Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's Going On?

IPS B.S. is a little tapped out on things to write about this morning so it's turning the blog over to you. What's happening in your school that's good, bad or just a low down dirty shame?


  1. What? No comments about the possibility of having February 8th off?

    Oh, yeah...this would prove that Dr. Ruby Slippers really does value athletics over education.

    Bus drivers, unite!

  2. What are you talking about? Why would anyone have February 8th off? What do bus drives need to unite against? What's with the 3rd grade mentality namecalling? (You're a doodie head. Yeah? Well your shirt's stupid!) What do February 8th and bus drivers and Dr. White have to do with have to do with athletics or education?

  3. They are considering closing school or imposing a 2 hour delay the Monday after the Superbowl. The last time the Colts were at the Superbowl apparently many bus drivers and staff called in the following day creating a shortage within IPS. Apparently they feel the solution is to close school. They cannot close school to protect everyone when weather is bad, but they can for the Superbowl? Seriously? They will be making a decision by Thursday according to all of the new sources.

  4. The 8th is the day after the Superbowl, where the Indianapolis Colts will be playing. There is a concern that the bus drivers will again close the schools by calling in sick. The Catholic schools have already cancelled schools for this day.

    Do you really think it is a good idea to have drivers who have been up all night partying driving those buses around with kids who have been up all night? Also you might consider paying attention to current events, I'm not a sports fan and even I knew this one.

  5. It seems counter to the teaching of children to have that Monday off or even to impose a delay. It is not as if life will change if I miss part of the game. Why are we teachers? To teach. Let's not teach the lesson of sloth. I personally do not want to make up a day for a sporting event whe we rarely have a day off for snow or even a delay for a snow storm when it can be dangerous to travel to school. What a joke! Can't show up to work sober? Goodbye.

  6. The NFL is building a cutting edge football facility at Tech HS for a practice field for the upcoming Indy Super Bowl. This football facility will be Tech's to use forever and ever.

    I can definitely see the IPS Board deciding to indirectly support the Colts and the NFL by closing school on the 8th.

  7. I knew the 8th was the day after the Superbowl but it never would have occurred to me that bus drivers and teachers would call in. I'm a new IPS parent, so I wasn't here for the last super bowl. That's kind of embarassing for IPS. My previous school had no problems at all the day after the super bowl.

  8. It is great to get a new facility. But our main mission is to educate. What are we teaching by having that day off? I think we need to shift our focus to beyond 2012. Let's all remember IPS cultural imperative #1.

  9. If we get a day off, don't we have to make it up later? No thanks.

  10. I don't think we should be closed but I also don't want to try and teach to an empty classroom. That does not help with keeping on our lovely pacing guides.

    As a high school teacher on snow days attendance drops to less than 50% (the first bad snow of the seaason this school year I had two classes under 5 that were suppose to be above 30) because either the parents or kids themselves decide not attend. I can only imagine kids after the Super Bowl. Even though all do not follow football they will use it as an excuse to stay home. I also know for the k-8 kids many parents force kids to bed and are usually at school no matter what. (So those teachers have a different perspective.)

    Are we not evaluated on kids attendance (that is a crock in itself). Why get our ourselves and our school marked down lower on AYP.

    As for the bus drivers. If kids and them watch the game till aprox 10:45 (getting the bed around 11:30 or 12, not including a celebration for a win) as they are saying. I while driving in see some students being picked up around 6:15 a.m. (So those drivers and kids will be getting up around 5 or ealier). These drivers will be on less than 4 or 5 hourse sleep at best. The kids will be trying to stay awake with the same amount of time.

    There before the police show up. I am on my cell phone in my church's parking lot and trying to not make grammar or spelling errors but its hard to correct on here and not loose everything. So just look at content of what I said please.

  11. I agree with the poster who said do we really want bus drivers who have been up partying and drinking all night to stagger in to drive innocent children to school? Not to mention some other employess of IPS! Use the built -in snow day( The Friday before Memorial Day) to make it up.) A lot of students aren't coming anyway because they said they were with family and friends partying all night the last time.
    Do I think it's right to even be considering a day off when our job is education? No! The truth is the truth and if children come first, then by all means, that means their public safety in getting to school.

  12. I don't want a kid with less than 3 or 4 hours sleep in my room. He/she will be trying to lay down their head and sleep.

    As an IPS parent (as well) I don't want my kids being drove to their school by a driver that is sleep deprived. That is dangerous as having them drive on slick roads. Putting the kids and themselves in harms way.

    We can make it up on Presidents Day or whenever the calendar says. Presidents Day is perfect in my opinion though since most kids only stay home and watch Oprah, Ellen, and Phil anyway. Why not have them at school learning about our Presidents and discussing the formation of our government (celebrating that at school) instead.

  13. My boy gets picked up at 6:05 each morning and spends an hour and 15 min (aprox) on the bus. He will be out at the airport with us celebrating the teams arrival back in Indy with the trophy. So, he will not be at school weather its open or not.

  14. Why are we making excuses for people in advance? If adults cannot be reposnible, then take the consequences like an adult. Only 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Oh. That is really too bad. If that is insufficient to function, sounds like you will miss part of the game. Need to keep your job? Sounds like you have a decision to make then, doesn't it?

  15. I am an educator within IPS and a huge Colts fan. I am disappointed that some teachers, administrators and parents support the closing of school. This goes to show you the mentality of education today and why some students just don't care about their education.

  16. Safety? What about the days when we should have imposed a two-hour delay or day off due to weather? "CHILDREN COME FIRST" right?? Dangerous sometimes for children and adults to drive into school. But, NO. We hardly ever get a snow day (except when the Super Bowl is involved, of course). Interesting that everyone is citing safety when it is really a cover for their "right" to get hammered. I say we have school and see who is responsible enough to show up to do their jobs. (Students and adults alike.) Want to cut some money in IPS? See who shows up and those that CHOOSE not to would form a good list to start with.

  17. To the parent that said your child will not be in school that day because you will be taking them to the airport late that night: Kids learn their behavior at home first and foremost. You are putting off the attitude that school is not important. It's parents with attitudes like that which make our jobs 100x more difficult. If the parents think it's ok then there is no point....much like the child that calls educators/administrators out of their name. They hear it at home and more often than not, the parents don't care that they are doing it. When I was a child, you had none of this BS. I went to school if I wanted to or not. There was no option there. I didn't DARE talk back to a teacher. Boy, times have changed.

  18. To the teacher above making a blanket statement about me and my kids (I have more than just my son).

    My family values education. My son has scored high on the SAT (over 1100), passed the GQE in the firs time, been accepted to three highly regarded schools next year (in Mass, New York, and California). I chose to mention him because his bus comes first.

    I have all through his education fought teachers and administrators like you. Those who mke blanket statments and have low expectations for my children and don't understand educating the full child to make them well rounded. Education does go on outside of the buildings and sometimes with parents doing the teaching. (god forbid thought for you probably)

    I have taken him and my other kids out school for the opening of rare exhibits at Museums (in Chicago and here). I have taken them out for community functions. I have taken them out to work with me as I volunteered to work at shelters and other need based agencies. Yes, I was ready take them out three years ago when IPS called off.

    Don't lecture me and tell me about knowing valuing education. You don't know me. My son and his brothers and sister do their work make up work on days out. Make up and score well (they better not come home if they don't). Don't tell me about my kids making your problem 100x harder. It is not! My kids value education. He will be in the top 15 of his graduating class.

    I teach my kids that education goes on every where. Part of learning is learning what is important to your community and learning why. Participating in community functions including impromptue ones such as parades and celebration for sporting events (teams)is just as improtant to learning civic pride and being a good citizen in your community as attending school. It part of being a well rounded individual (unlike IPS teaches now with all the reading, English, Math) and very few electives like when I went thru.

    Dont lecture me about discipline either. My kids have never had a referral (as I think you call them). The most they have gotten in trouble for is challenging the teachers when they are wrong on academic problems.

    I love it when teachers call me and tell me that that my kids correct them to much and threaten them. I then call the principal and ask if it is possible for my kids to get in trouble for being smarter than their teacher. Because they don't get in trouble for cussing, talking out of line, being late, dress code, etc. It has always (so far, knock on wood) been for correcting teachers (when the teacher had the wrong answer or formula, or poor english on the board, etc.).

    Step back from me unless you know me and my kids. Thank you!

    I should have had my kids write this because they type and write a lot better than I do. Sorry about any grammar and spelling errors.

  19. If you dislike IPS so much, send your children elsewhere. With your braggin attitude and snobby connotations, you yourself are doing exactly what you are complaining about. Lecturing. Last time I checked, this is a blog and people are entitled to their own opinions. If you don't want a response to yours, don't post. You also proved my point that your children ARE, in fact, the ones that talk back to teachers. No, they are not smarter than the teacher, they just have smarter mouths and their mother has taught them that it is ok. So unless YOU know ME and what I deal with everyday (and I love my job), YOU think twice about what you say. "Step back" is exactly the attitude I was referring to and you are no better than anyone else.

  20. From today's Indy Star -

    " Children are held back by a sprawling, unwieldy bureaucracy that gets in the way.
    In IPS, the incompetence and bureaucracy became so bad that students at Tech High School pleaded with state lawmakers to fix their school -- not for themselves, but for younger siblings. They knew any help would come too late for them.

    They had pleaded to keep an Advanced Placement class, but it was canceled anyway. They begged for teachers who care. They even asked for more schoolwork but couldn't find teachers to give it to them.

    IPS lost $274,000 -- money that could have been spent in the classroom -- when an administrator's error left middle schools three days short of a full year.

    And this awkward bureaucracy has grown over time. Today, roughly half of all district employees work outside the classroom."

  21. IPS is a good system even though they have day care attitudes towards children.

    They have programs that help children if taught right. I believe they have helped my child get to wear he is today and it is helping my other kids as well.

    I think though that my son learned a lot and so has my children. Part of learning is questioning. If questioning wrong answers and instruction by the teachers is disrespect than so be it. They are suppose to be educating my kids NOT the other way around. They (as even there teachers have said) continually raise their hands to say we are wrong. As even their teachers have pointed out over the years (are usually right) but they get upset of being pointed out in class. Just when is a good time? After the rest of the class has been instructed wrong? Or beleives the answer when it is wrong? So, the educator has his or her feelings hurt! The kids (who supposedly come first in our district) are taught the proper way and the proper answers.

    Degrees and age dont imply more knowledge. Experience and understanding does. The willingness to accept being human and make mistakes (just as my kids sometimes do) and correct them does.

    You were the one who implyed my kids are ones who disrespect someone or are uneducated. You are the one who implyed I do not value eduation and my kids are the same because I am going to take them out for a community celebration.

    I mearly responded to your un-understanding comments. Sorry you took offense. I defended my kids and defended myself. Sorry if I opened a wound.

    While I have considered other systems (this year being allowed), private, and parochial schools. I have always decided to stay. Why because parents like me who do not roll over and expect high expectation from the school seem to be all that is left for the majority of kids who's parents are not involved.

    Otherwise the rest of the kids in our community would be harmed by the lack of respect and knowledge of their administrators and often teachers. People like me pushing for what is rightis is there only hope since most parents (unfortunetly) do not follow through. I like speaking for their childrens education along with my own kids. Our city needs more advocates for these children who are involved.

    If that is elitist and egotistical than so be it. Our city needs more people doing the same to force education to be done properly (in all school systems, not just iPS).

  22. By the way, is Dr. White planning a trip to New Orleans and the Super Bowl?

    The Colts set aside two tickets per City Council member to purchase at face value. Twenty-six out of twenty-nine Council members bought the tickets. Figured that Dr. White had a couple of tickets set aside, also.

  23. Actually I never implied that your children were uneducated. Please reread the statement. You opened no wound with me. I do my job and I do it well. There are students in every school with attitude regardless of how we teach. Nobody can say that I am wrong there. 9/10 times, this starts at home. Again, challenge that. I am glad you are taking the time to educate your children and open up their knowledge, and you were right; maybe you should have them write your posts because much of them are not understandable and poorly written.

  24. Which would parents prefer? Advance notice that school will be closed and be able to make babysitting plans or would they prefer to find out at 6a.m. that school is closed for the day. That might involve missing work since they have do not have adequate time to arrange child care. There will be so many student and staff absences that nothing will happen at school that day anyway. Just like the recent day when we had heavy snow and White allowed school to remain open. Few students were there. White will be in Miami so he doesn't care anyway.

  25. In regards to "Step Back", all I can say is.. wow. You say that you value education and have taught that to your children, yet your remarks and the attitude contained within those remarks indicate otherwise.

    There is an old adage that says if you think you are superior to others, you are not. Those who feel the need to carry on in such a manner are unwittingly adding to the problems.

    Being "smart" is more than spouting facts. Truly being educated and intelligent involves understanding the feeling of others and not running roughshod over them to increase one's sense of superiority.

    The world is very competitive today and will be more so in the future. Those Americans who continue to harbor a sense of entitlement rather than a true work ethic and the ability to work well with others will not fare well.

    I wonder if you are prepared to support your children for the rest of their lives?

  26. To "Step Back": By the way, take a look at those who have succeeded. They have worked hard and sacrificed. By that I mean they delay their personal pleasure in pursuit of their goals. This is a mark of maturity and it is valued by educators and employers everywhere. Partying and expecting others to bear the consequence of your indulgence is immature and arrogant.

    Earning a college degree requires perseverance, delaying gratification, maturity and a work ethic as well as coming up with tuition.

    Degrees are not conferred by a vending machine. They are earned. Please keep that in mind when insulting your children's teachers.

    "If you wish to be understood, first seek to understand"

  27. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Since when did a community celebration earn someone a good education, job or future? Hell, if partying with the Colts is what all it takes, count me in!

  29. Here's what the article from the Indy Star had to say....
    "IPS had not planned to close but found itself in a quandary on Feb. 5, 2007, when so many bus drivers called in sick that transportation challenges became a nightmare.
    In the predawn hours on that frigid Monday morning, school officials pondered the effects of combining bus routes and forcing kids to stand outside for a long period of time. School was ultimately called off, leaving unprepared parents with an immediate child-care dilemma.

    IPS parent Annie Roof thinks calling off school in advance is a bad idea.

    "They should absolutely not close schools for the Super Bowl," said Roof, a mother of two IPS students, who is running for school board. "It sends the wrong message to kids.

    "Why is football OK? What about the NCAA championships? It is absolutely absurd. Where do we draw the line?"

  30. What is wrong with closing on Monday if the day is made up? How many parents spend President's Day honoring the presidents with their children? If everyone knows ahead of time they can arrange childcare, make some snacks, watch the game, let the kids stay up late and sleep in on Monday. Won't have to worry about the bus not showing up, kids with their heads on the desks, grumpy administrators. Sports fan or not, the Colts going to the Super Bowl is a community event that everyone is encouraged to take part in by our government officials. I bet in 10 years kids would remember going to a parade to welcome the Super Bowl Champions home. I doubt if they would be able to tell you what they did in school the day after the Super Bowl. If its reason enough for the Catholic schools to close, I'm all for it. I don't see their test scores dropping because of it.

  31. What is wrong with school 15 is Justin Hunter. Oh yeah- and his girl Miriam House. Really- he is never there but she is running the show- over-riding the hard working vice principal, who actually knows what she is doing.

  32. As of Friday, the plan was to have everything run on a two hour delay that Monday morning, not close school completely. I think both points of view have legs: It doesn't set a good example of our priorities, but you also need to take safety and reality into consideration. Besides, most of the national weather services are currently (yea, I know - it's Indiana - wait 30 minutes) predicting snow throughout next weekend, so you never know - it could turn out to be conveniently prudent. ;)

  33. I am a teacher and I am NOT working on the day after the Super Bowl....I have called several of the usual subs and they either are not working either or are already booked by teachers who are going to be absent. Who knows if I will have a sub or not. Perhaps some of the Ed. Center staff could come to the buildings and sub....Oops that won't happen as they would have to interact with students and that is a no no for most of those working in the Ed. Center.

  34. Does anyone know what is happening to all of the administrators that had their contract non-renewed at the last board meeting? Also, is IPS going to move people around again to cover the administrator retirements or will they be hiring?

  35. IPS has not announced what it plans to do yet. Don't relay information that is not correct. The options are to have school as normal, run on a 2 hour delay or cancel school entirely. Once they make a decision, they will inform the public. They said the latest the announcement would come is Thursday.

  36. Most Ed Center employees have not clue (including our leader) what happens day to day. Period to period in schools. They still think these kids are just like they were and its the 60's mentality.

    It would do them good to be in a classroom for a day (Heck a week or two) and find out what reality is.

  37. I hope they put every teacher and bus driver who calls in on February 8th without a doctor's note on probation. Unlike you all, if I don't work I don't get paid. So while you all nurse your hangovers, I will have to take off work because I base my work hours around my kids' schedule. And then you all will be the first tones to look down your judgmental noses at me when my kids don't have the money for something for school because I had a short paycheck. The rest of the city has to work on Monday. Exceptions for IPS teachers and bus drivers only proves all the negative stuff about you is true. You're NOT real professionals and it's no wonder students don't respect you! (I'm talking to the ones who think it's okay to take off, not the dedicated professionals.)

  38. As an IPS teacher who thinks it is insane to close school, bring your children over to my house on Monday. I'll watch them so you can go to work. It's a shame that people have to worry about something as petty as this and it's an embarassment to IPS.

  39. I called IPS Friday, spoke with someone at the Central office. I was told that they would NOT close school

  40. Have school as scheduled Monday, and those who "need" to be off can take a sick or personal day. (That is what I had to do when I had a special celebration that I chose to attended) They have a full week to get a sub and leave good plans. By the way, we all want the colts to win for our city, but we are not all "living" for football.

  41. Januray 31, 2010 is "Inspire your Heart with Art" day and Feb. 1, 2010 is "Freedom Day" and "Robinson Crusoe" Day. I shall need a day off since my celebrations will last all night. And since it seems we are entitled to whatever we WANT(Great message to give kids BTW) then I DESERVE a day off tomrrow too. RIDICULOUS!

    We cannot make up the day in question on Presdient's Day anyway becuase it is a Federal Holiday.

  42. Seeing as it was stated all over the news Friday AND Friday evening that an announcement would be made by next Thursday and IPS has not yet made a decision, I would venture to guess you spoke to an uninformed secretery at the central office. I'm not saying they will close, however a decision has NOT YET been made.
    I mean, I've called the central office before and was told my insurance amounts taken out of my check would be corrected and that didn't happen. What department did you speak with exactly?

  43. WTF?

    "By the way, is Dr. White planning a trip to New Orleans and the Super Bowl?

    The Colts set aside two tickets per City Council member to purchase at face value. Twenty-six out of twenty-nine Council members bought the tickets. Figured that Dr. White had a couple of tickets set aside, also."

    Why would Dr. White have to go to New Orleans to watch the Super Bowl? Are there special bars in the French Quarter?

    Most people with tickets are going to Miami. In Florida, not Ohio.



  44. I wasn't suggesting that they make the day up on Presidents Day. I was making the point that there are other days the kids have off that are not spent celebrating the holiday. Parents manage to plan for those days off. Besides there is a poster that said all the kids could come to her house.LOL

  45. Is Eugene White going to the Super Bowl?

  46. Only if it's in New Orleans, according to an earlier poster.

  47. Did Dr. White go three years ago? All that rain had to play havoc with his white suit and pretty little pink shoes.

  48. I did not say all the kids could come to my house. I was speaking with ONE blogger. Yes, there are many holidays that are not celebrated by families when school is closed, but that isn't the schools fault. Parents should educate their kids on what they are out of school for. Additionally, last time I checked, the Superbowl wasn't a holiday.

  49. I do remember that Dr. White was out of town last time when all the bus drivers called in. Probably was in Miami but don't want to say for sure. Anybody else remember?

    Dr. White seems to be out of town a lot on days that things happen. He will probably call it a PR move for the facility that is going to be built at Tech if he does go. He always has an excuse. Then again it is about him more so than anything else right!

  50. He will call it a PR move for the Tech Legacy Project and then he can bill IPS for all of his expenses. I wonder which of his favorite administrators he will take with him. I have an idea that I know one who will be going with him. She seems to accompany him on many of his trips.

  51. He would need to take Esperanza to Miami. I'm sure she can still speak Spanish, so he wouldn't be embarrassed like he was in China.

  52. Yes! White was in Miami when the Colts won the Superbowl in 2007 and his long pants zipper will be in Miami again, for next weeks Superbowl. He gets alot of perks.............guess he will have to start getting bigger suits made. He is getting "Fatter and Fatter". You would think with all the perks that he gets, he would invest in some speech therapy for that annoying lisp. He sounds so uneducated. Know wonder he has such a big ego............because he is lacking in other areas( that I can not mention on this blog).

  53. Close school for crying out loud!

    This is a no-brainer. Besides the bus drivers having hangovers, think of the nuts that are going to be out early trying to dismantle the town.

    Take the day from the Memorial Day holiday period.

    The Colts are going to win and this time it will be warmer and the city will be in an absolute uproar!

    What's ONE day if it is made up later?

  54. Why should my kids put in a day this summer, when they aren't interested in football at all. Get over yourselves, it's a game.

  55. I won't be upset if we close on Monday (although I'd like a 2 hour delay better!) but I will be thoroughly pissed off if we have school and I have to over extra responsibilities because of my colleagues who think it's ok to call in just because they were up all night. I don't get to call in every time I'm up sick with my children do I? If we're open then I can guarantee there will be 1/2 the staff of IPS calling in and there will be no subs so that those of us who are responsible will be stuck taking care of the mess that results!!

  56. There is a day built in for "inclimate weather". If it isn't used, the Monday before the last day of school is out. If they close school, that will be when it is made up. I didn't understand the snow day anyway. Why have no school Monday, return to school Tuesday and Wednesday is the last day. IPS.

  57. This is an excellent opportunity to teach the students about personal responsibility and drive for success. We really should have school. It is a damn sports team. It is not like Obama is coming to Indy. Oh wait, when he was campaigning and he was the front-runner, he spoke all over Indianapolis and IPS did not get the day off. I would have liked to have seen him speak but instead spent the day teaching because I am a responsible adult. We teach best by action. Imagine the message we are really sending by closing. (if that happens.)

  58. What if they lose? (God forbid). Do you think we should be closed for mourning time? Wouldn't that be a total waste?

  59. I am surprised folks aren't talking about the stuff that was going on at Tech on Friday. Apparently kids were talking gun battles and gang war. At least someone listened to the kids and their facebook rantings. Too bad they didn't tell any of us (teachers) until the cops showed up, and even then some of us didn't know.

  60. I wasn't aware of that, so I'm sure many others aren't either. Funny since an above poster scolded educators because Tech students "begged" for an education or teachers that care.
    Isn't Tech where they found the swords in a student's car as well about a month ago?

  61. Tech was an armed fortress on Friday. Two connect-ed calls went to parents. Rumors were placed on Facebook and sent by text message that there was to be a gun battle on Friday. The school police who usually ride their golf carts all day and take orders for lunch from their buddies had to actually work. Teachers were never told. I was told on Thursday by one of my students and received a call from a parent of one of my students. Needless to say, attendance was down on Friday.

  62. "I'm a doodle head?"...."Yeah, well your Mom dresses you funny"....LOL

  63. Yes, where is Dr. Hunter these days? You can bet when he returns that he will have something else for that poor staff to add to their plates!!

  64. Find House and you will find Hunter.

  65. Well if Dr. White can thinks it is necessary to be in Miami, taking a day off, and miss his job to par-take of the Colts (its going to be) win.

    Why should our students (and staff) not do the same?

    Like someone said. Its called Top - Down leadership. We are following our leader!

  66. After reading these while I think a day off would be in order (especially if our leader is going to be doing it).

    I would not mind a two hour delay. It would eliminate the crazy first half of schedule I teach.

    1. Prep
    2. Duty
    3. Study Hall (I love working with students in all the other areas of discipline. Though barely a 1/4 attend.)
    4. PLC
    Then I finally am teaching classes in my subject area.

  67. My kids went to Catholic school at the last Super bowl, and we didn't have off after the super bowl. Other districts aren't having this problem. This is embarassing. Like we can't be expected to have the same professionalism that other schools have, so we may as well just cater to it. Of course we should have school on the 8th. (And I don't have child care issues, I think it's really irresponsible to cancel school for such absurd reasons.)

  68. I agree it's embarassing and irresponsible, and I teach in IPS!

  69. LOL I copied the spelling of "embarrassing" from the poster above me, and it turns out that poster spelled it wrong! It's obviously a tough word for both of us!

  70. this is the saddest most counterproductive thread I've read here in weeks. so much true bs to discuss and all that's here is fluff. It's the kind of hopelessness that just makes me want to leave ips rather than try to help fix it.

  71. To the above poster: The Catholic Schools have already announced that they are closing for the Monday following the Super Bowl. Where is your criticism of the Catholic Schools or do you jut whine and complain about IPS when what you are complaining about has already been done by your beloved Catholic Schools.

  72. I think it's stupid and irresponsible regardless of who is doing it. But my kids go to IPS now, so what the Catholic schools are doing isn't my concern anymore. They didn't take off for the last super bowl, but maybe some schools did have problems. The one my kids went to did not. It's embarrassing that this would be an issue. That adults cannot be expected to show up for work after a football game is unconscionable. These people have zero place in education, even as support staff. Zero.

  73. To the poster above: You are a supercilious whiner!!! Boo Hoo, my kids are going to miss a day of school. Take them to a museum or the library or even talk with them. They are your children after all!!

  74. I am not whining. I am objecting, as are many parents and all "real" educators. The attitude that "skipping a day of school here and there doesn't matter" is a horrible thing for schools to teach children. How am I supposed to tell them it matters if you're telling them it doesn't. And trust me, homeschooling sounds better and better the longer my kids are in school. I send them to school for 7 hours a day so they can learn curse words and do a word search on being green, and then I teach them every ounce of math and reading they know. (they have honestly never learned any reading or math at school, they've only been given materials for me to teach them.) And if you say anything, you're teacher bashing. And then the teachers want to piss away school for the super bowl. I'm about at the end of my rope. Who the hell would give you people jobs. Not just as teachers, but anywhere. Wal-Mart requires more of a work ethic than that!

  75. To the parent above, I completely understand your frustration, and I assure you the "real" educators do outnumber the flakes. I have children myself, and I had similar experiences with the early grades. It gets better in the later grades, when kids can work independently and differentiation is easier. Are you in a magnet school? I would recommend that. But I remember feeling the same way as you, that I should just homeschool my kids. And to be honest, I think most people could probably homeschool for grades k-3 in much less time than a school day. It takes much longer to educate large groups. But I think the tables turn in the fourth grade, and having the school experience of k-3 makes that transition so much easier. So hang in there. I don't know what grades your kids are in, but several things in your post make me think they are still early elementary. Good luck to you. And I don't blame you for being disgusted over the whole Super Bowl debacle. LOL!

  76. I really hope the person three posts up is not a teacher. Please tell me you're the blogmaster, the wife of IPS teacher or whatever, and not someone who actually works with children. Because your attitude toward education and parents is really offensive. (And I'm a teacher, so it's not like I lack perspective.)

  77. I'm not an IPS parent or a teacher, just an interested citizen of Indianapolis. And my opinion is the blogmaster is not anyone who is interested in education or anyone who is married to anyone interested in education. I think that's a front for personal issues she has with people from central office. I'm guessing she was fired from an office or janitorial position or something along those lines. Maybe even a bad divorce or affair.

  78. This is hilarious. Stumbled onto this blog and can't believe that "day off post Super Bowl" is the topic of concern for IPS educators! HeeHEEEHEEEEEhahahahahahaha!!! Let me go down to the lunchroom in my office and pose the question: "Do you think office administration will close down our business after the Super Bowl in deference to our celebration/mourning/sleep-deprivation?" We will be laughing all day about this. This is precious!

  79. I can complain plenty about the Catholic school we sent our son to this year. We thought we were putting him into a safe, loving environment with high expectations. Turns out that one third of the kids in his class have been written off as "discipline problems" who "don't want to learn". The principal told us today that "tuition-based" schools can't offer very many services to kids with "special needs". So, these kids run amok in the classroom. Now, a couple of kids running wild points to undisciplined children. But a third of the class? That's caused by poor classroom management and an unengaging curriculum.
    If you're thinking of fleeing IPS for Catholic schools, save your money and your time.

  80. I can not believe they will make the decision as late as THursday. Why wait, just decide so we can plan!

  81. "The attitude that "skipping a day of school here and there doesn't matter"

    It's not "skipping a day of school." The day will have to be made up later. It's just "re-adjusting" the school calendar by one day.

    To the previous poster who is "heeeeeeehhaaaaa-ing!"
    When the Colts won a few years ago, temperatures were 30 degrees colder than they are forecast for this Sunday. So, there wasn't the mayhem in the city that usually goes on in cities that win the Super Bowl (turning over cars and setting fire to them on the street, burning buildings, shooting guns in the inner city areas, drunks blocking traffic on main streets, etc. etc. etc.).

    I am not a teacher but a parent. I believe school should be closed the day after the Super Bowl for safety's sake.

    And yes, previous poster, as a concerned parent I do believe this is an important issue to be discussed here.

  82. I liked the Catholic school we used to go to. But I didn't love it. There were way, way, fewer discipline problems than the current magnet school my kids attend. And I liked the faith-based teaching. And the "bar" was higher in terms of academics the kids were working on. But I did have the problem with unengaging curriculum and absolutely NO differentiation. So as far as pros and cons, I think they were probably equal or at least close. But if I'm paying tuition, I want way better, not equal, so we moved to the magnet school. And I like it. But I wish it wasn't so far from my house. And I wish it wasn't part of IPS. Because the district seems to have so many issues, and I think my magnet school would do better if it was separate like a charter school. Where do the CFI, Montessori and Sidener kids go to after 8th grade? Do they usually go to IPS high schools or do they tend to switch to private or charter schools?

  83. The rest of us will have to get out our riot gear to brave a day at/to work Monday morning, I guess. Rioting will almost certainly be focused on IPS students and schools. Of course! Why didn't I see that!!??!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    I hope you all get your day off, believe me. Gives us hope out here in the real world.

  84. You know, it's not that big of a deal to me to take a 3-day weekend with my kids. But if IPS takes off, I wish I could get them to keep their reason a secret from my kids. I wish I could get them to call it a teacher's conference day or National Boy Scouts day or a snow make-up day. Because I agree with the others that the truth is ridiculous.

  85. National Boy Scouts Day! I love it!!

  86. Let's revisit the day off for the previous Super Bowl for those who weren't there.

    The day off after the Super Bowl three years ago, was possibly a protest for the weather being so terribly cold and possibly a little because of the late game.
    Buses running late and kids having to stand outside waiting for a bus, not the first time. The transportation department was horrible; no one would answer the phones...... but that was then.

  87. Many of those students from the 2 schools you mentioned [I don't think Sidener has had 8th grade yet] enroll in New Tech High which is a magnet school on the Tech campus.

  88. Sidiener will not have 8th grade until the 2011-2012 school year.

  89. Does anyone know what schools will be closing next year to save IPS $$$.

  90. To the poster of this: "Does anyone know what schools will be closing next year to save IPS $$$."

    IPS has not announced this plan. I would say though that Donnan and Gamble M.S. could be consolidated onto the Manual and Northwest campuses. Then those two schools could reconstitute and call them community school and get some more years for AYP. Just as Arlington and some other schools have done. That would save money and the small enrollments at Manual and Northwest can take in the Donnan and Gamble M.S. kids. (Again, this is just my observation. This would save money though.)

  91. It's Gambold.

  92. Why not close John Marshall? It is seriously under utilized with the few kids they have this year.

  93. Sorry, about the spelling on Gambold (typo). I would say that I do not think they will close Marshall. It sits out in a arm of Lawrence and Warren township. They do not want to lower the value of the nearby households.

    That holds true in closing Arlington that has a location that is actually in Lawrence township. IPS long ago got approval to open a school at that location when Tech and Howe were over crowded (those were the days). We do not want to hurt our neighbors (Lawrence township) home owner values.

    Instead we will close schools that will hurt IPS property values. At least Marshall actually does sit on land that is within our district unlike Arlington. Close Arlington and send those kids to Marshall or Howe (that is not at capacity) is my vote.

    IPS though will probably just lay off teachers. Administrators will not get the boot. Heck the bigwigs just got a 3% raise.

    On my phone. Sorry about any typo or spelling errors.

  94. Why wont they just make Marshall a middle school again, and move the middle schoolers from Arlington there. Then moven the High schoolers from Marshall to Arlington.

  95. No, if cost cutting is truly happening. Close Arlington and move all to Marshall. The facility can handle it. (They can bring the football team with them!

  96. Close Arlington that actually sits in Lawrence township! Move the kids to Marshall and start both over at the Marshall location. That will cost less.

  97. Rumor have been around for years that there are buyers for Arlington. Sell it. Move the kids to Marshall.

    Speaking of Arlington, Shipp did a fabulous job today, actually demanded to see 25 kids with parents about chronic cutting and misbehavior.
    Way to go Cassandra!

  98. I certainly wouldn't want to be a teacher at Marshall if they merged Marshall and Arlington. The two schools with the worst behaved kids? Help us now.

  99. The last days of Marshall are close. Thanks Eugene White, Jane Kendricks, and Prudence Bridgwaters for ruining a great thing the faculty members of 2008-2009 made happen. Your egos killed great opportunity urban students.

  100. Hey I thought IPS was a community school. As a community school we need to celebrate great happenings in our community. Go Colts

  101. What is your point about Arlington being in Lawrence Township?? Broad Ripple is in Washington Township. Marshall is in Warren Township. Northwest is In Wayne Township. Howe is in Perry Township.

  102. What is happening to all of the MS and HS assistant principals that are having their contracts non-renewed?

  103. I heard the MS/HS administrators would be hired back at full salary to sell insurance to teachers during their 20 minute luches.

  104. Any real answers? I feel bad for one of them that was on the list.

  105. How many of you out there are teaching ISTEP? I never thought I would be an educator that taught the test. I need a new job!

  106. "What is your point about Arlington being in Lawrence Township?? Broad Ripple is in Washington Township. Marshall is in Warren Township. Northwest is In Wayne Township. Howe is in Perry Township"

    If you look at the old city limits and townships. Arlington is the only one that sits in another township. So, that should be the one closed. The other schools you mentioned are located in the old city limits not the townships you mentioned check those maps. Arlington is does not sit is center township now, the other schools do. Heck Broad Ripple and Howe were both opened after the annexation of the towns of Broad Ripple and Irvington.

    So, sell the building (Arlington) off to Lawrence Township or a charter. Move those kids inside the township they live in.

  107. ^ there
    Somebody has been smokin' that crack pipe again.

  108. Your knowledge of township boundaries is nuts!!! Broad Ripple...Washington Township begins at 38th Street....BRHS is on 62nd Street...24 blocks north of the Center --Washington Township boundary......Your other assertations are equally WRONG.... Get a map and then get a life!!

  109. I have a map of the old city limits and it is absolutely correct.

    Do you really think the money factors would not be the result. You forget that it was not all uniform by streets (as it is not now). There are places yes it is 38th but others it is not.

  110. O.K. this old report is actually a school district report from 1965. Still holds true though that Arlington is not actually located in the IPS school district. Its physical location (had to get approval from Lawrence township) to build in thier zone.

    So, my point still stands. If you have a school that actually is NOT in your boundary (granted just on the other side of the road) than that should be the first facility shut down when enrollment declines. Schools that are actually located in the true boundary should remain until the other is gone.

    This is just my opinion though. I know graduates, those with ties, and those living near the building have a different perspective that I will recognize (even if I do not agree with it).

  111. Arlington is located in the old city limits and is in IPS district. I don't where you are getting your flawed information but ........please do your research. If my students presented research as faulty as what you are presenting, they would receive an F.

  112. You're way off base about the townships. Yes, the old city limits decided IPS district. But township lines and IPS lines are completely different. Here's the IPS boundary map and here is the township map Not only are many IPS schools located outside of Center Township, I know many people who do not live in Center Township but are in IPS district. I am districted for George Buck and John Marshall and I live in Warren Township. Not only that, but George Buck is in Warren Township, but 3/4 of its student body comes from a few miles away in what is Lawrence Township. I think someone is using old city lines as township lines, and that is not correct. Not only is the township map really basic, but it says right on your property taxes what township you live in and what school district you live in and, like I said, it's very, very common for those to be different. I wish they would shut down John Marshall and George Buck, move the Lawrence kids to Lawrence, and move the Warren kids to Warren. But, there seem to be political reasons why this can't happen even to it seems pretty common sense to me.

  113. There are only about 3500 K-12 children in Center Township. That's about a tenth of IPS enrollment. I think it's high time we asked the surrounding townships to educate EVERY child that lives within their boundaries. Give them the buildings within their boundaries, as well as the property taxes they will need to pay for it. Then IPS can focus on Center Township. Why are we still using a map from 1965 to determine where kids go to school?

  114. Why are you trying to exclude children whose neighborhoods have attended IPS for decades? What are the township schools do with them? Many of those districts are having major problems and a couple have achievement just a tick above IPS.

  115. To the poster above me, that's a completely respectable opinion, but I'd venture to guess that the far majority of the students in IPS district but outside of Center township would rather attend the township school. I don't know a single parent in IPS (aside from those in magnet programs, which are open to those outside of the district anyway) who doesn't think the township schools would be better than IPS.

  116. To the above posters complaining about who takes off Monday.... I agree it is hard when you are half staffed, but it is the employees' right to take a personal day if they have followed the correct proceedures for requesting it. Who is anyone to tell them they cannot use their paid time off? So if you feel you are going to be stressed that day, then take it off. I would rather tough it out with people who do not complain than sit at work and listen to someone rant about who took a personal day because they stayed up all night.

  117. I am curious. How many out of district kids have gotten into IPS magnet programs? My guess for k-8 is very, very few? Does anyone know if out of district kids are getting in the magnets?

