Thursday, December 10, 2009

Drug's R Us

Over at Rocalli High School, some students were caught with heroin and expelled. Doesn't that make you feel better about IPS?


  1. Do you have a reputable source for that? Usually drug busts are pretty easy to confirm. This reeks of gossip. Still, to answer your question, no. Occasional problems at reputable schools do not make me feel better about the constant problems we have at IPS. I teach here because I think I make a difference, but I would never in a trillion years put my kids in IPS. And I would put them in Roncalli (if I had the money and lived near there, lol).

  2. This sounds kind of fishy to me as well. Heroin in Indianapolis is actually relatively rare, even moreso among high school students. Add that to reputation of Roncalli, and this would be very newsworthy if it were true.

  3. If this happened at Chatard then it would be more believable. Chatard is a real hot spot for all kinds of drugs.

  4. I think the incident happened in the summer of 2008.

  5. People-Most private and prep school probably have more drugs in them than IPS. The students can afford it, they are pampered by parents with names, money and reputrations to protect their children.

  6. That myth has been disproven countless time, but even if it hadn't the "rich school coverup" theory doesn't really hold up to critical evaluation. It's impossible to keep a secret in a school system, especially in the age of Internet.

  7. I've taught at private, urban public, and suburban public, and drugs in schools have much more to do with parents using drugs than who can afford them. In the schools where I've taught, urban schools had way more drugs than suburban which had way more drugs than the private school. And when the private school kids did have drugs, it was almost always prescription drugs, not street drugs.

  8. Actually it makes me sad when ever I hear any kid has turned to drugs.

  9. Well, I heard that they arrested a cocker spaniel giving birth to pups on College her for littering, I guess.

  10. Who is this character posting all of these bad (funny) jokes? LOL

  11. The story of Roncalli is true; goggle the IndyStar, and about two years ago the Principal's son took dad's keys and opened up the school for one heck of a party. Ture, so even a private school can have problems.

  12. I just felt the need for a bit of levity in the midst of all this heaviness...realize these are some bad puns, however. Surely someone out there has something better!

  13. There have been 856 articles in the Indianapolis Star that mention Roncalli since December 14, 2007.

    809 are about sports.
    18 are about school academics, plays, music, awards, service projects, etc.
    26 are human interest stories, engagements, weddings, obituaries, etc. about people who were once Roncalli students
    1 is about the Roncalli Dean suing Facebook over a fake profile.
    1 includes a quote from a Roncalli teacher about REPA
    1 was a letter to the editor about property tax caps that mentioned Roncalli
    There are 0 stories about heroin or any other drug, 0 stories about parties, 0 stories about arrests. Absolutely nothing. Always check your sources!

    1. I believe it is IndyStar Archieves 3.1.07 and 3.10.07 story "Band Rocks Basement" and "Basement Rocks When Band Plays" by Amy Bartner

  14. LOL!! Kudos to you for looking it up! It sounded fishy to me, but I guess I was too lazy to check for sure!!

  15. There was an incident. It happened at the senior retreat summer before last. The principal wrote about it in his newsletter. Just because it did not make the news doesn't mean it didn't happen. That being said, I don't really think it is relevant to the problems of IPS.

  16. True...some areas/businesses are better at keeping unwanted items out of the news. Case in point: best-friend's mom RN @ ER Community South way back when. She was on the frontline for anything happening in the Greenwood/Indy area. Bet no one saw any news reports about the 18 rapes in three months time @ the Greenwood Park Mall back in 1990. Go through the hospital archive, if they'll let you. There is much that is kept OUT of the news. I remember the drugs @ nearby St. Jude when I was a student there! It does happen folks, but many prefer to keep blinders on instead.

