Tuesday, September 14, 2010

IPS' For the Taking

Did you see tonight that IPS is going to move forward with taking private property? What are we teaching our students? This is as bad as board members who don't read the budgets and Eugene setting aside funds so Central Office staff can go to the Super Bowl in 2012.


  1. I read the story, but I thought it said that IPS was going to rethink the taking of the property. They seriously do need to drop this parking lot vs homes situation quickly. We don't need any more asphalt, don't need to chop down any more trees, and certainly don't need to take people's homes. That's not progress; that's exercising power for the sake of exercising power.

  2. IPS did not want to remodel this old building but the "neighborhood" did not want a new school. In order to remodel the school more land is needed for a new gym and adequate lunch room. To do this they need to expand into the existing parking area. It is fair to ask those who work at this building to park on the street? This is another example of a group of folks who want improvement but do not want to give up anything to get this improvement. Way to go NESCO that is why you live where you do! this area.

  3. What about E. White setting aside funds for the Central office staff to go to the Super Bowl...is that really in the budget??

  4. Eugene White and Mary Bighair Bush do not care what the community wants......we need to let her know in the next election that we do not want her old ass on the school board.

  5. How about the idiot School Board member who leaked the year round schedule to the media. Mrs Adair-White - we know you are the 'brains' behind that one.

    Then the morons on the school board wonder why there are never told anything.

  6. A School Board member certainly has every right to speak to the media about public school business. If national security were involved, then it might be called a leak. Other than personnel matters, IPS Board members are free to share the Board's considerations. This is not a leak.

    Operating a house of smoke and mirrors has been the IPS way for too long. Taxpayers need to know where their money is going and for what it's being used.

  7. Looking at the decrease in student enrollment, how can we justify taking/purchasing houses to expand a school? We have several other closed schools that may be available.

  8. What other schools are available in the area?

  9. This can't possibly be different people having a conversation. I just refuse to believe that there are this many people in all of Indianapolis who discuss things this way. The OP and the first five replies all display the same warped "reporting" of an issue (the Star article actually mentions a couple of alternative to the original proposal being considered) as well as name calling. Sure there are always a couple of people in an online discussion who just aren't the sharpest crayons in the box, but six consecutive posts?!! I can't wrap my mind around that. Either the blogmaster is a bored, troubled schizophrenic or IPS teachers are not fit to be around children. There's just no other feasible possibility.

  10. To "what other schools" there school #78 is a closed grade school about a 1/2 mile west of school 58.

    To "This can't possibly" you're late to class, babe. People have been pointing out the "multiple personalities" of the blogmaster for a few months now. :)

  11. Agree with above. Also, even among the posts that are obviously from different people, very, very, very few posts here are from actual IPS teachers. When someone asks about something that only IPS teachers would know, but that ALL IPS teachers would know, hardly anyone responds.

  12. @This can't possibly be different people having a conversation.

    The blogmaster's link to "private property" was posted on 9/14 and that story was written and published before the alternatives were mentioned at last night's Board meeting.

    The alternative of 'building up rather than out' is great. It eliminates the large footprint of another asphalt parking lot in an urban area. Green spaces are precious to folks living in an inner city.

  13. Ever since I came to IPS over 28 years ago there have been reports (which I presume we paid people to write) that outlined the condition of every building in the system. At least 15 years ago school 58 was identified as a "bad" building that should be closed.
    It is landlocked, the parking lot and playground are the same space. It needed new windows and a new heating system. Even as a targeted building someone in IPS replaced all the windows and installed a new boiler. The boiler could not have been cheap since they had to remove and rebuild an exterior wall to remove the old boiler, and install a new one. This whole process has been nothing but throwing good money after bad. Demolish 78, rebuild on that site, a beautiful, energy efficient, child and family friendly building. Then find a new use for school 58, or sell it.

  14. 78 is in a scary neighborhood with nowhere near enough parking.

  15. How about a new topic? Perhaps a discussion of the number of kids who will not be allowed to attend after Sep. 20, 2010 because of a lack of vaccinations.

  16. Schools need to be closing with enrollment.

    Look at Manual and Northwest. Buildings that were ment for a lot larger enrollments. Barely at half their capacities if that.

    Maybe its time for Coleman and Donnan to close and have all but Tech as Community schools 7-12. Not having those buildings open will cut cost.

    Of course have always thought that Colemans building was ugly and needed demonolished.

  17. Donnan has had successes that has not been seen at the Community schools. The Middle School concept used at Donnan is still the focus that works with these age students...not the Departmental concept, which is what I have been told is the focus of the Community schools. Besides, the majority of Donnan's building is only 15 years old and is best utilized by remaining a middle school.

  18. Northwest is down to about 750 students for a building built to have 2000. Time to close.

  19. 78 and 58 are in the same neighborhood...less than a half mile apart...and 78 is on a big lot.

  20. Where is the budget line item for the Super Bowl?

  21. @Where is the budget line item

    It's probably tucked into "Travel - Inside the City".

  22. Building a new school on the 78 site is too logical for the neighborhood!

  23. Are you aware of a teacher, Lisa Render, using Facebook publicly (http://www.facebook.com/lisa.render?v=wall&ref=search) to talk about drinking and grading papers? Not only that she also bashes students. Read for yourself...she calls them "nuts" "rude bitch" and posts from her cell phone!

    Sept 13: Lisa Render - Blue Moon, beer cheese, blue tortilla chips ... and grading. Almost the perfect night!

    August 27 (noon on a school day from her Cell Phone) : Lisa Render - I am about to lose it today - too much bullshit!!! When is beer:30???
    August 27 at 12:54pm via Mobile Web

    August 30: Lisa Render - Now this is ridiculous! I got up to make seating charts for all my new freakin' 8th graders and IPS online in STILL down! Seriously??? Wait, I forgot ... POSITIVE... screw that, I'm mad!

    August 31: Lisa Render Today was much better :) An awesome colleague delivered flowers to cheer me up, and my 8th graders appluaded the news that they could leave their textbooks at home. Also, I learned that my most frustrating student just had her meds reduced. Mom promised to re-up - LMAO! She really WAS nuts! (Btw, exactly what disorder makes you act like a completely rude bitch?)

