Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bully For You

Carmel school officials say it will take weeks to investigate recent allegations of bullying. How bad is it where you are or has your school come up with effective ways to deal with bullying? Share.


  1. The news has reported that one of the seniors involved has a father who is an attorney, so look for the body count to decrease by at least one.

    No mention has been made of the adults (coaches?) who accompanied these students.

    The hard drives that record busrides are conveniently erased when transferred between buses.

    This event was way back in January, but just became public.

    Must be nice to not teach in Hell.

  2. Glad I don't teach in that situation with the constant threat of violence and the meantime, why does the principal of Carmel H.S. use such poor grammar?

  3. He don't know.

  4. Hey, Carmel Coaches.....

    They're hiring in Rhode Island!

    (Seaworld, too!)

  5. Let's be honest here. This was not bullying. This was a sexual assault involving deviant sexual behavior.

  6. They call our kids bad. Because of the school police force (that will cut) our kids for the most part don't do things.

    Yet, school shooting, hazing, etc that we all read about are in suburban schools throughout the nation.

    Makes since to me. Ya, our kids are the troubled ones at school.

    I think that those who are throwing stones at us all the time better look in the mirror a moment before the next one is thrown.

  7. This was not bullying. This was a sexual assault involving sexual deviant conduct. I would guess that one or more are sons of influential people and that the "investigation" will last weeks in order for everyone to graduate. Woe is me if this had involved IPS students.

  8. One of the boys is also related to the Mayor. Whoops.
    All children have issues. All children break rules. In this case, those children have money and ties, which can conceal a lot.

  9. Mayor of Carmel, I meant.

  10. Like I said, kids are kids. However, I'm really put out by the Indy Star for publishing the news article, but then removing the "Comments" access to the story. That speaks to someone's influence with the Star. Come on, if the story's worth printing, then the story's worth receiving comments from the readers.

    All Indy Star news stories about IPS, Mayor Ballard, Mitch Daniels, IMPD, City/County Councilman, Tony Bennett, HSE's principals with DUI's, Tim Durham, Monroe Gray, Marcus Schrenker are fair game for Comments in Indy Star news articles. The Indy Star traditonally is an equal opportunist for allowing Comments about the rich, the poor, black, white, the good and the bad. But, a news article about three Carmel HS basketball players is exempt from reader Comments? Come on, this is just wrong!

  11. I'm sorry, but "kids are kids"???? It has been alleged (an interview with a parent on the news last night) that these upperclassmen inserted their fingers into these freshman boys bodies. That doesn't sound like normal kid behavior to me. The Star removed the comments because the whole damn situation is shady. Tomorrow is the last boys basketball game and they haven't decided if they will let the boys play yet. Seriously? One of the accused has a father that is a lawyer and he is doing a damn good job at covering everything up.

  12. You are naive if you believe that sexual assault is just "kids are kids"

  13. Hey, at our school we have a coach (also known as the Barbie Doll) who spends her time bullying the staff. The tactics she uses are tried and true bullying practices including verbal abuse, putdowns, and even talking negatively about staff members to students. Barbie also likes to brag that she is best friends with Dr. Johnson and other higher ups downtown. This is also a form of bullying...trying to make people scared with unspoken threats (i.e. I know Dr. Johnson and I'll tell on you.) It's really so sad. Barbie has a real problem and our principal (yes, the one who allegedly knows all the kids' test scores by heart) looks the other way. She allows Barbie to divide us and does nothing to stop the bullying. Maybe she even encourages it.

    Barbie, you don't know how much you're hurting our school. Please, I wish you would go talk to Dr. Johnson. She'd put you in your place.

  14. Well, inquiring minds and nosy folks like me would like to know who this Barbie Doll coach is. I'm a coach and God knows I haven't met one who looks like Barbie. Most are frumpy, tired looking, and frazzled old ladies.

    If you can't give us Barbie's real name, at least satisfy our curiosity by giving us a school name, number, or some identifier.

  15. All the "Barbie's" teach in Center Grove NOT IPS...unless they have a "past" or really bad grades.

  16. "the principal (yes, the one who allegedly knows all the kids' test scores by heart)"

    What principal pretends to know all the kids' test scores by heart? It's got to be at a small, small school.

  17. School 60--the bully Barbie is only about 30 years old--and thinks she knows it all...

  18. Wow! Sorry to hear that School 60 is in so much turmoil. Adult bullies can be just as dangerous as juvenile ones. Hopefully, your coach won't be back as a coach next year. However, do we want her in a classroom with students...maybe causing even more problems?

  19. I can't imagine that any Coaches will be back next year. All Coaches are experienced teachers, and they simply will be placed back into classrooms. Maybe not such a bad idea.

  20. Excellent. They just cause more confusion. A huge waste of taxpayer dollars.

  21. My experience has been that most academic coaches were less than successful in the classrooom. I think that became a position to flee the classroom and the students.

  22. Carmel Basketball Players...copied and pasted from Indy Star sports page where they did not censor the boys' names. The players are all 18 years old, so they're not juveniles. Apparently a couple of the players have/had scholarships to Duke. Looks like they've ruined that opportunity.

    "Carmel played without starters Scott Laskowski and Robert Kitzinger and backup Brandon Hoge for the second consecutive game. Galloway said they were suspended from school for five days and would be back at school Wednesday, but declined to say if they would play in Friday's regular-season finale against Brebeuf Jesuit. Principal John Williams said Thursday that members of the basketball team had been disciplined for a bullying incident on the team bus while returning from a Jan. 22 win at Terre Haute South."

  23. Again, this goes beyond bullying. This was a sexual assault.

  24. "Wow! Sorry to hear that School #60 is in such turmoil."

    Yep. School #60 is totally FUBAR. Why can't someone from downtown see that? Why can't they see that things were calmer the past weeks with the interim principal? Aaaccckkk!! I NEED a transfer out of there before I'm completely insane. Help!!!

  25. Please explain how doing double lunch duty every day this week and covering at least 3 classrooms when teachers were late or had case conferences qualifies as either bullying or an attempt to divide the staff?

  26. Poor Barbie. Too bad you can't see yourself as we do...Just because you do some duties and cover some classes does not negate the venom that comes from your mouth and soul.

    Seriously, you must be a little bi-polar, honey.

  27. Bullies don't like to see themselves in that way.

    Barbie must have some esteem issues...

  28. Ok. You're right. Maybe I have been guilty of talking about things that I shouldn't. While I know that I am not the only one in the building that does this, I am going to take this as an opportunity to improve myself. I am going to focus more on being a better educator, and less on gossip. So, thanks!

    Oh, and Sally, maybe instead of talking about me on the blog, maybe you should focus on teaching. That way, you wouldn't have to ask the cadre teacher to make up math problems that look just like the ones on the scrimmage (but have different numbers)when she takes her small group. No wonder your scores were so good! Have a great weekend! See you Monday!

  29. Please, Barbie, make that call to Dr. Johnson about us. I'll dial the number for you. Can't wait to see the look on your face when Dr. Johnson tears you up!

    See you on Monday, doll!

  30. Sally can teach rings around you, Barbie, any day. Interesting that you know so much about the activities of the cadre teacher. Glad to hear that you have so much time on your hands.

    Show a little respect. Sally was teaching before you were even an idea on your mother's lips. I've seen Sally do some amazing lessons with her class. On the other hand, haven't seen you do too much teaching.

    By the way, Barbie, when was the last time you were an actual classroom teacher? It's easy to critcize when you're on the other side of the fence.

    Now go and tattle about me to Melissa or Dr. Johnson.

  31. Rumor has it that Barbie is going to be back in the classroom next year. What goes around comes around...


  32. Barbie, you are a big bully. I'm not Sally Etter, and the majority of the staff can't stand you.

  33. I'll second that!

  34. Sally has more class in her little finger than you have in your whole body!

    She's like a a rich whole wheat loaf and you're nothing but white bread!

    But of course a bully has to put someone down after saying she's going to improve...

  35. Wow. You people are all nuts!

  36. ..but the biggest bully in IPS is Eugene White. IMHO

  37. Does anybody else smell the dirty laundry?

  38. What a dysfunctional school! You people have now resorted to naming names. And I thought the blogs about Justin Hunter were vicious!! Wish I could be there on Monday to see the cat fight. Meow! Meow!

  39. I'm the one that was referred to in a previous blog as being "hateful." Ha! Ha! Ha! Who's hateful NOW, Barbie? The other posts on this page weren't even written by me!!! (But I do know who they WERE written by!!). Guess you've honked off some other people besides me. By the way...sticks and stones may break my bones, but tattle-tales from you will never hurt me!!!

  40. Are any of you educated professionals or are you 4th grade girls having a cat fight? Grow up and act like the professional educators you should be. Either that or get out of the profession and go somewhere else you can't have an influence on children.

  41. Bite me. :)

  42. Amen to that! Let people do their jobs and if you would spend the time doing your job that you spend bashing others, your scores on tests would be much better!!!! Grow up!

  43. It's past your bedtime. Drink your warm milk and go to bed.

  44. Goodnight, Barbie. Sweet dreams.

  45. happy Purim!!

  46. I have nothing to do with #60, but I cannot believe that so many hateful, spiteful people work on one building.
    No wonder my colleagues shuddered when I asked them about your school.
    Stop spending so much time on here. You are all making yourselves look bad. And the sad part is, there are only probably 2 or 3 people on here making these ridiculously childish posts. You make the whole staff look bad.

  47. I meant to say "in", not "on". I want to make sure I correct it before the high and mighty #60 staff verbally assaults me.

  48. I am the one who posted how "hateful" you were. And, you continue to solidify my point.
    Like I tell my child home, if you have a problem with a classmate, talk to them about it.
    You being an adult should already know that. Instead, you choose to be brave when you have "anonymous" as a post name.

  49. When a school has that many problems, it usually is a result of of bad leadership or a mean vindictative principal who is incompetent.

  50. The principal at school #60 is not mean or vindictative. She's nice to her staff members, which certainly can't be said for a large percentage of IPS administrators. She's not incompetent, either.

  51. Can we discuss the biggest bully in all of IPS- School 15's own Miriam House. She does what she wants to do- when she wants to do it. She claims to be so great with kids- so why doesn't she get a teaching licence? I dont think she could handle a classroom because she wouldn't be able to sit in Dr. Hunters office whenever she wanted to!!!

  52. The Principal at #60 is NOT NICE TO ALL STAFF MEMBERS and I mean ALL( including certain custodial staff?) If she is so competent..........why doesn't she run her own building, instead of letting certain staff members and outside people who don't even work for IPS run the school building? Always making constant interruptions over the PA System, while teachers are trying to educate their students. No wonder the school building is in such chaos and turmoil.

  53. In how many schools would you find a teacher who intentionally has her students make black skid marks on the floor with their shoes, and leaves her room extra messy out of spite? Yep, she succeeded in getting the custodian out of there, resulting in no one to clean her floor for a week. Gee...and people call Barbie a "bully."

  54. Would this be the same teacher who samples food from her students' trays in the cafeteria in order to stress-out the lunch lady?

  55. Justin is not going to let anything happen to his House!!

  56. The teacher mentioned 2 and 3 post above this one is definitely a "BULLY". By the way she has no classroom management skills what so ever! Students in her class are loud in the halls and unsupervised( this happens daily).

  57. Oh, no, the Justin Hunter haters are back!!

    Inquiring minds are asking, "Who in the hell is House?"

  58. I have a question for all you teachers out there: if a teacher brings in food for his/her students, isn't there a rule that it can't be homemade? Doesn't it have to be store bought?

  59. Cluck...cluck, cluck...cluck, cluck...

  60. OMG,school #60. Please stop this. This is so ugly, and unprofessional. I usually don't read this because the whole thing has gone from sharing news, to personal ugly attacks. Someone called to tell me to look, I am embarrassed to be associated with adults who would stoop to this level. We complain about our uneducated parents, but here we are as 'educated', educators, talking publicly like these. I will be praying for you all daily. PLEASE STOP. If you have a problem with someone, please handle it at school. This is not the forum for problems.

  61. you are so right. The more the hating goes on the longer the problems will continue. If you don't like where you are, GO SOME PLACE ELSE~~~ I don't even work for IPS but certainly wouldn't want to if even 1/8 of the "professionals" are like the ones that post on here. Grow up and just do you jobs.

  62. Then don't read it...and which god are you going to pray...Allah, Budha, etc etc etc.....

  63. I have at least two things for which to be thankful:

    1) I no longer work for IPS, and

    2) when I did work for IPS, I was never an elementary school teacher at School 60.

  64. Ummm, excuse me, but, um, while the current topic of "extreme blog hating award" seems to go to School #60, has everyone forgotten about the numerous comments about Dr. White, his staff, many, MANY administrators, Kimora, Prudence, Jackie, et al? Oh, and how can we forget all the great "carpet munching" episodes? Oh, and the numerous performances by the "Justin Hunter Haters"? True, School #60 has it's many trauma-dramas, but by NO means would we EVER win the IPS Academy Award for "Haven of Dysfunctional Bi-Polar, Back-Stabbing, People-Hating Haters." Hell, we'd have trouble making it into the top ten.

  65. Ha, and you all think the Cadre has issues! How about all school #60 employees being let go for their unprofessionalism and replace them all with Cadre members who would love to have a permanent classroom! Now there's an idea!

  66. I don't know the specifics about school #60, but in my opinion, it's the same with IPS staff as it is with IPS students. 10% cause 90% of the problems. So yes, I think we could replace 10% of the teachers with the cadre teachers, replace 10% of administration and send the most disruptive students to alternative schools, and IPS would be finally be a district to be reckoned with!

  67. Carmel Schools is in perfect shape thanks to the Carmel Police Department, they have allowed the coaches time to get their stories aligned and fend off all charges that they allowed this sexual attack to happen on their watch in the back of a school bus. This will save Carmel High School some money in legal fees and help during legal challenges. How did four coaches on a school bus miss a student being sexually attacked? They knew and thank God the hospital staff knew to call CPS.

  68. Of course they knew. They allowed the seniors on a freshman bus to begin with. With four coaches, one should be in the back, two on either side in the middle and one on the front of the bus. If they say the didn't know about it, they are lying.

  69. I agree with the post that says to replace the 10% of teachers and administrators who've needed to go all along, and put the 10% of students who cause learning to be disrupted in a true alternative school. Add four new board members who have both a brain and a back bone, and IPS might finally have a chance.

  70. Now we find that one of the boys is the son of a former I.U. star!! More coverup!!

  71. One of the Carmel basketball players involved is John Laskowski's son. The elder Laskowski is a Big Ten color commentator for IU and is a former IU basketball star. Another Carmel basketball player involved is the son of a local attorney, Kitzender, who played college ball for DePauw. Of course, there's cover-up. School districts everywhere naturally circle the wagons when something unpleasant occurs on their watch. It's just that Carmel has bigger and stronger wagons to circle. Even the Carmel mayor is now helping to circle the wagons. What a mess. This will not have a good ending.

  72. Carmel Clay is in trouble, no doubt about it. What was initially described as a hazing incident by the school district has turned out to be a sexual assault and perhaps even a pattern of sexual assaults. Thanks to the doctors who examined the assault victim for doing their jobs properly and reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities. This got the ball rolling in the right direction.

    Pulling down a student's pants and then running away might be construed as male locker room mischief; however, pulling down a student's pants, stuffing a sock into his mouth, restraining him, and then penetrating his anus with fingers, fists, or objects is not mischief; that's criminal sexual assault and is not easily dismissed by even the Carmel Police Department.

    Apparently there were incidents of this type behavior in locker rooms as well as the school bus incident which prompted the initial investigation. Rumor has it that the two freshmen students assaulted on the bus trip back from Terre Haute were African-American students. That's rumor; not fact.

    It is obvious that the Carmel HS basketball coaches were not supervising their players as mandated; it is obvious that the Carmel HS administration is attempting to keep the lid on this incident, but I doubt they can do that for much longer. Thank goodness.

  73. Robert Kitzinger, Brandon Hoge, Scott Laskowski and Oscar Falodun Geez if you are going to post here, get it right.

  74. I heard through the grapevine that one of the boys is related to Brainard (the Mayor of Carmel). Can't verify it, but it wouldn't surprise me; he is as dirty as they come.

  75. If someone from the school does NOT spend time in prison over this, then there has been a real coverup in Carmel. What a shame.

  76. The biggest bully I ever saw was the principal at 27. Jaime Brady....ugh..shudder

  77. And...drum roll's the latest in Barbie-isms---Pathological Liar Barbie!!!!!

