Wednesday, February 3, 2010

120 Minute Delay

School will start two hours late on Monday after the Super Bowl. You better check and see how this will effect your paycheck! And does anybody know if Dr. White is going to the Super Bowl?


  1. I'm a classified employee. I was told I would be getting paid for the 2 hours without being required to make up the time.

  2. Even though Dr. White sent out that memo about the 2 hour delay. Our supervisors told us that we were excluded from that since we are office staff, even though it clearly states in the memo "ALL" staff.

  3. Also with that being said all office staff should have the same rules. It is clearly unfair that only half the rules apply to half the staff. How are we suppose to be a team when everyone wants to play by there own rules. Are making them up as they go....

  4. As in the past, "all staff" has always excluded classified employees. Do you attend the "staff meetings, staff retreats, staff conferences? Been there, done that.
    So I couldn't believe that an hourly employee would get paid for two they didn't work. Only if the time lost isn't reported.
    Been there, seen that.

  5. The state has announced that this 2 hour delay will not qualify as a day of attendance and will require a make up day anyway. Eugene will have to pay for an extra day of busing and an extra day of salaries for his employees. Doesn't Eugene check on state rules and regulations before he makes his pronouncemnts? A superintende not on an ego trip would quickly assess the cost, cancel school on Monday and schedule school on the Friday before Memorial Day which is a make up day already.

  6. "The state has announced that this 2 hour delay will not qualify as a day of attendance and will require a make up day anyway."

    Where did you find this information about the state requiring a make-up day for IPS with the two-hour delay, etc.???

    My kid is in another school district and they have 2-hour delays quite frequently (mostly in bad weather, but sometimes for other reasons) and they have never had to make up a day.

    If what you report is true, then I would say the state is unjustly exercising a double standard against IPS.

  7. I posted the previous message about the double standard. Just found it in the news so it is true about the 2-hour delay not being accepted by the state.

    Glad the state dept. of education is so concerned about two whole hours when they are participating with Daniels in a budget-slashing process that threatens the viability of all school districts in the state.

    What a bunch of jokers in the Statehouse!

  8. Not being accepted as an emergency. It is wonderful to see E. White has a supervisor to whom he must answer. Maybe he will threaten to quit (again). See Channel 6 News.
    Do I hear the sound of the house of cards folding?

  9. Eugene must be going to the Super Bowl. He was seen polishing his ruby red slippers so he would be ready to party.

  10. I am interviewing White at 4pm! Send your "tough question" to
    --Joanna Massee, Reporter

  11. Why hasn't the news or anybody else commented on the fact that most private and catholic schools are off Monday?

  12. I find it interesting that it is in the news that the 2 hour delay will not be recognized but IPS employees have gotten no information about it. Wonder what the amazing Dr. White will do about this mess up.

  13. He might as well give everyone the day off because it is going to end up in a mess on Monday morning.........just wait and see! Private and Catholoc schools made their decision last week.

  14. Oops, I meant 'Catholic.'

  15. It was just announced that IPS will have a ONE hour delay instead of TWO hour delay. No email, just on the news. If the state won't recognize a two hour delay, why would they recognize a one hour delay? Is it really going to make a difference on if people call in or not? Hell no. Absolutely ridiculous.

  16. The Catholic schools have to make up the day too. It's not like they're just picking on IPS. And with the new 1-hour delay, they will recognize it because they are also delaying the end time of school by 1/2 hour, so the number-of-hour requirements are being met.

  17. That one hour delay must be a joke......isn't it??? Even Eugene would not be that stupid.

  18. This is typical of IPS. Who is responsible for knowing the rules and guidelines for things of this nature? In most businesses, corporations, hospitals and nonprofits, someone is responsible for knowing the regulations of local, state and federal governing agencies to ensure compliance. In IPS, it never appears that anyone is in the KNOW. It reminds me of when we were cited because our middle and high schools were given a full day off and this wasn't approved by IDOE.

    In my opinion, this is quite embarrassing that IDOE had to step in. This is a reflection of our leadership not to mention their credibility. Credibility is the foundation of Leadership!!! What does this say to our students?

  19. This is turning into a joke. A 1 hour delay with 30 minutes added to the end of the day! How many parents will be at school at the regular time taking their kids out early? I bet a lot. Just leave the day alone or take it off.

  20. "It was just announced that IPS will have a ONE hour delay instead of TWO hour delay. No email, just on the news. If the state won't recognize a two hour delay, why would they recognize a one hour delay? Is it really going to make a difference on if people call in or not? Hell no. Absolutely ridiculous."

    No was told a one hour delay and then we would work an extra hour later. So a 7:30-2:30 school would actually be in session 8:30-3:30. Get ready I doubt the bus drivers will go for that either.

    I am already planning on being off Monday. I thought the two hour delay was good and pro-active. Now this is turned into an IPS as normal affair in my eyes.

  21. There is no leadership in least, no competent leadership. I will solve the problem. I am calling in sick and let the principal teach my class as I think subs are already difficult to find for that day.

  22. So, the news report says we stay 1/2 hour late on Monday. What about kids that have jobs right after school? Or, teachers who go to 2nd jobs? What happens when many of the bus drivers call in sick again? Why does this system always choose the worst possible option for handling any situation? I didn't work for IPS when Pat Pritchett was superintendent. Were things this crazy then?

  23. Monday is going to one big mess!! We just shouldn't have school that day!! It is stated that Monday if you are in high school, you will go from 8:30 to 3:00. So, only a half hour later of the normal time... ugh..

    Does anyone think that this will do any good? Or do you think we will be in the same situation we were in 3 years ago? Thoughts please!!!!

  24. We did give you thoughts in the other thread. You just don't agree. Everyone I know (teachers, parents, taxpayers)thinks this whole issue is embarassing. We should go to school the day after the Super Bowl just like we do the day after the World Series ends, or the NBA championships. If we have unreliable bus drivers and teachers, then we need to replace them. Again, none of the other districts are having this problem.

  25. What I think the above post that says "Thoughts please!!!!" was wanting to know if anyone thinks we will have the same problem we did 3 years ago...

    I for one come to school every day and do my job to the best of my ability...I will be there Monday and I will stay up late on Sunday and watch the whole game. However, that does not really matter if there are people calling in left and transportation again and not enough teachers to cover then what?? It is going to be a big huge mess. Point Blank End of Story!

  26. All of this trouble and Eugene isn't even going to be in Indy on Monday. This is an absolute disgrace. Why aren't the taxpayers listening? As long as White's in charge, this system will never improve.

  27. I think IPS has created a cluster**** rather than avoided one. The last superbowl, I'm sure the bus drivers didn't think everyone else was going to call in. A stern warning of harsh consequences probably would have prevented it from happening this time. (Like someone else said, it's not the crazy to go to work after staying up until midnight). But now, I as a parent am afraid to send my kids to school because nobody seems to have a firm grasp on what the hell is going on. I think teachers and bus drivers are MORE likely to call in now than if IPS had treated it like an expectation that they were going to behave like responsible adults.

  28. The day off after the last Super Bowl was planned by the drivers. And they are meeting again this week. We'll just have to wait and see what they decide.

  29. Does anyone really think that White actually cares how big of an idiot he makes IPS out to be? No he doesn't. All he is interested in is going down to nice warm Florida, basking in the sun while he watches the Super Bowl. He wont even think of us up here in the snow, or the chaos his choice will make.

  30. I am so totally convinced the authors of this blog are NOT IPS employees. Ya'll are shit-poor poseurs. Keep up the IPS bashing, however, since you no longer have Bart Peterson to kick around.

  31. Anyone reading this blog would know that there is too much inside info and much of it accurate to be written by outsiders. Of course, this is a forum for teachers. We used to have the IEA but Ann Wilkins has sold out to Eugene White so we no longer have our union voice. When was the last time that you heard from IEA, our union????

  32. I don't think the blogmaster is a teacher, and I don't think the insulting and negative posts are from teachers. There are a couple of teachers who post here, including me, but they are not the ones posting all the silly, self-serving, unprofessional garbage. I'm guessing the blogmaster is a clerical or janitorial worker in central office or maybe even an angry ex-lover of someone in central office. Obviously not anyone with any classroom knowledge, but sone with access to a few inside bits of info from downtown.

  33. How naive you are..........this blog is widely read by teachers and many comment from time to time...........not everyone has his/her nose up the rear of Eugene like you obviously do.

  34. See now look at that comment. You're saying if I don't want to obsessively participate in personal insults of Eugene White, I must have my nose up his rear, and I must be naive. That's insane, and I don't know a single teacher who would agree with you. And I've been a teacher in IPS for 10 years and worked in three schools. Yes, I know teachers post from time to time. I have actually participated in a few conversations that were really intelligent and included people who were obviously teachers. But most of the time real teachers post, they are insulted or ridiculed. I know half a dozen teachers who have been accused of being Jane Kendrick or a central office spy. It's kind of a joke among teachers.

