Sunday, February 21, 2010

Family Affair

Who is related to whom in IPS? There are lots of undercover relationship in IPS, children of administrators, for instance Quintella Wrights brother used to be the principal of 58 Matthew Stewart...he left and went back to Texas but who else is related to whom? Let's shine some light.


  1. Thats what you are wanting to discuss???

    Why don't we talk about more important issues such as:

    1) Which schools are getting reconstructed?

    2) Why isn't Dr. White in trouble for wanting to call a two hour delay for a football game but not for snow and ice?

    3)Is IPS going to end up pink slipping people at the end of this year just like last year because of the huge budget cuts they have to make?

    4) Or how about the good that there is in IPS? All the schools are getting extra help with preparing for ISTEP. (The Cadre teachers)

    5) School 91 was just on the news for having new and upcoming ways of teaching to students using different methods. Congrats to them!

    I like coming to this site because you sometimes get some inside information and plus its a place to vent. However, I do believe there are some other issues out there that should be mentioned rather than talking about "undercover relationships" in IPS.

  2. I agree. In the big scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all who is related to whom. The bobble-heads and the "big guy" will do as they darn well please anyway.

    PLEASE address the issue of which schools will be reconstituted. This is a matter of great concern, not just some silly issue to argue & vent about.

  3. This is a weak topic....but don't forget the relationship of Eugene White and his children.

  4. I've heard something about school 48. I've also heard Beene is retiring.

  5. This is a junk topic.

  6. Okay............inquiring minds want to know. What did the blogger 2 post up hear about #48? I heard that #48 is on the list to be reconstituted as well as #60 and several other schools. Are you sure Beene is retiring?.........I haven't seen it in the board minutes.

  7. Well, talk about those "several other schools" that will be reconstituted then.

  8. Well, it's totally a rumor, but I heard #48 is going to close. Beene hasn't been in the minutes, who knows if she really is. There's already 4-5 Principals retiring...I'm guessing there's more coming!

  9. I'd like more information about something I read here a few days ago: Kindergarten and 1st grade teachers not having ART next year. Thanks!

  10. Wow about #48, what does that mean reconstituted. What other schools are planning to close or be reconstituted. Are any of these schools highschool(community schools)>

  11. You see, people keep making references to school being reconstituted but then they won't say what schools will be affetced. You either have the knowledge or you do not.

    A reconstituted school is one where they either replace 90% of the staff or replace the administration altogether or, in extreme cases, both. They do this when schools are on varying levels of corrective action in the eyes of the state.

  12. There was already an announcement that #60 is going to turn into some fancy, can't remember the name, thingy in a couple of years. As for principals retiring, the board minutes aren't being posted anymore until it's almost time for them to meet. Does it really matter what they say, anyway? They'll do what they want, when they want. As for elementary art and music, when the music coordinator was asked if music teachers will have jobs next year, her answer was, I don't know." With the big budget deficit, a lot of programs could be hit.

  13. There is nothing fancy about the kind of school #60 will become in a few years............a school where students work at their own pace is what they are calling it? That doesn't sound fancy to me.

  14. "There is nothing fancy about the kind of school #60 will become in a few years............a school where students work at their own pace is what they are calling it? That doesn't sound fancy to me."

    I'm sure we will pay big to do this, or we could just read the Glasser classic "Schools without failure".

    And the topic is not so dumb, there is lots of nepotism in IPS, and people need to know about it. Jobs do not always (or even often) go to the most qualified individual, instead going to the best connected candidate. Think of the hip-hop vice principal. LOL.

  15. When does IPS have to send out the Reduction In Force notice to teachers? I agree about the flood of nepotism in IPS is awful and none of the "special" positions are posted for better qualified candidates from inside IPS.

  16. Beene has been talking about retiring off an on for years...seeing is believing

  17. What about the budget cuts that they were just talking about on channel 13? I wonder if they would give some of the ones that play favorites a pink slip. Like that would ever happen. They should just take it lower White's salary. How much is IPS paying him in bonuses?

  18. Last I read, School 60 was going to become a Reggio Emilia school in 2011-2012. That is an interesting model, but it is typically used with preK-grade 1. Is 60 going to become an early education center, or are they going to find a way to extend the model all the way to grade 6?

  19. Let's not forget those administrative salaries...don't lose sight of how much money from the General Fund goes to the several hundred IPS employees who earn more than $100K per year.

    Eugene White, Superintendent – $240,640.
    Willie Giles, Deputy Superintendent - $189,361.
    Li-yen Johnson, Associate Superintendent – $163,862
    Jackie Clency, Assistant Superintendent – $151,645.
    Jane Kendrick , Assistant Superintendent – $151, 645.
    Wayne Wellington, Chief Vocational Career Tech – $151,645.
    Dorothy Crenshaw, Chief Information Officer – $150,548.
    Douglass Ann Kincaid, Chief of Staff for Development – $150,548.
    Jane Ajabu, Chief of Human Resources – $150,548.
    Steven Young, Chief Facilities Manager – $150,548.
    Here’s a breakdown of the rest of the employee salaries…

    There are 173 employees who make between $100,000 – $150,000 annually in salary and benefits.
    There are 171 employees who make between $90,000 – $99,000 annually in salary and benefits.

  20. I wish our Indianapolis news media, especially The Indianapolis Star, would inform the public about these IPS administrative salaries. Channel 6 is the only local news outlet (besides blogs) that delves into these matters.

    Some school superintendents in rural districts make less than $100,000 per year. But 173 employees in IPS make $100,000-plus and 171 more make close to $100,000 - amazing!

    If more of the public were made aware of these absurd IPS salaries, I think they would be stunned. And they might just let their school board member know about it.

    A taxpayer not a teacher

  21. OK, would someone please explain the "g lots of blank space g" post? Perhaps I'm dense, but I am also curious.

  22. When will the formal announcement for #48 come? We teachers in the building would like to know!

  23. I was wondering about the "GG" post as well.

  24. Don't give the 'g/g' poster the time of day. It was a bad joke gone awry.

    Remember the Ed Center salaries posted above. That's where we need to keep our focus. Do you earn over $90,000 per year?

    Eugene White, Superintendent – $240,640.
    Willie Giles, Deputy Superintendent - $189,361.
    Li-yen Johnson, Associate Superintendent – $163,862
    Jackie Clency, Assistant Superintendent – $151,645.
    Jane Kendrick , Assistant Superintendent – $151, 645.
    Wayne Wellington, Chief Vocational Career Tech – $151,645.
    Dorothy Crenshaw, Chief Information Officer – $150,548.
    Douglass Ann Kincaid, Chief of Staff for Development – $150,548.
    Jane Ajabu, Chief of Human Resources – $150,548.
    Steven Young, Chief Facilities Manager – $150,548.
    Here’s a breakdown of the rest of the employee salaries…

    There are 173 employees who make between $100,000 – $150,000 annually in salary and benefits.
    There are 171 employees who make between $90,000 – $99,000 annually in salary and benefits.

  25. jealous much?

  26. not jealous of anyone who actually earns that much money by doing something valuable....but disgusted by those earn that much and have NO impact on student achievement...
    or even worse, have negative impact...

  27. should be "who earn" --- well, not "earn" but "get"

  28. The structure of IPS administration is still based on the days when they had over 100K students. If you look at other districts with similar enrollment to what IPS has today, the administration, while not perfect, is much less top heavy. Why do we need multiple assistant superintendents? We have a deputy superintentent. We have an associate superintendent. The top six positions in IPS account for around ONE MILLION DOLLARS in salary. In many other districts of similar size, the duties of all these people get performed by one or two people for a small fraction of that cost. This same administrative structure filters down through all levels of the system costing the system millions more. There are so many titles and positions in this system it is difficult to determine who does what. IPS has become like an old house that has been added on to and renovated so many times that the only thing that can be done to make it right is to tear it down and start over.

  29. Gee, looking at the salaries, it appears that 354 IPS employees earn over $90,000 annually. We all know these are NOT teachers because the teacher salary scale does not extend that high. These 354 people are folks who NEVER set foot in a classroom, have no direct impact on students, and constitute 'fat' in the budget. Actually, any IPS employee who earns more than $70,000 annually is not a teacher.

    Even Dr. White's secretary (with no college degree) earns $71,000 per year which is more than the most senior teachers earn.

    Calling these salaries to the forefront does not constitute jealousy, it constitutes pragmatism. Practically speaking, IPS is throwing an extraordinary amount of General Fund monies to layers and layers of administrators, supervisors, directors, executive directors, chief of this and that, assistant superintendents, deputy superintendents, coordinators, facilitators, and grand poo-bahs of all natures. We don't even know these people, never see them, wouldn't recognize them if they walked into our classrooms, yet they exist and walk among the ranks of the most highly reimbursed IPS employees. Do you think their jobs will be cut, their salaries reduced, or their perks/benefits will be eliminated? No, I didn't think so.

  30. IPS $$ FOR 1,919 FOLKS!!

    Eugene White, Superintendent – $240,640.
    Willie Giles, Deputy Superintendent - $189,361.
    Li-yen Johnson, Associate Superintendent – $163,862
    Jackie Clency, Assistant Superintendent – $151,645.
    Jane Kendrick , Assistant Superintendent – $151, 645.
    Wayne Wellington, Chief Vocational Career Tech – $151,645.
    Dorothy Crenshaw, Chief Information Officer – $150,548.
    Douglass Ann Kincaid, Chief of Staff for Development – $150,548.
    Jane Ajabu, Chief of Human Resources – $150,548.
    Steven Young, Chief Facilities Manager – $150,548.
    There are 173 employees who make between $100,000 – $150,000 annually in salary and benefits.
    There are 171 employees who make between $90,000 – $99,000 annually in salary and benefits.
    There are 944 employees who make between $80,000 – $89,999 annually in salary and benefits.
    There are 621 employees who make between $70,000 – $79,999 annually in salary and benefits.

    IPS has approximately 5,400 employees; however, approximately 36% of those employees earn more than $70,000 annually. These are not folks within the classrooms; these are people who rarely, if ever, set foot in our rooms and rarely, if ever, interact directly on a regular basis with students.

  31. "Jealousy."
    The issue is not jealousy, the issue is what taxpayers' money is being used for.

    A lot of medical doctors - who have four years of college, four years of medical school and who save lives - are not making what scores of these IPS administrators are making.

    These salaries are outrageous and inexcusable.

    signed, a common taxpayer.

  32. The 'jealous much' comment was one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard if you truly abide by our Cultural Imperatives - #1 "Children come first." If we are cutting teachers and paying administrators this much it is a complete injustice to our taxpayers.

  33. Why does IPS not start with the administrators who do nothing more than walk around looking for dust and measuring the size of the grass.

    They can then consolidate the work load back on Dr. White (like other superintendents) and get rid of some of the Asst. Superintendents they have hired to do his job since busting up the responsibilities.

    Take back the coaches salary increase. Go back to the level they were given for years.

    Get rid of the football coaching positions being transfered to the other schools (or as my school would hope move them back and let football go on).

    Stop all out of state travel to conferences.

    Seriously look at reducing the perks for such as car allowance, travel allowance, gas, etc. for Dr. White. With that salary he does not need help.

    Just some quick thoughts this TUE morning before heading in.

  34. Do we seriously need all these 400-700 student building open? When their capacities were built for much larger (some over 2,000 if you look at enrollments of the past). Why not consolidate some of the schools (maybe make the programs magnet at the schools they are in) and shutter some buildings.

    Donnan and Gambold should be consolidated into Manual and Northwest. Those buildings could absorb the students at the capacity they currently hold. We are not going to have true high schools anyway except Tech once Dr. White is finished. So, why not do it now. The resources and curriculum could be aligned together and raise scores for those schools (hopefully).

  35. To the poster five above.

    I have over 13 years in and barely make $50,000. There are a LOT more than you think under under $70,000. The seniority list as a lot of pages under me.

    Just must be the crowd/click you hang with all are in this group so you don't see it.

    Get rid of some of the Asst. Superintendents and you would have three more teachers at my level of pay.

    I agree IPS administrative model should be reduced that of school districts this size before cutting teachers and school police.

    Watch FOX this morning why is Dr. Whte comparing us to districts in Chicago and Houston? I am sure those districts tackle differing plans, problems, and different ways of funding. Is that how he is judgeing how to reduce instead of looking around at other ways doing it without effecting teacher and school police workforce?

  36. Thought you would like to know what is not so new news:
    Pacers is being closed
    Key North is being absorbed into Key River
    Harshman - reconstituted
    Cold Springs - losing grades 7 & 8

    Willie Giles - not retiring
    Dorothy Crenshaw - retiring
    Douglass Ann Kincaid - retiring
    Jane Ajabu - retiring
    Kathy Sharp - retiring
    Sally Calahan - retiring

  37. Who is related to who?

    Jackie Clency's daughter-in-law is Tina Foster, Principal 106

  38. AnonymousJuly 01, 2010

    Ok and If she is related to Tina Foater what's that have to do with her job

