Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Naughty or Nice?

Who in IPS has been naughty or nice and what should we get Eugene White for Christmas?


  1. This is a ridiculous topic!

  2. Just like the tin man and the scarecrow in" The Wizard of Oz"..." a brain and a heart!

  3. I agree, this is ridiculus. Let's stick to real matters. The last topic on the school board was actually meaningful.

  4. Much actual research has been put into exposing the School Board on this blog and placing a much-needed focus on the School Board as the crux of the problems within IPS. Let's not loose focus, please!

    Let's stay focused and intentional in our purpose.

    Making fun of Eugene White won't change one thing in IPS. The School Board possesses the power to make changes.

  5. According to the IPS homepage, Michael Brown represents District 5. What area of town does that include? Are there maps of Indy that show the exact areas of the Districts?

    If his seat is up for re-election, we need to find a viable candidate living in District 5 as a replacement for Brown.

  6. Why do people write "loose focue" when they mean "lose focus"???? Perhaps they have already lost focus. Perhaps Eugene needs some accessories to go with his ruby red Gucci slippers.

  7. The district represented by Brown is in the area of 38th Street and High School Road. Included are schools #79, #96, #107, & #109. The area has a strong hispanic population. If someone from that community could get the necessary support to run for the board, they could easily win.

  8. We also need at least one serious number cruncher on the School Board. One of those types who will demand a line-item copy of the budget before approval or disapproval by the Board. Someone who is no-nonsense and strictly business. Someone who refuses to back down if the Superintendent says it takes too much time to go through line items in the budget.

    To heck with White's wardrobe. Most don't care one iota what he wears. Our issues won't be solved by wardrobe discussions. In fact, I believe the Ed Center folks know this quite well and laugh at us when we post juvenile sounding blogs.

  9. Agreed. We need to utilize this blog to inform the public of what really goes on in IPS. We need board members who will actually read items, instead of blindly passing hundreds of pages in one gulp. If teachers are truly interested in changing the dynamics in this system, we need to unite in order to force the public to take a serious look at how their taxes are spent. Discussing "ruby-red slippers," or "carpet-munchers," makes us look foolish and out of focus.

  10. Either the board is conducting meeting behind the scene, in violation of the sunshine laws, or they are all nothing but yes men. There is never any debate or discussion of anything. Never any questions of policies. I've looked at the board minutes, and attended board meetings, and never seen any real viable objections to anything that is proposed. The only exception was Kelly Bentley's request to see the actual budget (which was denied) and the discussion of the lose of sports programs.
    It looks to me like Cohn could go to, since he seems to be in lock step with the rest of the board. As to what to get Dr. White, how about a lump of coal. When faced with adversity sometimes humor is a good tool.

  11. What is the salary for a Board member?

  12. It seems the administration like Jane Kendricks must be on here defending the wardrobe of Eugene. I believe that is written into her contract that she must defend his absurd wardrobe which is purchased with his outlandish clothing allowance paid for by the taxpayers of IPS. That makes his clothing open for discussion. We paid for those ill fitting ugly clothes.

  13. I wrote a post earlier today saying that White's wardrobe is not the problem with IPS. I am a teacher at an IPS high school. I stand by what I wrote. What he wears has nothing to do with the current/future/or past issues with IPS.

    The School Board is the place where our issues began, and the School Board is where the buck must stop!

    We, as teachers, need to be single-minded in our focus. Digressing into wardrobe discussions will get us absolutely no where in the big scheme of things. Five years from now, what kind of shoes White wore will not matter to anyone; however, five years from now, Board decisions will continue to impact IPS, the students, the community, and us, as teachers.

  14. Some people here don't seem to understand the use of humor about clothing style as a metaphor for the monetary extravagance on the part of the IPS administration - at the same time when cuts are being discussed in teacher pay and benefits.

    It's kind of like Nero playing the violin while Rome burned. Was Nero was wearing ruby red slippers? Might have been.

  15. WELL SAID!!!

  16. Finally someone with a sense of humor!!

  17. I suppose we have a choice here. Either we use our blog for humor (i.e. ruby red slippers and tight suits) or for making lasting change (i.e., calling out the School Board for their failure to perform their duties as elected officials).

    United we stand; divided we fall. It's up to us. Do we wish to unite in calling the School Board to task for failure to perform its duties, or do we wish to divide our energies and dilute our purpose and just have some fun?

    Frankly, we can't have our cake and eat it, too. Either we're serious on this blog about making some needed changes in our School Board's performance, or we seriously want only to have fun, toss out some insults, vent our anger, and at the end of the day, have accomplished nothing. Which is it, folks?

    These are the same concerns I witness daily at my school. Teachers complain and gripe about 'this and that', but when push comes to shove, they won't stand up and show any courage. They'd rather just gripe ad nauseum than to 'do their homework' and actually make changes occur.

    Metaphors, similes, and other forms of figurative language are worth their weight in gold; however, when we're deadly serious about changing a dysfunctional school district, facts are the key word of the day.

  18. ALERT!

    "As to what to get Dr. White, how about a lump of coal."

    Craigslist has FREE COAL...you only need to get it out of the poster's basement! (Go to craigslist.com, click Indianapolis, then free)

    200+ pounds, free for the taking! That should provide "gifts" for everyone making more than $75,000 (we educators already received our lumps....what good is a rebate for health insurance when our weekly individual contribution is to be increased by twenty bucks per pay?)

    Question....why is IPS hiring United Van Lines to move School # 31 to # 112? Aren't there enough unused orange trucks and laborers available to perform this task? Or did that staff go to Orlando for a conference?

  19. I think you are making an incorrect assumption that humor and change are incompatible. I think that history has shown that humor frequently aids in the cause of change.

  20. Here's something many would like to see turned into a humorous situation. Over 500 Algebra I students at Tech HS received failing grades for the 1st semester.

    We'd like someone to take those numbers and run with them to the nearest comedy club. Make us laugh! Let humor aid in the cause of changing those stats.

    Some things just ain't funny!

  21. Here's a person who's running for an At-Large School Board seat. Take a look. She posted her website on another thread, but after reading her info, I figured it was worth passing along.

    Annie Roof is her name. She lives in the Irvington area. Her kids all attend IPS schools.

    Her website is: http://annieforschoolboard.com/

  22. Speaking about naughty or nice. Now this is naughty. Copied from another thread on this blog.

    "According to the latest board report Corey Greenwood received a $31,000 dollar increase in salary for moving from Behavior Dean to Vice Principal. He went from $51,081 to $82,164 but apparently this was not questioned by anyone on the Board. I can certainly understand receiving a raise for a promotion - but $30,000?"

    Again, the School Board rubber stamped this in-house action. No where can anyone find a posting for a Vice Principal's vacancy that was approved in the Board Action meeting for Jackie Greenwood's son. This is naughty! Shame on you, School Board, for not discussing this action, for not asking if the position had been posted, for not inquiring if other qualified people had applied.

  23. "Either we're serious on this blog about making some needed changes in our School Board's performance..."

    How are you going to make changes in a school board's performance via blog banter? C'mon, let's be real, here.

    This blog is a source for information unknown by most and a vehicle for people to vent their frustrated feelings. Would you rather have them beat their dogs or vent sarcastic humor here?
    I'm an animal lover, so I vote for the second option.

    Also, no one here is going to talk someone into running for school board. It's a big responsibility and they do take a lot of heat (most of it deserved with this bunch). You can't WILL people to run for the board just because a group of teachers on a blog want them to.

    I'd welcome any information that can be shared about those who are indeed planning to run for the school board.

    I also welcome a bit of humor from time to time.
    It's good for the blood pressure readings.

  24. Well, I am more of an optimist. I like to make myself believe that this blog is doing something. It is getting IPS's dirty laundry on a public clothesline, so to speak. There are members of the community that read this Blog. One of my parents does all of the time. She said that she has a newfound respect for teachers.

  25. To the last poster from 12/22/09:

    The negative and complacent tone of your note leads me to wonder if you have any blood pressure at all.

  26. The Board Inaction Plan is a mess of tangled, bureuaucratic legalese that achieves very little.

  27. Just exactly who wrote the Board Action (Inaction) Plan? Did Board members write it? Did someone at the Ed Center write it?

  28. To the administrator above who wrote negative comments about this blog.....Due to the info shared in this blog, there are already efforts being made to recruit candidates to replace some of the bobble heads. In addition, there is an effort to look for recall procedures if they exist.
    Suggested info a candidate should share with the voters:

    [1] What is your educational level and where did you receive it.

    [2] have you ever used your position as school board member to intervene in the discipline of your son/daughter over misdeeds at school,

    [3] how many out of wedlock children have you sired and do they attend IPS schools?

  29. @ Anonymous posting about Greenwood's salary increase. Even at $82k he's still one of the lowest paid VPs, if not the lowest paid. They just put him in the ballpark with everyone else. He's got a hell of a difficult job dealing with Deborah Leser at Washington. I don't envy him.

  30. Re: above

    "They just put him in the ballpark with everyone else."

    Who is 'they'? Who is 'everyone else'? High schools were cutting asst. principals, so we were told. Why refill Leser's spot at all if asst. principals were being cut? The job vacancy was never posted.

  31. Corey Greenwood is a joke. Hip-hop wannabe, everyone's friend, basically runs In-School detention room surfing the Internet. Still wears jeans and untucked polo shirt to work daily. "Thanks Mommy for the raise!"

    1. and anyone who comes across this in the future, Greenwood was having sex with students, his actions were covered up, eventually the district paid the girl $490,000 and Corey Greenwood paid her $10,000. the suit was settled in 2015. He had a brief jail sentence and probation.

  32. Greenwood will have to run around putting out all of the fires that Leser starts. I cannot imagine working for that woman or having to be the vice principal to run around and clean up her messes and apologize for her all of the time.

  33. I would not want to be Leser either. If she crosses young Greenwood too much and too often, his mother can work in strange and mysterious ways. Leser would never know what happened.

  34. If that happens, it would be justice for all the evilness that Leser has done to IPS employees.

  35. ^^ agreed.

  36. Leser is one of "girls." Leser, Elliot, Bridgewaters, and Chief "Carpet Muncher" Kendrick. Instead of "pie in the face" they love "carpet in the face."

  37. I don't understand the term carpet muncher. Can you explain??

  38. "To the administrator above who wrote negative comments about this blog.....Due to the info shared in this blog, there are already efforts being made to recruit candidates to replace some of the bobble heads. In addition, there is an effort to look for recall procedures if they exist."

    I am the one who posted that message and I think my points were terribly misunderstood. And no, I am not an administrator. I am a taxpayer who is very pro-teacher.

    What I was trying to get across was that this blog can get people to thinking and talking about the problems in IPS - but it is going to take some real legwork/telephone work/communications among teachers in schools to get things accomplished "where the rubber meets the road."

    I wasn't in any way discrediting this blog. I'm all for it.

    Another part of my point is that a few people seemed to express the idea that people can be "talked into" running for school board. My point was that people really need to have a passion on their own to run for school board and that it is unlikely that anyone will want to run if they don't have that internal passion.

    As to the above comment I quoted here, I sincerely hope your efforts bear fruit.

    Mention of the teachers' union has been left out of the discussion here and I would think the union should have a major role in any recruiting and recall initiatives.

    Finally, my comment about blood pressure was meant to defend the occasional use of humor on this blog.

  39. If you need a definition go to urbandictionary.com.

  40. It's sad that such a discriminatory, derogative and perjorative is posted repeatedly on this blog.

    You can make your point, without using such unpleasant and uneccessary asides.

    What's next? The use of the terms, nigger, wop, rag head, greaser, fag-hag, etc. . See how that goes?

    Please don't call me Jane Kendrick, cause I'm not.

  41. Unfortunately, I think its actually the blogmaster who posts these slurs and personal insults, so our objections are unlikely to change anything. That doesn't mean the rest of us have to engage, and I think this blog is accomplishing amazing things in spite of mean spiritedness in which it was created. I agree that this blog will have an impact on schoolboard elections, which will have an impact on the mismanagement of IPS. And that, to me, is worth having to skim through the ugliness sprinkled through most of these threads.

  42. An uninformed, uneducated person elected to the board would do a better job that some of the current bobbleheads that are there...It makes you wonder how they ever got elected in the first place. Now we will see how they do with quality opponents and their horrible record of being bobbleheads helps them get re elected. NOT!!

  43. This is what Dr. White deserves for Christmas: A certified, hand delivered letter by I.P.S. Police stating that his contract as Superintendent of I.P.S. has been terminated effective "immediately" and for him to clear his belongings out "including his ruby red slippers" ASAP!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  44. Unfortunately Eugene's punishment for termination would be a check for over $1 million dollars........he does deserve to be dismissed immediately and perhaps the system would be $1 million dollars better off without him. We can thank the bobble head board for allowing that to get into his contract.

  45. I suggest we use $1M of the stimulus monies to buy out White's contract. The stimulus money is designated for Professional Development, and I can think of no better way of spending $1M toward developing IPS into a more professional school corporation.

  46. The crude comments are a real distraction and only serve to make IPS teachers or others look empty-headed with no real depth of thought. There is humor that helps and humor the hurts - we need to find the difference and use humor effectively. I think the so-called humor about red shoes, sexual comments has run it's course and never was funny and just gets less so from overuse. "and that's all I've got to say about that" Forrest Gump

  47. Awesome post! I couldn't agree more! And lol @ Forrest Gump!

  48. It is "its", not it's. "Its" is possessive, and should have been used instead of "....so-called humor.........has run (sic) it's course......" It's is a contraction for it is, it has, or it was.

    Posters appear inept when publicly dislaying their lack of grammatical usage. These are the same folks who buy apple's and orange's.

    I am not empty-headed, nor do I lack depth of thought. Sometimes I must force a laugh at situations and/or conditions. It keeps me from sobbing.

    Run, Forrest, run!

  49. RE: the post starting with "The crude language"

    This poster seems to think that he/she has been appointed the thought police of this blog. Let people post what they want and the readers will decide whether their posts are funny or not. what really makes IPS look bad is not what is written here but the actions of Eugene White, some of his administrative staff and the bobble head board.

  50. It is "its", not it's. "Its" is possessive, and should have been used instead of "....so-called humor.........has run (sic) it's course......" It's is a contraction for it is, it has, or it was.

    Posters appear inept when publicly dislaying their lack of grammatical usage. These are the same folks who buy apple's and orange's.

    I am not empty-headed, nor do I lack depth of thought. Sometimes I must force a laugh at situations and/or conditions. It keeps me from sobbing.

    Run, Forrest, run!

    What's really funny is when a poster is pointing out a grammatical error, and they spell the word "displaying" as "d-i-s-l-a-y-i-n-g" in their post. I guess what they say about glass houses is true.

  51. Even Jane can incorrectly spell a word.

  52. Its or It's?

    Its is the possessive pronoun; it modifies a noun.

    It's is a contraction of it is or it has.

    If you are going to complain about language then please learn the language first! English is a language of exceptions.

    END of lesson #1. BTW, The word its’ doesn’t actually exist.

  53. Wow! Snipe, snipe, snipe! What a waste of time and poor grammar!

  54. Yup, you all done caught me making an error that I cringe at in other postings - the wrong use of it's and its. I actually do know the difference but was caught up in the thread of the thought...I oughta had knowed better.....and I "could care less"....ARGH!; my other pet peeve..."I couldN'T care less"....

    too bad we can't use red ink...we could really help each other out here....

