Thursday, January 7, 2010

Need a Good Laugh

Listen to this interview Dr. White gave to District Leader's Podcast. If you can understand a word he says, try to keep a straight face. If you read between the lines he's talking about laying off teachers rather than his overpaid administrators.


  1. Sorry, I tried to listen but couldn't get past the lisp and the ego.

  2. He lies so much that if you could understand him, you could not believe it.

  3. Wow. Another thread of personal insults against an administrator without addressing any actual education issue or policy. Original and insightful. Thank you. You are a true asset to both education professionals and the internet blogs.

  4. LOL @ Wow!

  5. What happened to yesteeday's thread about business donations to IPS? It went :poof: just like my previous inquiry about it. Blogmeister appears to be censoring posts and threads.

  6. yesteeday's should be yesterday's ^ there.

  7. I don't even want to listen to the interview.
    If what the Blogmaster says is true, then Eugene White needs to go. We have 26 students in any given classroom as it is. The thought of many more is educational neglect to me.

  8. Reply to WOW:
    How can this interview not be about an educational issue? If IPS has more teacher layoffs, classroom sizes will be huge. Classrooms will end up with substitute teachers covering them at the beginning of next school year until we scramble for new hires (or Cadre).

  9. Absolutely the interview is education-related. But nobody discussed a single thing that White actually said. Nobody even discussed the possible repercussions if the blogmaster's "between the lines" interpretation is indeed what White meant. No, the title of the thread is "need a good laugh" and the posts were about White's speech impediment and what the blogmaster thinks are his personality flaws.

  10. I couldn't make it through the whole 34 minutes. My ears were bleeding.

  11. Here's a synopsis: I have written some books. I liked writing my books. I have worked in Indiana for all my professional career. I like working in Indiana. I have received some awards. I like receiving awards. The problems facing education are very complex.

  12. I realize that this doesn't apply to the original post, but I need to know: how exactly does a principal become "protected"? Kamona Coleman-McDowell is the most evil woman I know. She has complaints/grievances filed regularly. Teachers right now are lined up waiting to request transfers from her building. I myself am working on a lawsuit. So what keeps her in IPS? Need to know, please. Am considering going to the press, especially once the lawsuit is filed. Please tell me what you know!

  13. She is well protected. She has abused staff member after staff member, and has even been moved from one building to the next. She is not a nice person.

  14. WHY is she so protected? Who does she know?

  15. I agree with "Wow" above; it is just plain mean to attack the man for his speech issues and to make assumptions about his motives. I am not a fan of Dr. White in many ways but I believe we need to be professional enough to at least respect his position. I wish he could have been more forth-coming (is that the right phrase?) about his plans and it distresses me to see how much money is put into programs that do not seem to directly impact the classroom learning.

  16. I think you mean that you wish he would quit telling lies.

  17. No, you miss the point. This blog appears to have been created by a non-IPS teacher/employee, someone with an obvious axe to grind or agenda against the current administration. They also appear to be "fed info," no matter how specious, from folks "claiming" to be IPS teachers/employees, but who are not.

    The blogmeister started a thread early on 1/6/10, Wednesday, suggesting that business or corporate donations were down to IPS because those CEOs didnt agree with the direction the district had taken under White's leadership.

    Problem is, no school corp. receives those kind of donations. They can't legally. Most school employees know this. I posted the same and the thread went :poof:


  18. The IPS Foundations receives gifts. How are things with the foundation?

  19. Contact the foundation director. I'm sure he will be more than happy to provide you with the most recent annual report.

  20. I'm not a teacher nor an administrator.

    But there seems to be many repeated inferences that IPS teachers don't care enough about the students. I certainly don't see this in my several friends who are IPS teachers. They think about their kids nearly every waking hour, buy things for them that they need, spend hours on the phone with their parents, etc. etc.

    What is this all about? Are there IPS teachers who don't care about their students? A large number? A small number?

    The current administration portrays it as a large number of IPS teachers who are not committed to their students. Is this accurate?

    Since I am not involved with IPS in any way I have no way of knowing about these things, so that is why I am asking here.

  21. wash, lather, rinse, repeat.

  22. To the poster two above:

    The administration and media just want to high light those very few who are poor teachers. The majority work there buts off.

    In most cases the failure of the students and low scores come from outside the school influences. The community and administration of IPS don't wish to acknowledge that there is only so much that teachers can do between open and close of school daily.

    Most teachers are like your friends. Working from the time they wake till sleep. In many cases neglecting their own families, health, and other responsibilities trying to bring up the education of IPS students beyond what they and their parents (guardians) want.

    Just my opinion as an outsider who has spent time in buildings volunteering. I have done this at Howe, Gamble, Northwest, Tech, Manual, Key School.

    All these schools I know have teachers who go above and beyond (the vast majority of them).

  23. If the administration is depicting teachers as not caring, then they are lower than a lizard's belly.

  24. Why shouldn't people make fun of Dr. White's lisp? He makes snide remarks about middle age women and graduates of the University of Evansville. Does he know that we lost a wonderful EH teacher who graduated from U of E?
    Does he care? Why does he continuously make snide remarks about special education? Many wonder if any of the downtown administrators could manage a classroom and teach.

  25. Real grown-ups don't make fun of physical handicaps, speech impediments, or disabilities even if "he started it." In my adult life, I cannot think of a single person I have mocked for any reason. I tease people I like, but if I don't like someone for whatever reason, and I'm discussing that, then I discuss why I do not like that person, which would of course be related to specific things they have done (never their race, background, education, sexuality, disability, physical appearance, etc.)

  26. "Why shouldn't people make fun of Dr. White's lisp? He makes snide remarks about middle age women and graduates of the University of Evansville. " He also makes fun of our students. At a recent meeting a coach was talking about an athlete who had a 3.0 GPA and he rudely and sarcastically interupted by saying, "wow, we have one of those?" HE NEEDS TO GO!!!

  27. He is a caustic, arrogant bufoon!!!!

