Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A New Deal

Have you heard Eugene White wants to extend his contract for another year with IPS? Maybe he really wants those tickets to the Super Bowl.


  1. Oh, please. Perhaps he's the Superman everyone's awaiting! He'll drive every student to charters singlehandedly.

  2. My comment is that none of the rumours on this blog about what is going to happen in IPS ever come true.

    I reminds me of the TV preachers who say that the world is coming to an end next year.

    Please quit predicting things unless you have a verifiable reason to believe that there is some real basis of fact in these rumours.

  3. To the post above, the information regarding dr. White extension is in the board meetings dated the 21st. Check it out!

  4. Ok, who were the two highly regarded teachers that were fired this month? Also they fired one administrator? I will check the Board Minutes.


  6. My point is not about the specific subject of this blog posting, but about all of the other rumors that find their way onto this blog.

    None of them come true. Why post them? Just to stir up excitement?

    My God, there is such immaturity being displayed on this blog so much of the time.

    And I am generally a person who is pro-teacher.

    Some people who post here really need to grow up.

  7. 100% agreement with the above post

  8. While I agree with two posts above mine, I believe that not all of us come on this Blog to gossip and use profanity.
    For those of us who want to use this forum in a positive and effective way, we need to continue coming here and posting meaningful and intelligent comments.

    By the way, check this out.
    Glad to see we are still giving hefty raises to Strength Coaches (see page 2).$file/Personnel+Report+change+of+assignment.pdf

  9. Hefty raises for everyone, yet they still haven't deposited the funds they owe people in their Valic accounts...where is this money that was suppose to be there at the end of August?

  10. Ask Ann Wilkins.

  11. I read the wall posts and was relieved to see that even in the high school IPS on line does not work. And what is up with all the phone calls to attend the Wednesday training. If it is not working for teachers, imagine how frustrating it is for the parents.

  12. Do you really give a hoot what this teacher writes on Facebook? If she didn't write scandalous things about you, then get over it. Sounds to me like either you have too much time on your hands or a score to settle with this teacher.

  13. I second the post above. How nuts are YOU to post private information that she posts to friends on FB. Her posts are not public knowledge. You have to be accepted as a friend to read postings on a person's FB page. What a friend you are! Go get a hobby...

  14. Well, for your information, up until tonight her page was public - not private. And I do have a score to settle, for her students. What kind of teacher proudly dogs her students calling names and boasting about her drinking habits while grading and working? Just another reminder why standards in our education system need raised, this is why my children are in private schools. Teachers - all too often - fail to rise to the professional standard they are held to. I pity this woman...a 40 something... miserable with her mid-level low-salary position to the point she takes it out on children. Lisa Render should be shamed!

  15. I am a parent who's student was mentioned on the page mentioned above. It was a relief to see it taken down. A group of parents banned together and contacted the school board over this, as well as others. One would think that a teacher would act more responsible, however, that did not happen in this case. In any event, at least someone finally notified her to take it down. It still amazes me that she did this in the first place. Just awful.

  16. She is a grad from Marian and mentors there - I hear the University was contacted and informed as well. She certainly does not need to be mentoring anyone...sounds like an AA meeting should be in her future.

  17. It is clear that if you think you have to be a "friend" on Facebook to read comments on a page you aren't very savvy. hahaha The only time you would need to be a "friend" is if the page was private. This one was public, I read it earlier. I can't believe she's a teacher...even a mom herself! Are teachers really not trained on how sensitive issues with disabilities are? To honestly refer to a disability the way she did is twisted. I feel for her children, and the kids they attend daycare with. She not only needs AA, she needs parenting 101!

  18. It saddens me, as a co-worker of hers, that she has acted so poorly. I had no idea my fellow teachers could be so crazy.

  19. Teachers are held to a different standard. Are you really telling me that you have never had a beer in the evening while finishing up some work? Since when does an occassional beer make a person an alcoholic? And honestly, have you never made a comment out of anger you regretted later? You shouldn't judge people without knowing the whole story.

  20. Let's see what happens here, if she was an administrator this whole thing would be ignored.

  21. Her drinking or kvetching habits would be a non-issue if she didn't post them on Facebook. I feel no sympathy for her that this has become an issue. It's not like she's being tarred and feathered because someone saw her buy beer or overheard her venting about students. She put these things out there for the public. The public is responding.

  22. The teacher posting on Facebook clearly made a mistake...A. She should have had her settings set to be private, and B. You have to realize who is reading.

    But, who cares if she was "drinking and grading." She's an adult, she's at home, she's not doing anything illegal.

    And, please, save the indignation. She's saying the same things you all say about your students. She just made the mistake of writing them down. You can save your righteous indignation for something else.

  23. The only thing wrong this teacher did was forgetting that 'everything you think about or do is not worthy of posting on Facebook'.

  24. ...but you say nothing when a Principal has a sexual relationship with a teacher he supervises and then has her shipped off to another school when she ends it. Where is your indignation there?

  25. Hmmm...sexual relationships between adults vs. a teacher attacking children. Yeah it`s a mystery as to which a parent would care more about! haha Get a life.

  26. Hmmm...sexual relationships between adults vs. a teacher attacking children. Yeah it`s a mystery as to which a parent would care more about! haha Get a life.

  27. As a salaried member of the staff you are correct that I can work from home and grade papers. However, that is work and then it is not `my time` and it is not OK to crack open a new one while I`m grading! Further, to post it online publicly is unprofessional and should result in termination.

    In addition, her public acknowledgment of her drinking, dislike of IPS and slamming students is icing on the cake.

  28. She never expressed dislike, frustration yes, dislike no, and there were many posts where she raved about her kids...don't you ever get frustrated at work? If you never do...please do tell, where do you work? We all want to work there.

  29. This is not about frustration at work, this is about knowing proper chanels to vent that. Taking it out on children and posting it online on a public page...that is the issue. Get it straight and stop exhibiting your own stupidity on the topic. How would you react if your child was called a `Nut`? According to this ladies postings, she attacks teachers at pre school when her own child doesn`t get the cott they want a nap time. Really? Then she treats her students like this!

  30. If drinking at home was reason for termination then most of the staff would be gone.......

  31. The person who doesn't understand the difference between venting and posting inappropriate things online is likely the blogmaster, who has voiced confusion over the same issue here, despite how many times people have tried to explain it.

  32. It is not hard to tell the difference. Venting is very differnt from calling students nuts and rude bitches. Dr Beesley, head of the Schl of Education, from Marian commented that she is disheartened by Mrs. Renders actions and that it has been noted and further noted how this displays the continued need to make note of a teaching candidates mental stability as well as academic performance.

  33. This is a serious issue, make no mistake. Letters and copies have been sent to the State Board of Education to alert them as well as Mitch Daniel`s office. Was the goal of this teacher to post hateful things on a social network page to and to the pressures our children in this age group face? This is awful, picking on children with a known hopes of what? Social embarrassment? Lead to social withdraw? What if this would have happened? Even a suicide can not release details of a parent teacher convo on a public page discussing the childs disability and referring to her as nuts. How unreal....

  34. Mrs Render taught psychology at Ivy Tech as well. Obviously she is using her background in a twisted way these days, picking on children. Her facebook page talked about her light bill at hoem, obviously all of her lights were on at home but nothing was on `upstairs`. lol Bad joke, but let it be known that teachers - like it or not - are public servants and as such their lives are public. Given this information and seeing how her actions are being discussed at the highest levels and even at her alma mater it will be interesting to see how IPS responds. In addition, let this serve as a lesson to all techers that you are role models and therefore held to higher standards. Stay out of the public light by avoiding public profiles online, news media, and scandals in general.

  35. Admittedly, the teacher did not use good professional judgement in her FB posts; however, I read them and saw nowhere that she'd mentioned a child's name in referencing a disability. It was all very generic. With that said, posting anything on a social network other than talking about the weather or a ballgame is iffy.

  36. Why was a person looking at this teacher's Facebook page unless they were looking to find dirt on her?

  37. The facebook page was brought to the student's attention by another teacher who thought the students should know and alert their parents - which they did. So, no one was looking for dirt it was a case of one teacher knowing the information. It also seems there were text messages sent from Mrs. Render about various students cursing them to other teachers and stating how she couldn't stand them. It was all sent in text messages to other teachers from what I understand.

  38. Sounds like the person concerned with indignation and the sexual relationships with the principle might have been the teacher involved in the sexual escapade.

  39. principal....not principle.....a principal does not always have principles............

  40. Either way, I think the poster's point was that the lady so worried with 'indignation' (which was posted about 3 times) must have been screwing the principal exhibiting her own lack of principles. :-) Happy now?

  41. I'm shocked by the number of people (teachers I'm guessing?) defending her. I wonder if it were their kids "freakin 8th graders" and conversations mentioned if they'd be so forgiving?

  42. When is the next board meeting? I vote that as concerned parents and community members we show up an ask about the IPS policy on teachers/administrators having public Facebook pages and the disclosure of private information on their page(s). Who's with me?

  43. Check statistics and see how many kids commit subside. And then, tell a parent that has lost there child that it is ok if a person express bad things on the internet that may case a child to take there life.

  44. The word is suicide. I am sure that is what you were trying to say. You are correct about that. :) Why don't we all have a drink and tell a parent it is ok. Or OH WELL..... Your kid just could not make the grade.

  45. Exactly, it is something serious to consider when a teacher posts/states anything negative about a child in any situation. The long-term impact of that, the feeling the student might have that 'no one' cares and that even their school teachers don't care or believe in them. Disabilities are real, and they don't make someone 'nuts'. However, a teacher posting things like that....just might.

  46. This is not the first time that this teacher has been in trouble for using technology inappropriately. She was reprimanded at the last school she was in as well.

  47. IPS teacher needs to make this a strand of its own...more will be weighing in

  48. I drink and grade papers, I don't get DRUNK and grade papers, but yes, a glass of something, be it lemonade, water, or wine is by my side when i grade papers. At home I don't see what the problem is with that. Why would you be fired for that? I have a friend who works for a design company in Indy and when they need to get work done before the weekend, they have beer friday. We are not drinking and coming to school, we grading papers at our home while having a drink. However, my facebook settings are private, and I'm never friends with students.

  49. Aug 20, 2010: Teacher quits after posting on facebook she was stressed and didn't like the snooby parents. No mention of names, no students targeted:

    Facebook has a WHOLE page dedicated to teaching teachers how to (and NOT to) use Facebook:

    She should have read that!

  50. The key is " facebook settings are private, and I'm never friends with students." You then are a responsible teacher. Verses putting it out there and bashing your students.

    If a teacher is forced to resign over stating parents are snobby how will IPS dance around this issue? Mrs. Render put comments about students and her drinking & working habits on a public page.

  51. or someone hacked her account and changed the settings. Stranger things have been known to happen.

  52. No one hacked her account, this teacher even made comments today after being called downtown that she "ain't worried". She better be, and she better be aware a few teachers are equally upset.

  53. Hacked her account and posted things back at the first of the school year? I doubt that. How about facing the fact she wasn't smart enough not to write these things or smart enough to make her page private. No matter - the fact is, private or public the information she posted about students was and IS wrong.

  54. Directly from Facebook: "Teachers work with an audience that is by definition impressionable. This means that being a teacher comes with the added responsibility of also being a public figure. As with most jobs, the extra-curricular life of a teacher has professional consequences, which is especially important on Facebook where people are more connected and sharing more often." If Facebook gets this concept why can the teachers of IPS? Further, why isn't action being taken towards removing this teacher from the HS. Clearly, given her comments about stress and "freakin students" she isn't cut out for the role.

  55. I think the poster above meant - why can't the teachers get this? Tom, aka Facebook, surely isn't more familiar with the fundamentals of teaching than teachers themselves. I agree, there is a responsibility of being a public figure as a teacher. IPS needs to take action - where is the media coverage of this?

  56. Why is no one concerned that a fellow teacher told students to look it up. I don't friend students or parents. I don't put anything on facebook about work at all. I don't agree with her posts, but really now, a teacher directed students to look at something she KNEW would hurt them. What makes this okay? Where is the professionalism?

  57. I agree, but I think it was in an attempt to bring it all to light. According to others there are emails and text messages from Mrs. Render that were sent during school to other teachers dogging students who ticked her off on any given day...IPS needs to look into her character. Honestly, she needs help (sincerely) and shouldn't be teaching.

  58. I agree that the teacher who directed students to the page showed very poor judgement and is as unprofessional as the teacher who posted the hurtful comments. Why would an adult direct a student to look at something that would make them feel badly?

  59. @Why is no one concerned that a fellow teacher told students to look it up.

    Precisely. Sounds like a certain teacher knew this stuff was posted and just couldn't wait to get the other teacher into trouble. Using students to 'bring it all to light' is more despicable than the original unprofessional FB poster. Render sounds rather unprofessional for posting her thoughts on FB; however, the other teacher sounds just plain old mean and vindictive.

    It would have far more professional and mature for the teacher to have spoken privately with the FB posting teacher about the ramifications from posting work-related issues on Facebook.

    I surely don't want friends or co-workers like that -- just waiting around to catch me doing something bad. We need co-workers to confront us privately if they believe we're doing something unprofessional, not co-workers who are going to students or parents to expose our areas of weakness.

  60. Why do people do anything? Who knows, if someone was putting that out there about my child - I would want to know. Lets not shoot the messenger.

  61. "An attempt to bring it all to light."
    For those who are doubting that this teacher actually posted those things, she was reprimanded at another high school for using an instant messenger to talk badly about colleagues and students and then managed to project it on the wall during a class for all to see. She obviously did not learn the first time that there are things you don't do around students.

  62. Before the teacher who 'brought it all to light' involved the students and parents, did the teacher speak with the building administrator and bring him/her into the loop?

  63. I can't believe the way this board has defended (for the most part) a teacher who posted bad things about a student. But, look at how fast you all jump on the wagon when you think a co-worker stood up for what is right. I'll have you know, the teacher who brought up the FB page thought that the students knew about it and that was why they were upset. The teacher had no idea it was 'unknown' because the page was public and other students knew of it. Bottom line, it was wrong of the teacher to have the FB page and apparently it wasn't the first offense.

    The teacher who innocently brought it up thinking the students were aware as they talked about how mean Mrs. Render was to their face - caused no harm, only confirmed the truth.

  64. So let me make sure I am understanding....

    This Lisa Render, an IPS Broad Ripple HS teacher, has a history of this? Another HS reprehended her for bashing co-workers and students thought instant messaging? Then she posted it on the classroom wall for all to see? And NO ONE wonders how or why she got the job she has now? She previously spoke poorly of her students at one school and IPS thought it would be good to keep her on staff? Was this HS that the messaging occurred at an IPS school? No one sees an issue with this woman? Where are the excuses now? Was she stressed then? Was she just frustrated?

    Wow - real class act!

  65. The plot certainly does thicken - so this is strike 2 at IPS. They are already aware of her history so this wasn't her cry for help with all her talk about beer and hating her job as she publicly spoke ill of her students? Will IPS allow a strike 3? I for one know that if I were to post things about my work frustration and co-workers or clients publicly I'd be fired. Indiana is a 'no cause' state when it comes to firing.

    I hope Dr. White is aware of this, and what does this say for Ms. Davis? Take care of the problem! In addition, I wonder what all of the people previously defending Mrs Render as frustrated will say? It was sick watching them try to justify her talking bad about students before...what do you have to say now knowing her history? Or, perhaps you were aware and are equally guilty? I think those of you defending her might want to reconsider your loyalty given recent information shared that she has a history of this ridiculous behavior.

  66. Do you surely don't want friends or co-workers like Mrs. Render who continue year after year to exhibit poor behavior? The worst part is that it is impacting students who are being targeted by this psychopath. I hope IPS removes her promptly. Otherwise, I would expect more than a few parents at the next board meeting....they might just end up lined up out in front of the school along with a few students.

  67. Are HR files public for state employees? A subpoena could get them pulled and I'm sure there are a few attorneys who would be willing to represent these students recently targeted.

  68. You really have a hard on to ruin this woman's career don't you. What does that say about you? Think about karma, what goes around comes around. And if it does come out you are the one who put students into the middle of your dispute with this teacher you will never be able to enter a teacher's lounge or have a professional relationship with a colleague again.

  69. In Indiana you may request to review any state employees file, however, there are certain documents in a personnel file - such as insurance coverage - that might be excluded. I believe reprimands and job performance evaluations are publicly available upon request. Again, as a teacher you should be aware of this as you are a public figure/servant. That is part of why others are dumbfounded by comments that it is somehow 'ok' for this professional to have posted so publicly about her position, students, and hobbies.

  70. It would have been quite possible to bring this situation to the attention of the correct people without involving students. If anything happens to this student as the result of this you will be partially responsible.

  71. Karma? Now there is concern about karma? Looks to me like Render is getting a long hard lesson learned if you ask me. No teacher is involved in this from what I've gathered. Just upset students, who dread entering her class due to her behavior, and deeply concerned parents and citizens. The page was public - bottom line. She did this to herself and apparently has a history of this behavior.

    No career is being ruined if you ask me. Her posts at 3 a.m. on Facebook about loosing it and her texts from the classroom seem to be clear indications she is in the wrong position. Maybe she'd work better with smaller children? Oh wait, I forgot the public bashing of the pre-schoolers her own kids attended daycare with.

    Oh, and wait....she certainly showed those teachers and administrators any empathy when posting about the daycare services they provided. Maybe she should have.

  72. Wait, as a parent involved I want to come forward and clear some things up:

    1) No teacher is involved other than the teacher who posted about students, drinking, and 'frustrations' on a popular social network

    2) Parents were told about this directly from their children who saw the comments on Facebook

    3) Parents contacted the Principal directly the following day after being alerted by their children

    4) When the Principal didn't act promptly other measures were taken to contact the central IPS office

    5) Word spread, through Parents and other concerned citizens.

    In place of turning on each other (as teachers) after repeatedly making excuses for Mrs. Render and her unfortunate behavior, let her fight her own battles. I'm sure you believe you are a 'friend' to her but you're only making yourself seem catty and it's not necessary. The parents involved - who's children attend her class - are going through the proper channels.

    It is troublesome enough to know of the current situation, but now to learn it is a repeated offense makes the sting that much deeper. No need to blame others for sharing what they know, this is a public forum and surely if you could find it justifiable to defend Mrs. Render's actions you could leave well enough alone and respect others in having that same right to voice what they know as you so admittedly insisted she be able to do about her students.

    My prayers are that no one else has to have the feeling that she is targeting their children the way she has this group. In addition, as a parent I hope you never have to experience this because I assure you if you ever do you will go to any length to protect them and you will harbor no anger towards those who help you ensure it stops.

  73. This teacher posted " I am about to lose it today - too much bullshit!!!" Obviously she felt this way at the last HS too. Time for a career change.

    I can't believe her posting said "I learned that my most frustrating student just had her meds reduced. Mom promised to re-up - LMAO! She really WAS nuts! (Btw, exactly what disorder makes you act like a completely rude bitch?)"

    Why is she "LMAO" at a student needing medication? Or that it needs adjusted? Sounds to me like this parent took an open, honest, pro-active approach to explain some private issues with this teacher. And she posts "LMAO" about it? I would think as a teacher you would welcome this parent's involvement.

    When the posting states "she really WAS nuts", was this about the Mom or the student? Why would you refer to a student as "nuts" after learning about a disability? Then she really wrote "what disorder makes you act like a rude bitch". Wow, there are no words.

    First, the child has a disability - who is this woman to be so judgmental? Didn't someone post she teaches/taught Psychology? Really? After these statements I find that terribly hard to believe. And to refer to your student as a "rude bitch". I'm not shocked she's a repeat offender.

    An end needs to be put to this. How horrible for the students impacted by this. As adults we can argue the matter all day but at the root of this are sensitive children being picked on by a teacher. Someone who should be their role model and part of their support system. How could anyone defend this behavior - friend or not? Why didn't a friend on her Facebook page scold her for this?

  74. I think the only person with a hard on to end this lady's teaching days are her based on her actions. So much drama in the schools. If the administration knows about all this they need to put her on 'stress leave' until further decisions are made.

  75. Just because it happened before doesn't mean it was appropriately dealt with. To the person who knew about this occurrence last year - do you know if the issue was handled by HR or if Dr. White knew of it? Or was it handled locally at the HS? Given recent events this previous issue needs considered as well.

  76. Children went home and shared this story after hearing of it today, several parents are concerned as well as citizens who are observers of this situation. It is unfortunate.

  77. ONe of the things I have noticed in the past two years are the number of young teachers who don't use good common sense. Why post anything on facebook about your frustrations at work? Grow up...act like an adult...use some common sense.

  78. How do you know Principal Davis did nothing? Just as schools do not share information about how they discipline other students with you, they will not share how personnel are disciplined, unless they want major law suits. There are only two reasons to close school board meetings, plans to acquire property or personnel matters.

  79. To my knowledge there wasn't a school board meeting this past week - so how could one have been closed due to acquiring property or personnel matters. Lets not confuse members of the board meeting on an ad hoc basis as an official board meeting.

  80. Principal Davis was too busy eating up a case of "Hot Pockets", that were going to expire that day. Yet she told Doris Young to take care of the problem, Doris didn't do anything, except run out to her motor vehicle for another smoke? Stan Law was too busy chasing around the little girls on the third floor, oh yes he does, he is a horny little George Jefferson. BRHS is out of control, and Linda has too many probelms, drinking (Dr. White told her to watch this problem), over eating, never leaves her office, and phony, just because you can speak French does not make you smarter than other, Linda. And the "Bobble Heads" just keep on bobbling to the words of Dr. White.

  81. The bottom line to all of this is, this teacher made a big mistake. However, She does not need to be tarred and feathered. We all assume that what we do off the clock is our on business. But the fact remains that as long as we are public servants some parts of our life will be in scrutiny. The punishment for her actions should be equal to the crime. We all must remember that the child involved is suffering while all of us are running in circles about a bad judgment call. This child may need counseling at the end of all of this if people are not careful. We do not need a child to flip out because of pressure from the adults. No one person knows what that child is going through mentally. If she was able to read what the teacher put on her facebook status then she is reading what everyone is saying. We are educators not prosecutors, lawyers or judges. Let us stop judging and put the children first. Also, remember Linda Davis is the principal not her keeper.

  82. "We all assume that what we do off the clock is our own business." Only an idiot thinks that what they post on Facebook is their own business. Would you want this woman teaching YOUR child? I wouldn't want her teaching mine. I hope they either fire her or at the very least get her away from children until she is retrained on the responsibilities of being a teacher. Yes, I am an IPS teacher. And I don't defend this at all. And I think the most reassuring thing we can do for parents and students is to make perfectly clear that we know how wrong wrong wrong this behavior was.

  83. I hope we dont overlook the childish unprofessional actions of the teacher who alerted the students to the FB posting. An adult would have notified another adult in responsibility instead of bring hurt feelings to students. I realize that Linda Davis was probably too busy eating to do any thing and that Stan Law was chasing young girls as usual but there must have been a school board member who could have been informed. That teacher is as guilty as the teacher who posted.

  84. The comments made regarding Ms. Davis, Mr. Law and Doris Young are reprehensible. You are making judgments and statements that are pure gossip and it sounds like this is coming from someone who has their own "bone to pick". Posts like this serve no purpose to help anyone and only harm BRHS. As a former teacher at BRHS, I am saddened to see the whole school denigrated by such vicious remarks. At the least, you need to stick to facts. Comments about hot pockets, etc. are just plain STUPID!

  85. um...this is not about the teacher confirming the students findings. Get with it, this teacher is a repeat offender. Did you not see the parent's posting that parents DID go to a board member? There was not a teacher who pointed it out, a group of students was story telling about Mrs. Render and the teacher of the class they were in said "yes, I know I saw the facebook page". How is that unprofessional or wrong? Let me break it down for you, many teachers knew about the page and the text messages and emails that Mrs. Render sent during the day about her students. Should all teachers be in trouble that got those texts and emails? None of them went forward but it didn't make those any less 'real'. Why didn't they go to her or write back and tell her to GROW UP?

    Regardless, the teachers who knew of her action are not accountable for her actions. She is ands should be treated as such.

  86. I agree, someone feeling like action wasn't taken soon enough (esp the parents feeling this way) are expected. However, attacking the school staff and one another is just wrong. Mrs. Davis handled this along with HR and others. Mr. Law was doing his job getting students ready for the prep rally. No need for such comments. It's sad how many employees of BRHS are acting out publicly on this page.

    At least be professional and state your regrets to the parents and students impacted. Apologize for the short comings of the teachers actions and say that you are confident BRHS will address the matter appropriately.

  87. I would hate to be an 8th grader at BRHS in Mrs. Render's class knowing how she feels. Frustrated by her "freakin 8th graders". I guess now the feeling is mutual? How sad that the pressure/stress she feels from this is the same level of social stress/pressure placed on the kids she discussed on her page. Can you imagine? It is really sad.

  88. Action was taken, wasn't Ann Wilkins brought in? I believe she was.

  89. Looks like even she knew she needed to be more positive based on her posting:

    August 30: Lisa Render - Now this is ridiculous! I got up to make seating charts for all my new freakin' 8th graders and IPS online in STILL down! Seriously??? Wait, I forgot ... POSITIVE... screw that, I'm mad!

  90. Did anyone else catch that most of her postings were at 3 a.m.? Maybe she was making them after having 1 too many drinks and really wasn't in a clear state of mind. Not making an excuse, but just pointing that out. Her page should have been private.

    I saw where she slammed BRHS administration for "throwing" her to a class of new 8th graders and only posted sign on the door to tell them. Which, apparently, led to her breaking down into tears. She claimed usually it's Sept before she breaks down into tears. I think she def misdirected her anger to the students. That is sad, esp if she really does teach psychology as one posting suggests.

  91. "To my knowledge there wasn't a school board meeting this past week - so how could one have been closed due to acquiring property or personnel matters. Lets not confuse members of the board meeting on an ad hoc basis as an official board meeting."

    They never meet on an ad hoc basis, that would be a violation of the sun shine laws. Even serial meetings, where several board members meet, than a few more meet in sequence are illegal under the sunshine laws.

  92. So what was the reference to regarding the matter handled in a closed board meeting?

  93. Gee Whiz, just a little while ago someone posted that everything was wonderful at BRHS, so they are moving kids around in classes in the fifth or sixth week of school. These problems with class size and correct classes need to be dealt with during the first two weeks at the latest. No one should have to keep doing the same thing over and over again. And if you are required to do seating charts and have to keep doing them again and again, when do you have time to do your real work, preparing intellectually challenging and rigorous work for students. I'd be flippin mad too, and if the system I was suppose to use was down at crucial moments I'd know I was mad.

    And incidentally 8th graders are a pain in the rear, it is their developmental stage, the pain in the rear stage, one minute they are young adults and the next they are kindergarteners. How often have I had a parent say to me, he/she never behaves that way at home...Well how often do you allow him to have 25 others over for a visit and then ask them all to do something they simply may not want to do. Before you judge her walk in her shoes, I've taught on all levels and my least favorite is middle school, with drama kings and queens, bawling babies and children who suddenly believe because their bodies are grown they are adults (and we have a group of parents who believe this too:not so the brain does not mature until about 21 or 22) so my hat is off to anyone who teaches this age level.

  94. Oh and an FYI there is a disorder that causes students to be bitches or bastards; oppositional defiant disorder. An extremely frustrating disorder for parents and teachers to deal with.

  95. Not everyone is cut out to teach kids. If teaching middle schoolers causes you to behave like one, then you belong in another profession, or at the very least with another age group.

  96. Yes, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, also called ODD. Previously it was known as SIN - wanting to do what one wants to do, in the way one wants to do it, when and where one wants to do it...I understand it is inherent in human beings from birth...

  97. Wow, surprise - yet another BRHS teacher bashing students and the administration. What a miserable group of people.

  98. LOL, and generally encouraged by parents who allow their children to feel entitled, without teaching them any social responsibility, also known as SPOILED. So now these parents have an out of control eight grader, they're mad, and they are taking their frustration out on the teacher. What she did wasn't right, this was confidential information shared by a parent, and it never should have been discussed, much less posted, but this is a complete over-reaction...people are out for blood. What do you want? for her to apologize to both the parents and the students, or should we erect a guillotine in front of BRHS and finish her off?

  99. Running a high school is a difficult job and it cannot be done by hiding in your office and cramming your mouth with hot pockets. Don't underestimate the message a lazy, uncaring administrator sends to students and faculty.

  100. I agree, it's not for everyone to work in a HS or with 8th then don't.

  101. This has NOTHING to do with the parents or child or the other teachers and supervisors in the building. NOTHING. This has to do with a completely unprofessional, immoral choice made by a teacher. If you're a teacher and you don't think she should lose her job, you probably should think about another profession. This is really a big deal.

  102. A guillotine? No, now you're over reacting. The student posted about wasn't out of control, the parent discussed the matter and then the teacher posted it - along with other stuff - on Facebook. That is the issue an source of anger.

    Then, come to find out just last year the SAME teacher chatted online during school hours and projected the conversation on her class wall in which she bashed teachers and students at Manual HS. As a repeat offender she needs removed from the teaching roster at BRHS.

  103. Well said - If you're a teacher and you don't think she should lose her job, you probably should think about another profession.

  104. They really do have a drama magnet at BRHS, don't they?

  105. As a parent, I am still upset to know she was grading course work while drinking. How is this "okay"? Sure, it probably is done all the time but not to parent's knowledge! I for one couldn't draw up legal contracts at home while drinking it, post it on FB for clients to see, and then be 'surprised' when they're angry to learn of it.

  106. I have no doubt in my mind that the individual who "out-ed" Lisa Render is a colleague that she has as a "Friend" on her FB page. She should make her page private, and then immediately delete all colleagues. That school is SWIMMING with teachers who have no life and have nothing else better to do than to probe into other people's. What she does on her own time is her business. The way she chooses to vent is her business. My response to the wining of loser teachers who ask "why won't you Friend me on FB" is simple : "You are not my friend, you are someone I work with."

  107. You're still misunderstanding despite numerous attempts to clarify this matter for you. There was NOT a tattle-tale teacher who informed the parents. Her page was public. Parents, students, and teachers all saw it, and it spread quickly through multiple channels. But even if her page was private, unless she didn't have any parents or teachers as her friends, it still would have spread. I am an IPS parent and I have about a dozen of my kids' teachers as my friends on Facebook. I can't imagine any of them posting unprofessional garbage like the kind this woman posted, but if they did, I would have responded like the Broad Ripple parents and teachers did.

  108. "Then, come to find out just last year the SAME teacher chatted online during school hours and projected the conversation on her class wall in which she bashed teachers and students at Manual HS. As a repeat offender she needs removed from the teaching roster at BRHS."

    And this is known how?

  109. um, yeah...I do not know Lisa Render or any of her friends, and her page was public Thursday night...I read her wall posts and have screenshots of some of the better ones

  110. I hope Linda Davis is her friend, she really needs someone to drive her home after her drinking bouts. Stan leave the girls alone, you stated to everyone that you had learned your lesson? Keep yur word, and this is an outstanding higher level school with top level students and teachers? The "Bobble'Headed" Board Members needs to visit this overpriced day care.

  111. As a veteran IPS teacher, I understand getting so frustrated by students that one wants to scream. I also get that people need to vent, and that very often things are said in the heat of the moment that we ultimately wish we could take back. However, there is NO excuse for any teacher to publicly posts those vents. I'm sorry to say this, but in this instance, perhaps termination is the answer.

  112. I'm not afraid to say it, it's strike TWO for this woman. Two instances (last year and this year), across two HS in IPS. That equals the need for termination.

  113. Does Linda Davis have a documented drinking problem?

  114. The only one who would know that is her doctor. And that is confidential information. Has she been seen at school functions a little glassy eyed, yes. But no one breathalized her, so it is just speculation.

  115. People act like all this information is in a file downtown, when Andy Gammill went down and got Bridgewaters file there was nothing in it to document why she was terminated, twice (or so rumor says). Someone cleaned that file out, so the only way to know what happened is to talk to people who were there at the time.

  116. At least Linda Davis isn't having an affair with one of her teachers and breaking up a marriage like in the case of another IPS principal who had the teacher transferred immediately after she broke up with him. The school board knew all about that and did nothing. They are merely puppets of Eugene White.

  117. Andy Gammil should look in the Star archives.

    Indianapolis Teachers \ Parents want answers about demotion of Public School 86Õs principal Prudence Bridgewaters. Indpls. Star. Feb. 6, 1987. p. 21, c. 3

    Here's a hint for him.

  118. Ok, the concern is not what adults do to each's the involvement of students in their escapades.

    To the other posted, regarding Bridgewaters' file. Are you suggesting that Mrs. Renders file is not complete or that they would cover it up?

  119. Dr. Bennett's office was made aware and sent copies of this teacher's Facebook postings, I wonder how his office will react/assist? Maybe her license will not be renewed this June when it expires. We have got to hold teachers to a higher standard.

  120. Students at Shortridge were well aware of the conduct of their principal. They carried a petition to get their teacher returned to her position and school board members were contacted about the poor role modeling that was being done for the students there. The board did nothing.

  121. I don't know if Mrs. Render's case can be's a bit too much given it was aimed at students and one with a disability.

  122. Let's see, someone alleges they know about her past behavior at another school, and allege she is a drunk, they have contacted the school, and when the school did not move at the speed of light to appropriately discipline this teacher (in their opinion) they contacted downtown administrators, school board members, they want to speak about it at board meetings, they have contacted the state board of education, Mitch Daniels office, and now the state licencing board. She made a mistake and violated IPS policy and the trust of the parents, by writing about a student (un-named) on her facebook page. Now people want the board to come up with a policy about teachers use of facebook (an invasion of teachers freedom of speech and into their personal lives). Someone really hates this woman, and is stirring others to take revenge. My question how effective is she in the classroom, are her students learning?

  123. Where are you getting the idea that there is a single instigator in all of this. You keep talking about this like there is a single person getting everyone else riled up, and that's not my understanding of the situation at all. Parents and teachers are riled up because they feel like a really big deal is being minimized. I, for one, don't know this woman at all. But I know she has no business as a teacher. This is way beyond a "mistake." This is a public reaction to something this teacher intentionally made public. What did she THINK the reaction would be?

  124. It is not a single person, probably a holier than thou teacher, and the parents and their friends. No one has any idea what has or hasn't been done, since discipline of a teacher is confidential.

    No one disagrees that she should never have posted this information on her facebook page, but there are two mitigating factors, first she did not name the student, only the parents would have been aware that it was their child she was discussing. It was a breach of confidence with the parents for her to post information they provided, and a violation of IPS policy to reveal student information. The second factor is that she believed that her page was set to private, so either through some machinations of Facebook, or hacking of her account the settings were changed.

    Everything else she said is neither here nor there, general kvetching about school. She is an adult and drinking is legal, she said nothing about drinking a case of beer while grading, one beer with chips does not a drunk make. Take my word for it nothing that was said on this page isn't said in a thousand teacher's lounges across the nation, everyday. What administrators think is a minor problem, moving students around like pieces on a chess board, is a major problem for teachers, especially teachers who want to deliver quality instruction. And behavior and lack of support for students with behavior/discipline problems another major issue.

    Lets look at the root causes of the frustration teachers feel, rather than targeting a specific teacher for saying (on line) the same thing teachers say everyday.

  125. The courts have held that students have the rights to discuss and make rude remarks about teachers by name, so I have a feeling teachers can do the same, its called Freedom of Speech. In the first case the students named the teacher this teacher didn't. I know that because of this coming to light Linda Davis to almost swallow the whole hot pocket and passed out in the American Legion parking lot. See, I told you Linda Davis was a horrible administrator and Stan "The Girl Chasing Man" is back to his old ways, Stan leave the baby girls alone, you are a grown man. Dr. White should put on the red Gucci shoes and visit BRHS, way too much money is spent on each student and they are ready to kick out around two hundred students, back to their home students. ADM is over, they have the money and the other schools will have to pick up the slack from the Boss Hog at BRHS.

  126. Marc, it is so easy to recognize you in these nearly illiterate posts. Time for you to shut up.

  127. Several years ago, early one morning, the custodian was emptying the trash in Mrs. Davis's office, she called over a group of teachers to look at all the food waste in the trash can, two empty hot pocket boxes were in the trash can along with lots of other food wrappers (which was emptied daily). There were at least six Broad Ripple teachers present.

    Mrs. Davis's eating is irrelevant to any ongoing discussion. What is relevant is how often she leaves the office, is she out in the building? Does she know students names? Has she any idea how teachers are interacting with students? Does she have any sense of the pulse of the building?

  128. So....wasn't this thread supposed to relate to
    A New Deal
    Have you heard Eugene White wants to extend his contract for another year with IPS? Maybe he really wants those tickets to the Super Bowl.
    Posted by IPS Teacher at 1:59 PM ??
    Am I missing something here?

  129. "My question how effective is she in the classroom, are her students learning?"

    To answer your question:
    1) she is effective in the class room at chatting online about her co-workers and students negatively

    2) She is effective at putting the chat conversations on the wall for all to see

    3) She is able to use her IPhone to post about how she is 'freakin loosing it' at school and needs a beer (surprise!)

    4) We will never know how well her students really are doing because the teacher is too busy chatting, posting on facebook, and drinking while grading for anyone to truly know.

  130. Say it in a lounge, say in the hall, just post it on your public Facebook wall!

  131. I think that should have said, "just DON'T post it on your public facebook wall"

    The point is that students were targeted by an adult, a teacher they should be able to trust and look to for developmental and educational support. If you can't see that and you're a teacher - you sicken me and I pity you.

  132. Okay, so how is you can see she violated IPS policy, but you can't see she should be in trouble? And, it's the SECOND offense of the same policy! (2009 Manual HS) There have to be consequences for her actions, and moving her to a 3rd HS where she can target those students doesn't seem like the best option.

    Yes, she is an adult and has rights but as with any public figure/servant posting about minors on a social network page isn't one of them. Further, I don't care where you work if you telecommute (i.e. grade papers at home, lesson plan, etc) you are NOT allowed to drink while you're doing it and post about it publicly. You honestly think if you said, "Mrs. Davis, it's been a long day so I'm going home to grade these tests and crack open a cold one while I do it", that she'd say, "Sure, go for it - after all you're over 21!"



    Does it happen? Sure. Is it right? Debatable. Is it okay to post about online through Facebook at 3 a.m.? NOT A CHANCE IN HELL.

  133. What can be learned from this Facebook snafu?

    * Set all your Facebook privacy setting to Friends Only (immediately)

    * If you have any question whatsoever about your FB Friends' loyalty, then Remove and Block them (they will not receive a notification - you will simply disappear from their Friends List - if they question you about this, then blame it on a FB technical glitch)

    * Steer away from posting photos that show booze, scantily clad people (remember that some employers do check FB pages of prospective employees)

    * Only post positive things about your work environment (if you can't think of anything positive to post, then don't post anything at all)

    * Never post that you're going to be away from your home for any reason (even your best Friends have relatives who might be thieves)

    * Stay away from posts about drinking, crazy parties, any medications

    * Never post anything when you're angry, frustrated, emotionally upset, or under the influence of any chemical

    Stay strong,
    Your Mom

  134. As a parent seeing how many BRHS teachers seem to be in agreement Mrs. Render's actions were okay I am beside myself with anger. This is not "acceptable" behavior for a teacher. If so many of the staff feel it is, I encourage the IPS Board to review the well qualified, upstanding, hard working teachers who are out of work and currently seeking to put their well valued skills to work. Perhaps it's time to clean house at BRHS given this all being brought to light. There is no shortage of teachers needing work, well qualified ones at that. So, before you jump on the band wagon further defending Mrs. Render and her so-called rights I urge you to think about how replaceable you are and the true victims. Our children! Then think about their rights compared to hers. I think you'll find you need to sit back and drink a big, tall, cool glass of 'shut the hell up'.

  135. See, if you'r mom gets it (i.e. Mom's positing of lessons learned) then you should to. I feel bad for Mrs. Render, obviously her mom forgot to mention that you never put anything in writing you don't want brought back on you - ever. Apparently, she also wasn't able to learn from her previous case at Manual. Maybe she has a disability?

  136. Parents weren't upset movement didn't happen at the speed of light. No one is upset with Mrs. Davis, Mr. White, or any other involved party working to correct this wrong. The issue has been made public to raise awareness and ensure it's not swept away under a rug. Like the 2009 case at Manual must have been. Being at BRHS you really can't be surprised to see a Grass Roots movement come about to right this wrong.

    Think about if your child were in her class, or if it had been your child commented about. At least these parents brought it forward and recognized Mrs. Render's cry for help. She's obviously stressed to be sending those messages during the day. One would also wonder how her home life must be. After all, she's publicly announcing at 3 a.m. she's up drinking and grading papers while her husband and children are in bed. Doesn't sound like everything is "okay" for her. Perhaps she'll get the mental break and stress relief she needs. Plus the children in her classes will be placed with a more suitable role model. A win-win situation.

    Look at it as a glass half full: no "freakin' 8th graders to deal with, no more frustration with IPS online, no need to desire a beer at 1 p.m. over students. Clearly she's been with the wrong age-group all along. Maybe even in the wrong job.

  137. Who's the German teacher at BRHS? Is S/he the one how keeps using the word 'kvetching'.

  138. Many of the complainers here are missing the point. We are agree that Render's actions were inappropriate. What many of us have a problem with is selectively imposing standards on employees. In that same building is an administrator who does not understand the appropriate way to interact with young ladies. It is well known to the staff, the Ed. Center and the board. Nothing happens and it continues. Another principal had a public affair with a teacher he supervised and nothing happened to him. The teacher was immediately transferred to another building. The students were well aware in both situations. Yes, we need standards of conduct but they need to apply to all including administrators.

  139. An affair between adults is not even in the same league as what Mrs. Render did. Her actions directly and negatively impacted her job and betrayed the trust of the public, her students, and their families.

  140. I say, fire them all! None of them need to be around children!

  141. Ms. Render has full legal rights that our forefathers granted us, no one was named, she was at home, and it's not like the Fat Boy at Shortridge, who was caught by a poor teacher while they were doing it on the desk. The poor teacher has full time therapy, lots of medications, not able to sleep the whole night, and she now has PTSD. It was a horrible sight, place her in your prayers.

  142. Kvetching isn't a German word. It is a Yiddish word, and as far as I know, BRHS does not have a German teacher- Only Tech and Howe have German teachers.

  143. LOL You are ridiculous.

  144. Sorry, we posted at the same time. My "ridiculous" was aimed at the poster of the "poor teacher has full time therapy... PTSD" comment.

  145. @An affair between adults... I cannot believe that you are not bothered by a principal and a teacher caught having sex on school premises and on school time and the students being fully aware of it. Your allegiances are warped if you think administrators should not suffer consequences for their inappropriate behavior while teachers who are guilty of less significant inappropriate behavior should be fired. Are you Mary Louise or Mary Bush???

  146. Neither - I'm a parent who strongly disagrees that the Mrs. Render is "... guilty of less significant inappropriate behavior". A child was impacted. Were students the one who walked in the adults having sex? Likely not, likely it was the same group of teachers who think Mrs. Render's facebook activities are okay to that shared the story about two adults caught as school having sex.

    Regardless, a child wasn't involved in the sexual affair so I - as a parent - do not care. Affairs are not right, sex at work isn't right, but neither involved a child.

    Lets try one more time, obviously academic performance isn't high on the list of any education program you completed at your alma mater, Mrs. Render's actions 2 years in a row at 2 HS has displayed she is not stable enough to work around HS aged children. It is not okay, forgivable, or her "right" to publicly share information she is privileged to as a teacher and call students names. Nor is it okay for a teacher to chug back a few ones, grade papers, and post about it on a social network page that is geared at HS/College aged students.

  147. *snap* Any questions?

    I agree though, stop trying say that other's poor actions justify or 'right' Mrs. Renders. They don't. Sure other issues exist and need addressed. It sounds like the affair was, the two were split up and if they as adults wish to keep seeing one another they no longer work in the same building. The teacher who thought it would be a good idea to enter into the affair should have thought it through. Did she think the VP would be moved? Really? Was Bill Clinton removed and Monica stayed around? lol

  148. Adultery amongst the staff vs posting sensitive information about students and drinking on Facebook.

    Hmmm, yeah, I still don't get which would upset a parent either.

    But what I do get is that just as you are upset as a teacher aware that IPS did nothing these poor parents are upset nothing might be done. I would hate for any of you defending Mrs. Render's actions to be my childs teacher. I would have handled it much different. More of a 1 on 1 type solution if you will.

  149. This is exactly why I am not on Facebook.

  150. Right now I'm thinking there are perhaps about two people writing all these posts about Render -- a parent and one teacher, both of whom finally got something big on Ms. Render.

    Render was really stupid to post her thoughts about school and mentioning a Blue Moon on Facebook, but I fear that the parent and the other teacher are worse than stupid -- they're dangerous and looking to draw blood. This is not the forum for drawing blood. Take it to the administration and leave it there! No one here can do anything about Render.

  151. It's the other way around. Every teacher and parent I know thinks Render should be fired. And then there's the lunatic blogmaster here who keeps bringing up an affair and trying to downplay Render's action. Nobody else is defending her or minimizing the enormity of what she did.

  152. @It's the other way around.

    It does not matter what you, every teacher you know, and/or every parent you know thinks about Render's Facebook screw-up. At this point, it's out of your hands completely. Not one teacher or parent who reads this blog can do anything about the outcome.

  153. That's not true. Every parent, teacher, and tax payer that gets involved can influence what happens. Did you miss President Obama's campaign? The power of "1" (i.e. all of us) is an amazing thing. We can demand it be taken care of, and given her 2nd offense that she's out of the HS setting.

    Through sharing and keeping in touch with one another we can write letters, call administration, contact the board, attend meetings, go to the school, demand our children be removed from Mrs. Render's class, etc. We do have the power the make a change. Only someone who doesn't want to make the change would want us to think otherwise. I assure you - far more than 2 people are posting on this board.

  154. Is the blog master posting? I didn't think they posted as 'anonymous'.

  155. You really think nothing can be done about this from a parental standpoint? Parents can't ask that their children be removed from her class? Parents can't go to board meetings? Parents can't rally together?

    Wow, you really must be an idiot to think as a parent I would have no power or choice but to watch a teacher publicly ridicule her students and just have to say 'oh well, it impacts our children but as a parent I'm powerless'.

    Mrs. Render didn't seem to powerless as she used the same Facebook page to bash the teachers at her children's daycare. In fact, she was so upset with them over nap time issues she pulled them out of the daycare. Yet, we as BRHS parents are powerless? I think not.

  156. Kathy Cannon was Facebook friends with Lisa Render...wonder why they didn't point out to her friend it wasn't the best of ideas?

  157. Yes, Kathy among others. I'm shocked at the stuff coming out on this board that only "insiders" would know. Of course now anyone/everyone reading this knows too.

  158. "I fear that the parent and the other teacher are worse than stupid -- they're dangerous"

    Which parent? There are multiple posts from teachers and parents. Some are both teachers and parents. Who knows, maybe there is a limit to the number of posts the web master wants from one person? Maybe there is a group together positing from the same source? Maybe a library or gathered at a house? Possibilities are endless but it doesn't minimize the concern or need for action.

  159. This sounds like a lynching after a trial in the court of a public blog. More like a right wing Tea Party effort than a progressive outlook. Scary, very scary that a mob of anonymous angry parents would attack one person, by name, on a public blog. This is over-kill.

  160. Over kill? How can you say that when she used a public forum to attack students (minors at that)? She is the one who put it up on a public page, the posters here are only commenting and sharing their thoughts on what she chose to do publicly. She is hardly a victim.

  161. Court of a public blog? I thought the point of the blog was to share thoughts on the one here had the power to put the actions into place. They can only hope to influence others who do have that power. No court or lynching here, just a free exchange of beliefs. Both sides have been equally represented here and both sides have taken fair stabs at one another. Seems like a healthy debate/discussion of what this teacher proudly made public when she posted it freely on her Facebook page.

  162. I think the person posting about overkill must not have children and must not understand the impact this teacher's postings could have had on the student(s). It is a sad day when an adult can't understand why it's not okay to pick on a child for any reason. Further, to act as though nothing should be done about it. All anyone here is saying is that the teacher was wrong, perhaps need stress management, might benefit from AA, and shouldn't be working in HS. None of that seems like a "lynching" to me. They are all very healthy options, especially knowing it is the 2nd offense.

  163. According to Yahoo Maps you can drive from Broad Ripple to Salem, MA in 15 hours and 34 minutes. The distance is 970.68 miles. This is an appropriate venue for this proceeding.

  164. Wasn't Ripple the same school where the parents went to court and had the curfew law overturned after their little darlings broke curfew, were tailed by the police home, then ran from the police? If they weren't white kids they probably would have been shot. Curfew keeps kids inside when they belong there after 11:00 pm, and keeps them safe. Curfew is a benefit for parents and kids, but not for their special darlings.

  165. I read all Render's posts on Facebook. Yes, I found it absolutely inappropriate Facebook etiquette to mention having a beer while grading papers, to complain about student behaviors, to call a student a rude bitch, etc. But, I do not know the name of the student called a rude bitch, I do not know how many beers that Render drinks each evening, I do not know if she's mentally unstable. She did not name the student, and I am unable to identify the student -- have no wish to, in fact. Render did not mention anyone's name in her posts. That's more than I can say for the angry mob posting here!

    Unless any poster here is in possession of professionally documented evidence that Render is emotionally unstable or is a substance abuser,I consider all the talk about her drinking and mental stability nothing more than slanderous suppositions from mad mothers and righteous teachers from the Ripple.

    Yes, Render is guilty of posting thoughts on Facebook that are unprofessional; however, all these other accusations are merely hearsay.

  166. What kind of disability did this kid have? Physical, mental, learning, emotional, behavior???

  167. What about the big fat one at Shortridge getting caught in a sex act with a teacher??? Is that inappropriate??

  168. I know nothing of that, but what I do know is that this is an interesting topic of race to bring up. Isn't it true that one of the students targeted by this Caucasian teacher is a minority? I'm not saying it's an issue of race - just pointing out that as a magnet school students come in from neighboring areas. The parents in this case aren't the same parents who asked for laws to be changed.

  169. Who is the 'big fat one'. A VP & teacher affair? Not that again...we covered this. It was inappropriate but no child was involved. Let it go.

  170. @As a parent seeing how many BRHS teachers seem to be in agreement Mrs. Render's actions were okay I am beside myself with anger.

    How do you know if many BRHS teachers are in agreement or not in agreement with Ms. Render's actions? Has a poll been conducted? Or, is this just another suppostion? You don't know anymore about what's inside the BRHS teachers' minds about this incident than I do, unless you have ESP or other super powers.

    Maybe you and Ms. Render, evidently both drama queens, would be better off just going behind the barn and duking it out and be done with it. May the best overly emotional woman win.

  171. You know the 'name' of the student because it was MULTIPLE students. She talked about students in more than just one posting. If you had really read the page you know how to hit the "older positing" button. Her comments about students had gone on for a long time, none mentioned by name. But, they were mentioned and the students and parents who read the page (along with friends) were able to know who was who in the postings. That's the point.

    Her name is posted here, but she first posted her own name on the public Facebook page next to her very public and nasty comments. To me that is an invitation for her business to be discussed in a public forum - after all she is the one who brought it online in the first place.

    The concern about her having a drinking problem is because of the number of times she brought it up, is it true - who knows? We don't, which is your point. Is she unstable? It seems she is struggling with her job and the stress of working with the age group she is assigned to. So, unstable in her position - perhaps. Unstable and dangerous, that's too much.

  172. Why do you assume a women posted that? Men can't post here too? And we do know what the teachers at BRHS are saying - without use of ESP - and you know how? Because they are posting it here. lol

    Craziest group of people ever!

  173. A women posted it? Geesh -- you guys need to use grammar check.

  174. @Why do you assume a women posted that?

    Because no adult male who carries a man card would spend any time on this blog whining about what some married female teacher posted on Facebook, unless she posted something about his being the hottest looking man in Central Indiana.

  175. Hmm, so a man can't read a woman's facebook page if she's married? I'm more confused now. How about a concerned father, a man who is married and reads teacher's postings in an instance that has led to several children being upset? Don't quit your day'd make a lousy investigator.

  176. Well, I have at least learned a few things. Like that 'Kvetching' isn't a German word, rather it is a Yiddish word.

  177. I think it's ironic that the same people saying things said about the students were okay because Render didn't use their names are probably the same posters listing out the names of the administration at BRHS. Who else would know their names and what they eat for lunch? What a bunch of hypocrites.

  178. @Hmm, so a man can't read a woman's facebook page if she's married? I'm more confused now.

    No, you're definitely not confused; your mind is made up already. After you get Render fired, who's next on your list?

  179. "Because no adult male who carries a man card would spend any time on this blog whining about what some married female teacher posted on Facebook, unless she posted something about his being the hottest looking man in Central Indiana."
    So instead of playing the race card you choose to play the sexist card. Can anyone think of any new and different bigoted idiotic insults to hurl at us? I'm sure we haven't covered them all. Hopefully the poster mentioned above is not a BRHS employee. I would hate to think that one of my colleagues thinks so poorly of women.
    I am a BRHS teacher, and although I think that Mrs. Render's comments were completely inappropriate, I also believe that the feeding frenzy that is going on here on the blog is simply frightening and am appalled that anyone would participate in this "Witch Hunt" atmosphere. Isn't it enough that downtown is on a constant witch hunt for teachers?

  180. I'm not sure we're all reading the same blog? hahah

    Men and Women can post here. There is no "list", there is a teacher who violated IPS policy - 2 yrs in a row at different HS. There seems to be an equal number of parents and teachers in agreement that this teacher is assigned to the wrong age group. Perhaps younger students who still look to adults in awe and aren't able to challenge Render would be more of a better fit. I've not read where anyone said she needs fired, removing her and firing her are very different things. There was suggestion about needing a different career path. Just as no parent wishes to see their child's life/reality altered there is no wish for that with a teacher. Suspended with pay on stress leave or transfered to an elementary are acceptable options. The concern is that after all this children as still expected to sit in her class...and that's not fair.

  181. Well the witch hunt squad need not look further according to the BRHS employee who blames women for it all...according to her and you the witch hunt committee here did the downtown squads job. Or, is it that the committee here is looking to help the squad downtown refocus on the real issues at hand and clean up the true messes?

  182. Wow - it's true. The BRHS teachers who have posted here are brutal and tell-alls when it comes to co-workers. Sounds like a horrible place to work. I feel bad for the administration!

  183. Acceptable options? So now you're so officious that you and your group are giving 'acceptable options' for Render's future under a thinly veiled guise of finding a better career fit? What pompous Tea Party jackasses!

    You have reported the Facebook incident to the proper authorities, now let the authorities handle it from this point forward. Your job is finished.

  184. I don't think any parent would be any less upset than those who's children have been impacted by this. If they are acting like jackasses - they have been given the right to based on Mrs. Render's actions. Any caring parent would go to any length to protect their children. These parents are only asking that their children be removed from her care. That's a fair request.

  185. Well, after the BRHS teachers so kindly pointed out the 'authorities' have a habit of not handling things. So, maybe they're just sticking around until this one is.

  186. Linda Davis surely has her hands full with her staff this year! Talk about community engagement!

  187. "I think it's ironic that the same people saying things said about the students were okay because Render didn't use their names are probably the same posters listing out the names of the administration at BRHS"

    I agree 100%.

    "These parents are only asking that their children be removed from her care. That's a fair request."


  188. If you are concerned about this teacher instructing at BRHS knowing what you now know, you need to start speaking up. No matter if you are a teacher or parent - email, call, or even visit BRHS and/or the IPS central office. Unless you make your voice heard you won't have the right to complain when she strikes again.

  189. I can't imagine having to be her entering that building today...

  190. If you don't know who the big fat one at Shortridge is then you are really out of it. Children were involved as they knew about it and carried petitions to have the teacher returned to the school. Quit trying to sweep this scandal under the rug.

  191. "Quit trying to sweep this scandal under the rug."

    Ha! You can't be serious! You are the one trying to sweep the Render scandal under the rug by digging up a past, less serious matter and trying to distract people with it.

  192. You lack the ability to assess my motivations and you are dead wrong. You are trying to sweep the Shortridge Sex Scandal under the rug. I support a full investigation of both situations and appropriate action taken based on the results of the investigations. When students are aware that their principal has been having an affair with one of their teachers and then has her transferred when it is over, they need to see that this is not behavior that is condoned. In their petition to have their teacher returned even they saw the inequity of one party being punished and the other party receiving no consequences whatsoever as being unfair.

  193. This thread has 193 comments, almost all about Lisa Render. The Shortridge "sex scandal" (lol) has nothing to do with this.

  194. I am a teacher at BRHS and until I got on this blog, I knew nothing of the Lisa Render situation. I am wayyyy too busy this year planning, making things available through IPS online. supporting student groups, etc. ( Kind of makes me wonder about people on here purporting to be BR teachers.) Facebook is going to be the ruination of many a career and friendship. I am appalled that a teacher would post things and not make her posts private. We all need to vent on our jobs, but this juvenile behavior of having to splay your feelings to miilions of " friends" is ridiculous! Pick up the phone and call someone CHILDREN!!!!!!!!

  195. The topic of this posting is supposed to be the extension of Eugene White's contract. Obviously it is now an open topic. If you fail to see the connection between the way these two situations are being handled then you have a problem. Perhaps you are trying to cover for the big fat one at Shortridge.

  196. At one time I thought I wanted to teach at BR, but now I am glad I'm in my current assignment.

  197. I'm not covering for anyone. I don't know anyone at Shortridge. I know nothing about an alleged affair except that some nutcase on this blog is consumed with it. The Lisa Render deal is a current issue that has parents and teachers upset right now. You can think they're wrong for being upset. You can think administration will handle it poorly based on how they've handled previous things. But to the parents and teachers who are upset, two adults having an affair however long ago at another school has no relevancy to the current scandal at Broad Ripple.

  198. BR is a wonderful place to teach. Ms. Davis does an excellent job and surrounds herself with excellent teachers. Mrs. Render is an excellent teacher who happened to make a bad choice in posting a private thought in a manner that she "assumed" was private as well. Get over it and move on.

  199. "happened to make a bad choice..." now who's covering for who? If you are her friend, I can understand you defending her. But look at it from the perspective of a teacher or parent. This isn't a careless slip. This is a pattern of unprofessional and unethical behavior. Would you want YOUR children in her class?

  200. I love this blog!

