizabeth "the liar" Gore and Mary Ann Zaphriou

  80. LOL, that is NOT "our" job. I am an educator. I can't imagine how little self-worth I must have if I felt it was my duty to ruin someone's reputation. If you want to reveal truth, then reveal truth. Black/white, objective truth with proof and credible sources. If I wanted to promote a political change, I would focus on policy and how others are more qualified, have done things differently, better, etc. (again with evidence, not with "I remember it used to be better." But posting "White is a bully and he talks funny and he is overweight and I don't like the way he dresses." doesn't make him look bad. It makes you look bad.

  81. What policies of Whites do people like or dislike. I'm an IPS parent and the big ones that come to mind are school closings, magnet school expansions, uniforms, and extended calendar. I agree with the magnet school expansions and closings schools to keep up with enrollment declines. I disagree with uniforms and extended calendar.

    I'm sure there are many other policies that I'm either forgetting or that aren't as visible to parents. What do you all think?

  82. !. The dress code
    2. The 6 step discipline policy
    3. Reopening closed schools when the enrollment is plummeting.

    #1 and #2 only need minor tweaking but the problem is that the policies made by White call for suspensions but when principals follow the code, he berates them for too many suspensions.
    He is such a jock sniffer that he has spent millions on sports while at the same time cutting spending on academics.
    He has promoted or hired family and friends who are not qualified or capable of doing the administrative jobs. Many have been newly created jobs just so he can hire them. We are very top heavy in do nothing administrative jobs.

    His management style is one of abuse and bullying. He does not work with his teachers or building principals but rather uses intimidation to attempt to get them to toe the line. As a result, we have lost a lot of good people. Then this makes room for more of his friends and family.

    He is abusive and threatening to the school board who are supposed to be his boss.

  83. Actually, the citizens of Marion County are supposed to be the boss (the IPS bylaws use the word "owners") of IPS. And nobody dismisses taxpayers and parents more than IPS teachers. If you disagree, please link me to a single published comment by an IPS teacher that doesn't disparage taxpayers and/or parents in IPS.

    I don't disagree that White is self-important and disrespectful of others, but I think that fits 90% of the employees of IPS, from White on down to the janitorial and transportation staff. I look forward to a state takeover.

  84. Oh for the love of Pete, IPS does NOT need harsher punishment. That's the whole problem with IPS is it's run like a prison rather than a school. Children are treated like future thugs and criminals and they live up to the expectations. Walk into any school in IPS and then one of the township schools and the difference is NOT the students. The difference is the hostile attitude of the adults. It's disgusting and heartbreaking and THAT is the reason nice families don't send their kids to IPS. It's not the families we flee from. We have no problem living next to these families. It's the adults in IPS I need to protect my children from.

  85. @Actually the citizens of Marion County......actually you are incorrect there. Only the citizens of the IPS district. Citizens of Marion County who do not live in the IPS district are NOT stakeholders. I frequently read posts on here that put students, teachers and parents together. I agree that there are those who look down on the parents and do not make them feel welcome but that is not the majority. No one verbally abuses parents any worse that Eugene White.

  86. To the person who starts all their posts with LOL. Is it really that funny?

  87. hilarious!!!!

  88. The problem here is that if you divorce someone and no children are involved you can simply become indifferent to that person...but Eugene is like a bad ex husband with whom you share children, you just have to keep dealing with him. And the analogy is pretty accurate, we do share our children with him...and he never visits the children, tells them to brush their teeth, or makes sure they do their homework, but he is willing to tell you both in person and in public that you are rotten at doing all those jobs and are completely incompetent as a just can't get over that type of husband.
    BRILLIANT analogy!! should be sent to the IndyStar!! Thank you!!

  89. Perhaps LOL is Lots of Love......All you need is love!

    The analogy omits the situation where the child does well, without input/support from the absent parent, but the AWOL parent takes all the credit/glory for the success.

    It doesn't have to be a husband. Lots of wives are absent, also. (I'm an ex-wife, FYI).

  90. But just like someone said above, even if you go with this analogy, you still have to be a sadist to give the ex so much power. In both cases, it's twelve kinds of crazy to spend time and energy on people you don't like. When divorced people complain about how crazy their exes are, it makes them look bad, not the ex. It's the same thing when people complain about White. People are going to judge White based on what White says or does, not what people post on an anonymous blog.

  91. Some of this stuff is so off-the-wall it IS comical.

  92. The point is that White is responsible not only for our jobs but the education of the students left in IPS. When he screws up as he does daily, it harms all of us. Why should we sit back and be silent? We need to speak up and speak out so that maybe someone will listen before there is no more IPS.

  93. He is not responsible for any of those things. White can't fire me, doesn't even know my name, and has very little influence over how I run my classroom. I can go weeks and weeks and never think about him at all. What is it about him that impacts your life so deeply. Because he spouts off some shit about teacher quality for a reporter. How insecure do you have to be to let that eat away at you to the point where you create a fucking blog over it?! I mean have you thought about therapy?

  94. LOL! (I know, I know, some people are bothered by my LOLs. But seriously, how can you not laugh at that. "Have you thought about therapy?" That's pretty funny, no?)

  95. If anyone expects to be a survivor in the education business, then he can't become bogged down in the daily small stuff from the Superintendent's office, whether it's Eugene White or John Doe or Susie Q. Public.

    Gene White doesn't know me from Adam's cat nor do I know him any better. Just go about your business in the classroom each day, don't fret about some central office suits and what they're doing or not doing. Don't become obsessed or paranoid about Gene White. It's a waste of your time and energy. He's no better and not that much worse than six other Superintendents I've worked with in IPS and three other states.

    His statements are nothing more than a fart in a whirlwind, and what he says to the media about teachers is not personal unless you make it personal. Most of us will be at our jobs in IPS long after White is gone.

  96. Eugene is responsible for your job. He can close your school. He can cut teaching jobs. He can screw up so badly that the state steps in and then your contract is voided and the state hires who they want and at minimum salary and can take away all of your benefits. You are naive if you think Eugene White can't touch you since he doesn't know you. You are a statistic and he doesn't need to be your buddy to do that. I suspect that you are young as well as naive. That is why you have to use so much profanity to express yourself. Instead of suggesting therapy for others, perhaps you should work on increasing your vocabulary so you don't have to use so much profanity and curse like a sailor to make a point.

  97. I curse for emphasis and drama. It has nothing to do with my age -- I'm in my 40s. This is an informal, adult setting, so I didn't think it was a big deal. I'm surprised you're offended by coarse language considering the things you post -- insults and gossip and personal things far more offensive to most people than a curse word. But still, my intent was not to offend anyone. I apologize if I did.

  98. @If anyone expects to be a survivior...... What a silly statement. I do not know or have met President Obama but he has an impact on my life. I do not know or have met Governor Daniels but he has an impact on my life. I do not know or have met Mayor Ballard and he has an impact on my life. The same is true about Superintendent White. Unlike the other three, White enjoys destroying people and show how important and powerful he is.

  99. To "If anyone expects..." Excellent post. I couldn't agree more!

  100. Yes, they have some impact, and it makes sense to have opinions on certain policies or to support some candidates more than others. But when you see people making hysterical, personal comments against politicians, do you think "wow, that politician must be really bad to get that person so upset?" or do you think "wow, that person is batshit crazy?"

  101. Yes, they have some impact, and it makes sense to have opinions on certain policies or to support some candidates more than others. But when you see people making hysterical, personal comments against politicians, do you think "wow, that politician must be really bad to get that person so upset?" or do you think "wow, that person is batshit crazy?"

    Or do you think "that person is passionate about their beliefs." I personally don't care what Eugene wears or if he lisps...what I do care about is who he has put in charge, what he and they are doing, and how it is damaging IPS and by default damaging the future of the students.

    Most if not all of the people who post here feel the same concerns...they don't like having to work for people who can't keep their personal life out of their professional life. Be that being too drunk to crown the homecoming queen, or doing the nasty with a teacher you supervise...enough.

  102. You do realize that it gives away that you're the blogmaster when you pretend to speak for a large group (all teachers, people who post here, etc.). You've done it since this blog started, and you frequently do it when people disagree with you. I think most people recognize its you as soon as you start talking in pleural. Normal people don't do that (check out other posts on this forum as well as other online discussion forums) Just thought I'd point it out to you.

  103. OMG! Do you have proof that person was "too drunk to crown the homecoming queen, or doing the nasty with a teacher you supervise"? All of this is hearsay from a nasty rumor that has been dead quite a while now.

  104. Well you are wrong...not the blogmaster, and I speak as a teacher who hears my colleagues express these concerns on a daily basis. The teachers I know want qualified, caring leadership.

  105. OMG! Do you have proof that person was "too drunk to crown the homecoming queen, or doing the nasty with a teacher you supervise"? All of this is hearsay from a nasty rumor that has been dead quite a while now.

    First hand info from the people involved, I wonder if answering blog posts is part of your job description?

  106. I'm an IPS teacher too, and in all my years of teaching, I've never heard a single teacher discussing personal details (weight, speech, clothing, sex life, etc.) of a single administrator. This is the kind of stuff I lecture middle school girls against.

    When you started a blog that claims to represent the voice of IPS teachers and then post unsubstantiated rumors and personal insults, obviously you're going to provoke teachers to say "wait a minute, that's not what we think/act like/believe."

  107. "I'm an IPS teacher too, and in all my years of teaching, I've never heard a single teacher discussing personal details (weight, speech, clothing, sex life, etc.) of a single administrator. This is the kind of stuff I lecture middle school girls against."

    You need to have your hearing checked...I've taught in four IPS high schools, and ten elementary schools, and in every teachers lounge I heard people discuss administrators. The conversations dealt with both the personal lives of the administrators when they overlapped their professional life, or when people really hated the administrator, and their general level of professionalism. My favorite comment was about Woodie Litz, former principal of school 15, the teachers loved him, and said that he said "If you ever get so stressed out you can't deal with it, call me, and I will come and teach your class and you can sit in my office." People respect administrators who understand how tough the job is, and how much teachers really care about kids.

