Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Late Kids

Have you seen more students late to class lately? If they told you it's not their fault they might be right. There have been a lot of problems with the bus service as of late. So when they tell you it was the bus, they might be right.


  1. If you really want to get your blood boiling, Indianapolis Public Schools racked up a $19,000 cell phone bill from December 16, 2009 through January 15, 2010. By the way, a good chunk of that was winter break. Who the hell was on the phone?

  2. Cite your source on that cell phone bill. Otherwise I think it's bunk.

  3. Board Minutes / Claims and Payroll

  4. I stand corrected, and apologize. :)

  5. Whose cell phone was it? That is the more important question.

  6. Whose cell phone? The Board pays for several AT&T Mobility accounts, but the accounts in the Minutes are not linked to names.

    Just think of all the administrators who carry Blackberries and just how expensive that gets with calling minutes AND texting. I know the IPS Culture Imperative states that we're supposed to have Clear and Concise Communication. I'm just sayin'.....

  7. Don't know where this 'new' report is but evidently Abdul has reviewed it. Here's what he had to say about it.

    IPS Problems

    If you’re like me, you were shocked when you saw the story about an Indianapolis Public School teacher that had to rummage through the trash bins of Carmel schools in order to find supplies for her students. And while the district cries poverty, a new report shows it's spending between $225,000 – $300,000 on cell phones. I don’t think anyone was calling Office Depot to order pencils and paper.

  8. Dexter Srugs used to use his blackberry to text people from his office, he apparently thinks having that thing makes him important.


  10. Well if parents would stop fighting in the morning at the bus stop perhaps the kids would be on time.

  11. How do parents fighting keep the bus from being on time? Are they blocking the street with their fight?

  12. @

    OMG! What are we thinking? Does the School Board ever look at these bills? Why would IPS employees be making cell phone calls on 12/25/09? That's a holiday --- no work that day.

    I have no idea how these cell phone records from Sprint and AT&T were located, but I guess since the public is paying the bill, then the public has the right to read them.

  13. No comments about the "personal relations policy" in yesterday's email?

  14. Sadly, the townships also have high cell phone bills because they provide Blackberries to admins. as well. Why? Why does an Assistant Principle need a district-funded Blackberry? IF they really need a phone, then it should be a basic phone- not a high end phone that is just an unnecessary toy. This is why so many people in the public and in government think schools still have plenty of wasteful resources to cut from their budgets.

  15. I hear Tracfones work really well. And cheaply!

    For the cost of what they pay for those cell phones they could hire assistants for the teachers.

  16. Buses are not the only reason kids are late to class. Some teachers have expressed that when staff are in the hallways telling students to hurry up to class, that they are demeaning the students. Some teachers have expressed the opinion students should be allowed to arrive to class when they (the students) are ready.

  17. I read the email about personal relationships and my question is why does the administration need to know?

  18. Who received this email? Can you post its contents?

  19. A bus was actually late to school this week because the kids were fighting and the parents began to fight also. But some of "you" believe that it is all roses and candy drops.

  20. Here is the contents of the email:

    Please share this information with your staff. You can find the guideline in Board Docs under Administrative Guidelines 3120F and 4120E.

    It reads:

    Two IPS employees who are involved in a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship have an obligation promptly to report that fact to the Director or Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources IF
    (a) one employee is or becomes a supervisor in the other employees chain of command or
    (b) either employee has effective input into decisions affecting the terms and conditions of the others employment.
    IPS will take action appropriate to avoid unfairness or the appearance of unfairness and to assure that the relationship does not affect the workplace, including transferring one or both employees. An employees failure to make the required report will result in discipline.

    Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

  21. Contact whom? For permission? For suggestions on carrying on an affair? For checking out if a supervisor is interested in a subordinate? For instructions on concealing said affair?

    You're welcome.

  22. What if it's three employees, rather than just two? What if discipline is part of the relationship?

  23. Like Dr. Adams? This was the result of the Shortridge - Cosby affair and the poor lady was the only one punished by IPS. Well, now a well known attorney is handling her case, do we see $$$$. But Cosby needed to be fired and move on to a nice teaching job in a township school, then he could of shined as a star teacher, not. Plus Jane did nothing when she was told of the on going affair, sex in the office, and one poor teacher who walked in on that fat slob on top of the poor "Red Devil" Princess, that was me, I an under the care of a great therapist and the medications are helping with the PTSD>

  24. Now that same teacher is at BR w/Stan the Man Law after her.

  25. The above comment is a HUGE lie posted by some jealous, vindictive teacher who is probably a snitch for Davis.

  26. Keep nibbling those meds, girl. I'd be on the therapist's couch too if I had seen that Fat Fuck hammering away on her.

  27. Mr. Law is always professional. The young lady is trying to mend. Please do not start rumors that are certainly not true.

  28. White ignore rampant sex with Cosby at Shortridge....both need to be fired.

  29. Mr.Law a true professional. What profession?

  30. Jane Kendrick is a LIAR! DO NOT TRUST HER!

  31. Eugene ignored shortridge,because he's having affair with Lou Ann Johnson. If you don't believe me please request phone records.

  32. What is up with Interim Principal Jane Buckingham at Sidener Academy? Man, not a good fit at all.

  33. Linda Davis would never leave her beloved hot pockets alone in her office to walk around the corner. Two years ago, I reported Stan Law flirting with the young girls, and knowing that he had an affair before, during school hours. But he begged his wife to forgive him, told IPS that it would never happen again, then he was messing around with the young students two years ago? Linda Davis only remark was to grab two more hot pockets and state "I an over the weight limit" for the elevator, how can I check on him, where is her snitch Doris Young, having the twenty "smoke break"? Former BRHS teacher

  34. All of us who are teaching at BRMHS love Kimbrough, Davis and Law. We support and help each other and that's why we have a good staff. Jealous?
    Stay the hell out of our business.

  35. What happened to the principal who was at Sidener last year?

  36. To whomever is so bitter over BRHS...I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Law. He is respected by the students and he works hard to keep that respect. I am also a former BRHS teacher and I wonder why we have to resort to such cutting remarks about people - why can't we stick to the issues. Mr. Law was always willing to work with students rather than suspend them...

  37. SO if a married principal wants to have an affair with a married teacher, he has to ask permission from Eugene and the old maid on the school board....does this new policy apply if a female ed center supervisor wants to have an affair with a female she supervises.....with all those lesbians at the Ed. Center that could take a lot of time.

  38. Whoever said that "All of us who are teaching at BRHS love Kimbrough, Davis, and Law"....take off your rose colored glasses and join reality. Things are not as you say they are.

  39. From the Action Line

    If you are in a turnaround school know that IEA has already planned to file a grievance and an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) regarding evaluating all teachers. We have a master agreement that states that you are in a four year evaluation cycle and the only other way to be evaluated is if there are documented reasons. We are waiting until September 15th, which is the last day to be notified that you will be evaluated for the year before we file. This will be a class action for everyone involved instead of individual grievances and complaints.

    So call the office if you are in this targeted group.

  40. I'm a parent of a student at Broad Ripple. The atmosphere is very positive there among staff. Obviously I'm not in a position to know (or care about) all the ins and outs but I have been in schools where there is a lot of drama and animosity, and Broad Ripple doesn't give off that vibe the way some of the others do.

  41. This speaks to the professionalism of the staff, they are keeping students out of the fray, but the fray is there.

  42. Cruelty hardens and degrades, kindness reforms and ennobles.
    -- Robert Ingersoll

  43. Thanks for the quote (for the last poster). These teachers and people on here are in no position to teach young minds with the comments they post on here. Someone's got something right.

  44. FYI Sidener is a disaster right now. Even the top school in the state has become tainted by downtown meddling.

  45. How is it a disaster? What is happening there?

  46. They use to have a wonderful principal loved by all. But not any more. Ips would screw up a wet dream if it could.

  47. What happened to the principal who was at Sidener last year?

  48. Sidener principal was supposedly forced into retirement. Three of the five teachers hired for the new middle school there were suddenly replaced.

