Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shot Clock

The deadline is fast approaching for students to have their vaccinations complete. How many students are you expecting to lose because they didn't get their shots?


  1. none, because if our secretary is in charge of checking them it won't get done...that's unless she tells the teachers to do it.

  2. it wont get done at Tech since the principal only cares if the grass is cut and the bushes trimmed.....Bogart needs to go!

  3. Was at Manual the other day. The principal according to one teacher said they had 10 to 15% of their student body with the documentation (and told them they were ahead of the other HS). So, over 85% would not be allowed in the building on Monday. (That is ahead of others. That is a SAD commentary on our parents.

    IPS (MS and HS's) may have to shut down (should shut down) if that is truly the case. All those athletes and after school activities cancelled. (Yes, including the almighty football if those kids don't have the shots.)

    The state is mandating this. Unless, Dr. White and the school board wants to just ignore another state law.

    Dr. Bennett is out to get IPS enough. How can IPS ignore the law. At least this one he (Bennett) cannot blame on IPS and teachers union.

    This finally falls squarly on the IPS problem. IPS Parents who don't follow through or care.

    Between newspapers, radio, TV, letters home, IPS auto-mated calls, etc. These parents should have no excuse. They have known for months and ignored it.

    Now when little Johnny or Suzie gets sent home. It is finally on the real culprit in the IPS problem. THE IPS PARENT (the majority that are uninvolved and hinder others). Lets start taking those little darlings summer vacation and I bet these parents will get their responsibility done. The majority of these parents don't want to deal with their kids at home. They will finally get to the clinics.


  4. They will probably set up a vaccine station at the schools, so all the parents will have to do is sign something that says, vaccinate my child. We don't hold our parents accountable for anything. How can we expect our kids to do better if some...not all...parents are not willing to do their part.
    However, if a teacher does not do something or forgets, the parents are upset and ready for war!

  5. Should be interesting!

  6. I hope the media follows up on this as an ongoing story.
    Too many times things like these are swept under the rug, out of sight, out of mind.

  7. I teach at an elementary school. Did IPS Police find a loaded gun at a high school yesterday? If so, what school?

  8. I saw Tech's documents. There were 70 names on one sheet. Just six had all of their shots. It was about the same on the other sheets that I inspected.

  9. I lived by Tech for several years and every day I watch 20 or more students walk out the back gate between 7:15 am and 7:45 am. It never ceases to amaze me, especially when I read about all the district is doing to turn itself around. When the simple things don't change, then it is all a bunch of hot air.

  10. Anyone think it is bizarre that highschool students have to get a chicken pox shot? Most of these students have already had it, but they have to get another shot?

  11. A great number of my high school students have not had chicken pox. The paperwork that I received as a parent stated that if my child has had chicken pox, I needed to provide documentation.

  12. no, You only have to have the 2 varicella shots if you haven't had the disease. YOu have to bring in proof of 2 shots or proof of having the pox. I just did all this with my child.

  13. how do you prove you had the chicken pox because after the first child came home with it, I didn't take the other two to the doctor...they just told me what to do. I doubt it would be in their medical records then.

  14. If you called the doctor, it's probably noted in their charts.

  15. Most high school students have not had chicken pox.....the vacination has been used long enough that they avoided it..........

  16. I would imagine it would be a toss-up with many high schoolers having had it and many not. The vaccine was approved in 1995, but most people didn't rush right out and get it. And the schools didn't start requiring it until current high schoolers were already in grade school.

  17. Parents of school children need to be informed that their child does not require ANY immunizations if the parents are opposed to them for "religious" or "philosophical" reasons.

    Kids are being used as pin cushions now because there is big money in this for the drug corporations.

    You have to get a form from the state and then your doctor must sign it to indicate that he/she is aware that you will not be getting your child immunized.

    This is an issue of a personal decision about what a parent believes is best for their child.
    The law in Indiana does provide for an exemption for those who oppose the shots on religious or philosophical grounds.

    But most parents are not aware that they have the right to decide according to the law in the state of Indiana.

  18. Email sent to staff today....indicated that roughly 7000 kids are expected to be out of school due to shots.

  19. Well gee. I really want my child to be exposed to rubella and diptheria and oh yeah my personal favorite Pertussis. I had pertussis (whooping cough) last year. I wouldn't wish it on anybody, coughing until you gasp for air isn't my idea of a fun time. Get your kids immunized for the love of Pete!

  20. See, I'm not the only one who uses "for the love of Pete" LOL

    Parents who get their kids immunized have nothing to fear from those who don't. Why they would keep kids out of school of this seems idiotic to me.

  21. I detest Tony Bennett whose only goal is to close public schools and award contracts to his personal friends to make money BUT if I saw an idiot like Eugene White and Mary Busch running a school system, then I would get involved also. Those two are even bigger idiots.

  22. According to the news, White extended the vaccination deadline for another week. Students can return to school on Monday, however, they only have until the end of the week to obtain the shots. Good timing on his part considering our school had already sent out notification to all the parents prior to his decision that their students could not return Monday without their shots/records.

  23. Typical IPS. They talk a big game but when it comes to follow through they wimp out.

  24. IPS had to change it's decision due to the fact that there is not enough vacine in the Indianapolis area to treat the thousands of students still needing shots. Even parents in
    Zionsville were quoted as not knowing their students needed the vacinations until the outbreak of chickenpox hit their schools. The
    Marion County Health officials pleaded for
    superintendents to relax restrictions until enough vacine can be located to fill the needs
    of IPS students and those in the surrounding
    areas. Poor planning and communication all the way around !

  25. So who is going to deal with the wrath of parents who have been told their students can't return to school Monday (not knowing the restrictions changed because they don't watch the news)? It certainly isn't White that's going to do it. We recieved phone calls several times about the vaccinations, but I haven't received one yet informing parents they have an additional week.

  26. IPS has just screwed up again. If you give a deadline you need to keep it. Otherwise why should children follow deadlines? Maybe IPS students were waiting for FREE shots? Oh, course.

  27. They already get FREE shots. The health dept. gives them away all the time.

    I got a phone call from my principal explainging the new deadline. I'm assuming it went out to all the parents who bothered to give the school correct and updated phone numbers.

    Maybe this will give that family another reason to picket in front of our school.

  28. White doesn´t enforce the dress code, the six step discipline policy so why would he enforce this?

  29. Because this is a health concern. Have you heard about the super bug entering our state?

  30. What super bug?

  31. Eugene White should resign or be fired.

  32. This indicates a real breakdown of leadership with Marion County and IPS. They have had months to plan for this and they are saying now there is a shortage? Ridiculous!

  33. That is fine Dr. Bennett will now take attendance numbers and use them to take the HS. Those numbers will go down now that letters have gone out.

    He just can not waite to let his buddies in the Charter school group have our buildings. It will allow his wife, there leader, to get a bonus and raise. That she is doing a great job of spreading the word and getting school systems on board with the movement.

    That is what I believe is happening. This vacination attendance scenerio is just playing into his hands.

  34. As a teacher in a building where we have a nurse, there are many medical transfer students and pre-schoolers, let alone teachers on chemotherapy, I am very disturbed that Dr. White is letting this drag on.

  35. Dr. White CAVED plain and simple.

    He knows that too many students will be out because our parents (especially in the upper grades) dont pay attention to their childrens education or what is happening with them. He did/does not want to give Dr. Bennett a bone to chew on with schools attendance numbers that would plummet.

    So, when one of my students in PE class start passing these germs off. Well, look at the spread in Zionsville before they began cracking down a week ago.

    What Dr. White should be doing is making this kids stay home per the law. They have had all all kinds of notices since the law past. (Even remember news reports at the end of the school year talking about these when kids return.) Point to these and tell Dr. Bennett. If you want to know the problem, its not the teachers or their efforts it is this, THE PARENTS who don't pay attention. This is totally out of our hands. Charters cannot do anybetter, unless they ignore state law. Then follow, "Besides if your going to take all the HS and MS. Just where do you think the charters are going to send them (kids not cooperating) to keep their numbers up (if they go up)? No more IPS to kick around."

  36. Again, people who have been vaccinated have nothing to fear from those who aren't. People are making mountains out of molehills here.

  37. Several areas of distortions going on. First the Star put out 33,000 students needing shots and inferred they were ALL IPS. I believe this is a county-wide number. Second is this is some sort of conspiracy. The vaccination law regarding suspension from school has been on the books for years. The change in required vaccinations made this a compliance problem. Additionally people can receive immunizations at county health departments for free. We go outside of our county because the time for appointment is only a couple of weeks instead of months. Our MD does not do immunizations because of the health department service.

  38. Some of you who think that charter schools cannot ever do better have never been inside an IPS school. Try it. Step inside a classroom and look for the good kids. The ones who care. The ones trying to get an education. You'll see two things. 1. There will be way more of these students than you expected, far more than the problem kids. 2. Those good kids are being given a dumbed-down remedial education in more IPS classrooms than they are not.

    I don't think all charter schools are better, but some do give kids an opportunity that IPS doesn't. Even though I am an IPS teacher, I refuse to see charter schools as my enemy. If IPS would get its shit together, the demand for charter schools would greatly diminish. We have twice the budget and, theoretically, the principles of Economies of Scale on our side. We have nobody to blame for charter school expansion but IPS administration.

  39. AMEN! There would be NO need for charters if the public schools were doing a satisfactory job. That does not mean that charters are doing a better job, but parents initially perceive the charters are better. Kind of like thinking -- anything's better than IPS -- even if the thinking is wrong.

