Friday, September 17, 2010

Technical Difficulties

IPS B.S. had a technical glitch yesterday and put up the draft title of an old post. It was about Dr. White threatening the principals and any staff members who spoke to any board member without his permission. We apologize for the error.


  1. Ms. Bogard informed us to follow the proper chain of command. In other words, give central office ample opportunity to get their story straight.

  2. Sarah Bogard is a senile old fool who should have retired 10 years ago. She doesn´t even know what is going on in her own school and doesn´t even care. She usually strolls in about 9 or 9:30 each day sucking on a soft drink. She is ruining Tech High School. A concerned school board member should go to Tech at 7:15 some morning and wait until the she strolls in with her cola..

  3. At the Administrative Retreat, Dr White did tell principals they would be fired if they met behind closed doors with school board members. That's why I talk with members at Starbucks.

  4. "At the Administrative Retreat, Dr White did tell principals they would be fired if they met behind closed doors with school board members. That's why I talk with members at Starbucks."

    To all those who doubt the validity of this blog, there is dissent at all levels within IPS. People from top administration to the custodial staff and everyone in between see that system is not functioning in the best interest of children. The only way things are going to change is for the public to put pressure on the school board. Call your school board member and raise of fuss.

  5. Come on, 2017. I'm outta here.

  6. I only have to make it to 2015, then it's off to Italy for the winter and the rest of the year enjoying life. Times have changed, the poor new teachers have to spend so much time on paperwork, lesson plans, and meetings, instead of teaching.

  7. Don't know about that...but at a certain high school some teachers are spending a lot of time on arguing about what color shirt to wear for home coming.

  8. @what color shirt to wear for homecoming.

    These teachers must be really young. What color shirt to wear to homecoming -- that's a WGAF for sure.

  9. "Times have changed, the poor new teachers have to spend so much time on paperwork, lesson plans, and meetings, instead of teaching."

    I'm 2017, but I also have to spend so much time on paperwork, lesson plans, and meetings, instead of teaching. I'm obviously not one of the poor new teachers. How are you avoiding these tasks? Please share your bag-o-tricks!

  10. I do as much as possible each day, this means working during my lunch time, but I am not taking any work home! I do a standard lesson plan that will have pen and ink changes, as we go along during the week. Some students need to have the material repeated, that is teaching. If we are behind on the pacing guide, that is teaching, as a teacher you have to know when you have to review material for retention. Truly I teaching day by day. Knowing that I am teaching my students to the best of my ability, Bennett and White would fail as teachers with my students, I keep working on helping them each day. We do need to vote Mitch Daniels and Bennett out of office

  11. Daniel Pink writes about motivation in his book "Drive". He writes about motivating kids with lessons he calls "Goldilocks". Lessons that aren't to hard, and aren't too easy. Once you find this level of lesson your student participation and interest will rise, and your discipline problems will decrease. The problem is will this level be on your pacing guide? Or will someone downtown who has never seen your kids, or any kids in the last twenty years second guess your judgement as a teacher? What a ridiculous question, we all know the answer to that one.

  12. Truly I teaching day by day. Huh? I not understanding.

  13. Many days I have to cover the same material two days in a row, or back track to a lower grade level to build on the student's knowledge. That means day to day, I have wonderful plans following the pacing guides, then reality. Teaching day by day. Then in comes the students that have missed five days, day by day.

  14. IT has even started to monitor where administrators send emails. Central office has become paranoid. Bewley spends an array of time monitoring this blog.

  15. Of all people in the system Bewley may be the least culpable for what is going on. First of all she is not a teacher, so she has no training to know about teaching or education. Second, she spends very little time in schools. And finally she also only hears one side of any story, that side is told to her by Gene White, her BOSS.

    I once saw a corporate executive on tv and he talked about his early career. He and his wife decided that they wanted to have enough cash in the bank to live for an entire year, so the first two years they were married they saved a years salary.
    Through out their marriage they kept adding to that amount so there was always a years living expenses in a cash account. Their reason for doing this was fairly simple, the event he was ever asked to do something he felt was immoral he could walk out immediately. How many of us have that luxury, I don't but sure wish I did, and I bet in her heart so does Bewley.

  16. If Bewley spends any time monitoring this blog it's because Dr. White has directed her to do so. Personally, I don't think she cares one way or the other what folks have to say about Eugene, but because he supervises her job and she must answer to him (not us), she comes across as the bad guy.

  17. The IPS Board will vote to give White another year on his contract. That puts him with us through 2014. See Board Briefing Agenda.

    If somebody has the spare time --ha-- please go through the Briefing Agenda and total all the disbursements for adult eating pleasure (i.e., Jugg's Catering, Au Bon Pain, 21st St. Deli, etc.) No wonder the Ed Center has so many hefty chubby administrators. They can't have a meeting without eating, can they? Title II money appears to pay for most of the good eats.

  18. of course the central office technology dept is monitoring emails.
    kevin bunn a skinny young looking curly haired kid is doing it.
    human resources puts hidden cameras in schools and offices. they
    dont even tell the principals that the cameras are installed.
    even the ones in the central office. they got listtening devices
    in some offices. coworker has video from they're webcam that caught
    them setting it up

  19. I think Mary Louise Bewley does a good job. She has many challenges involved with her job. I also work with her husband, a teacher at Tech, who seems to be very professional.

  20. The only thing I know about Bewley is from the video where she kicked out that camera crew from a public meeting. Needless to say, I don't have a very good impression of her professionalism.

  21. Hidden cameras and listening devices? Right... I bet the FBI has planted secret transmitters in your fillings, too.

  22. "of course the central office technology dept is monitoring emails.
    kevin bunn a skinny young looking curly haired kid is doing it.
    human resources puts hidden cameras in schools and offices. they
    dont even tell the principals that the cameras are installed.
    even the ones in the central office. they got listtening devices
    in some offices. coworker has video from they're webcam that caught
    them setting it up"

    Sorry. Those voices usually stay INSIDE my head.

  23. I see King Cosby is getting his new Track installed. I also saw plans for a new gym in his office The only problem is IPS doesn't own the property where it would be built. Seems like you would purchase the property before paying to have plans made.


    He had plans and drawings showing it on the property NE of the school. The only problem was IPS doesn't own it.

  24. Those plans are as old as dirt!!! They've been in his office for over two years...they are wall paper!!!

  25. Mary Louise is a tub of lard, that has nasty looking legs that someone told her are great looking. Mary Louise is lying, and spreading crap just for the paycheck, she has no morals or standards. I know my office has a bug, but I sprayed that huge cockroach was dead within minutes. We have a KGB Section ran by Dr. White, I use my own computer, no web cam.

  26. Very bizarre!!!

  27. IPS lost 900 students this year. I'm willing to bet Dr. White will add two Central Office administrators by December 31, 2010.

  28. If Dr. White had to cut Central Office administration, who are the top four he would terminate?

  29. Hidden cameras? Yep!

    Sounds like someone hit an ips sore spot.
    Hey the ips image control staff is workin overtime

    Look at they're responses after some blogs
    1)Hidden cameras and listening devices? Right... I bet the FBI has planted
    secret transmitters in your fillings, too.

    2) Sorry. Those voices usually stay INSIDE my head.

    3) Very bizarre!!!

  30. "Look at they're responses after some blogs"

    The cameras must have been off the day we went over contractions, punctuation, sentence types, and frequently confused words.

    they're-contraction for they are
    their-possessive form of the pronoun they
    there-a preposition; a place

    An imperative sentence ends with either a period or an exclamation point, depending upon the amount of emotion conveyed.

    Perhaps the Shurley chant for those grammar rules wasn't utilized.

    I'm ignoring the missing comma after Hey, the fact that "ips" should be all caps, and "workin" needs a g at the end.

  31. Mary is STUPID, and will do any and everything for Dr. White! Remember Mary 2 more years.

  32. I'm talking about Mary Brewley.

