Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bridge Over Trouble Waters

There is a lot of buzz in the downtown office today that Eugene is on the warpath and Prudence Bridgewaters might be on her way out the door. We all know she's been a total screw up, but now Eugene is finding that out too.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when the two California administrators decided not to come to IPS because they weren't allowed to choose their own staff like they had been promised.

It's only a matter time before she's gone.


  1. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    This may be true. She forgot to cancel airline tickets for the teachers who were denied the opportunity to go to a conference in Orlando

  2. Bridgwaters is a micro-manager. After the 'dream team' from California interviewed folks for their new faculty/staff, she shortly began going behind their backs and making changes. People that had been rehired at Marshall by the 'dream team' would receive emails from Bridgwaters informing them of a different assignment.

    She moves teachers like some people move pawns on a chessboard, but with far less advanced thought.

  3. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    Eugene White must be a slow learner if he is just now realizing that Prudence Bridgewaters is incompetent. A previous superintendent got rid of her for the same reason but White rehired her. He deserves what he got but the parents, students and teachers dont deserve her petty ways and arrogant attitude. Maybe losing his dream team because of her will wake him up. He has plenty more incompetents in the Ed Center still.

  4. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    Bridgwaters has her own personal "Teacher on Special Assignment" (TOSA) hired solely to do her detail work. The TOSA writes her emails, runs her errands, etc. However, since her last year's TOSA has been promoted into administration, it's likely that Bridgwaters didn't even think about important details such as cancellation of the airline and hotel reservations for Orlando.

    Bridgwaters is impulsive and reactive; not thoughtful and proactive.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. People, you HAVE to stop making this stuff up! God knows there are enough things in IPS that are wrong that you could legitimately point to without making stuff up.

    The two administrators not only COULD hire their own staff, they came to the city in April and DID hire staff.

    Certain folks who rubbed Dr. Bridgwaters the wrong way need to get over their anger at move on.

  7. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    I hope Mary Louise is not using her computer to blog on IPS time and using IPS computers. That is wrong and she should be fired.

  8. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    In defense of Ms. Bewley, she's probably a nice lady who's only doing what she's being told to do. Frankly, I don't envy her position.

    She, like us, is caught between a rock and a hard place.

    If she's blogging on school time, then she's likely been 'ordered' to see what's being said about the Ed Center folks and to put in a good word for them. Well, she's done her job. That's OK with me.

    On the other hand, things that have been posted here are not fiction. The 'dream team' did in fact interview and hire a group of faculty and staff for Marshall; and Dr. Bridgwaters did in fact notify, by email, some of those hired by the 'dream team' that they'd been reassigned to other schools shortly after the 'dream team' returned to California.

    Conversations with the 'dream team' in California did in fact verify that they were unaware of these reassignments.

  9. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    Anon 12:54 You need to wake up and smell the coffee. You are either participating in a massive coverup of what is going on in IPS or you are really really naive!!!

  10. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    To Anonymous 1:33 PM, I'm pretty sure that Anon 12:54 is Mary Louise Bewley. Did you notice that she started a comment a few minutes earlier and then deleted it, but she didn't realize her real name would remain?

  11. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    BEGIN QUOTE "People, you HAVE to stop making this stuff up! God knows there are enough things in IPS that are wrong that you could legitimately point to without making stuff up.

    The two administrators not only COULD hire their own staff, they came to the city in April and DID hire staff.

    Certain folks who rubbed Dr. Bridgwaters the wrong way need to get over their anger at move on." END QUOTE

    Some of us are primary sources. We were there! We intervewed; we were hired; we received emails from Dr. Bridgewaters later telling us we were being sent to other schools; among us are teachers and office staff and counselors. We cannot make up this stuff; it actually happened.
    We were notified by Bridgewaters so late in the school year (in June) that few positions remained for us to consider. Some folks were given jobs that are split between schools because there was nothing left. We were given false hope and erroneous information.

    Yes, we would agree with you that Bridgewaters rubs a lot of people the wrong way. We've been rubbed the wrong way for too long, and it is difficult to just 'get over it' and 'move on'. If we had a reputation for rubbing people the wrong way repeatedly, then we'd be asked to leave IPS.

    July 14, 2009 12:54 PM

  12. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    The TOSA is Lori Elliot. She was supposed to be assigned to Howe High School but spent her time at ESC checking "Dr. B's" email. All this can be documented. Teachers must keep the pressure on IPS. There is evidence all over the place so don't back off. Tell everybody about this blog. I am getting information on Willie Giles and Douglas Ann Kinkade from Kansas City.

  13. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    I teach at Arlington. Teachers have recorded fights on their camera phones. How can we post the footage??? Please respond

  14. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    An administrator I know complained that Dr.Bridgwater's office was asking for so much information that no one had ever asked for before that they were sure someone was collecting this data for a thesis. In June lo and behold Lori Elliot finished her thesis. Interesting coincident or was she allowed to use IPS administrators as her sources for her thesis or class work?

  15. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    "I teach at Arlington. Teachers have recorded fights on their camera phones. How can we post the footage??? Please respond."

    Perhaps someone could open a You Tube account using a pseudonym. Then upload the video footage.

    Good idea to get this footage Online. Seeing is believing.

  16. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    Thesis Comment: Which school complained about too much requested information?? My how funny it is that Lori Elliot replaced Retha Swain. Mrs. Swain was an Assistant Principal at three schools within IPS. Lori Elloit just got her license and given a administrator's position?? I think this is a case of Lori "liking" the same things that Prudence and Jane like. Hint, Hint!!

  17. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    I remember Prudence from the first time in IPS. Hey Prudence, do you remember the X-Mas party at Pearls????

  18. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    This is the most creative teacher support system we have seen in a long time. They can't limit the amount of available parking when they think we are coming to the IPS Board Meetings. This Blog is more powerful than any picket sign that we have ever made. As a teacher without a contract, this blog makes me feel better. :-)

  19. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

    ~Haile Selassie

    We can no longer remain indifferent when we know better. We can no longer remain silent when we witness dishonesty and a lack of professional integrity among our administrators and our school board.

    We can act, and we are acting as we share our experiences. Let's keep it going at the grassroots level.

  20. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    Doris Minton-McNeill, Indianapolis City Council member, is also an Administrative Assistant at the Ed Center and has an office in the area of Kendrick and Greenwood. If you remember, last summer (June 2008) Doris was arrested at her home and the media was 'all over the story'; however, we still don't know the outcome. I wager that any of us would have been relieved of our duties if we'd have behaved in public as she did.

    Read the Police Report (contains rough language) at this link:

    Copied from Indiana Barrister (10/1/08)...

    "Indianapolis City-County Council Member Doris Minton McNeill has been charged with felony battery and resisting arrest for her alleged altercation with a police officer this past summer.

    Special Prosecutor Jim Oliver charged McNeill with D felony battery and three counts of resisting law enforcement, a class A misdemeanor.

    McNeil was reportedly drunk and belligerent when police were called to her home in District 15. According to the police affidavit she shoved IMPD Officer Emily Perkins.

    She will appear in court sometime next week."
    (Posted: 10|1|08 at 4:27 pm by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz)

    Is Doris still on the IPS payroll? Does IPS really want folks who behave like this woman did in our school corporation?

    This is another example of IPS keeping people who behave poorly on the payroll and even in the front office.

  21. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    In January of 2009, several students from John Marshall took a trip to DC for the Inauguration. The trip was organized by the principal and one of the teachers at his school.

    I saw the passenger list which included Doris Minton and Dr. Greenwood. The trip organizer was told by someone at the Ed Center to save seats for Doris Minton and Dr. Greenwood.

    This was only a few months after Doris had been arrested and charged with a D felony.

    What a fine role model for the students -- Doris Minton. No wonder our students think cursing and fighting is no big deal. Our top administrators indirectly condone those behaviors when they allow Doris to remain on the payroll.

  22. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    What a shame, two well paid adults took the place of two students.

    Remember it's kids first, silly me.

  23. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    "What a fine role model for the students -- Doris Minton. No wonder our students think cursing and fighting is no big deal. Our top administrators indirectly condone those behaviors when they allow Doris to remain on the payroll."

    Sounds like IPS actually 'rewarded' Minton for bad behavior.

    The students who went on this trip had to be interviewed and had to have a good behavior record, meaning they were not trouble makers, didn't have a record of suspensions, etc.

    Sounds like a double standard to me. The kids had to be good in order to go; Doris Minton didn't have to be good because she had a reserved seat following a directive issued from the Ed Center.

  24. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    I dont know how Doris Minton was chosen for the trip but even a busload of honor students need chaperones and it was a grueling long trip. She should be commended for being willing to go. She has never been found guilty of anything. Dont we still have innocent until proven guilty in this country? I know Doris and she has given much to this community and should not be punished by what someone said she did or thinks she did.

  25. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    Regarding Minton:

    Read the Police Report (contains rough language) at this link:


  26. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    Wow! I read that police report. I can't believe anyone would defend this type of behavior. This is terrible.

  27. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    More on IPS's Minton from today's Indy Star:

    July 15, 2009

    Indy council member goes to trial today

    By Jon Murray

    A trial is set this afternoon for a City-County Council member accused of shoving a police officer outside her home last year.

    Doris Minton-McNeill, 52, who has denied the accusation, is charged with one felony count of battery and three misdemeanor counts of resisting law enforcement in a case handled by a special prosecutor from Southern Indiana.

    The Democrat represents District 15, which stretches north and west from Downtown Indianapolis.

    Minton-McNeill's trial is set for 1:30 p.m. in Marion Superior Court, Room 24. If convicted of the felony, she would be disqualified from holding elected office.

    The incident, which led to Minton-McNeill's arrest, occurred in June 2008 in Minton-McNeill's backyard in the 2000 block of Medford Avenue.

    A police affidavit says Minton-McNeill swore at officers, called them racists and told them she couldn't be arrested because she was on the council. Police said Minton-McNeill pushed officer Emily Perkins, causing her to fall back and strike her left hand on the house. Her injuries were minor.

    "I was angry and I was upset, but I did not batter anybody," Minton-McNeill said in October after Special Prosecutor James Oliver, the Brown County prosecutor, filed charges.

    Minton-McNeill had called 911 to report an unwanted visitor carrying a knife. She later argued with police as they asked repeatedly for the location of the man, who apparently was gone, the affidavit says. Officers sent to her home said they smelled alcohol on her breath.

  28. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009


    I was on the trip. Doris Minton and Jackie Greenwood were required by Jane Kendrick to go on the trip. She also wanted Prudence Bridgwaters and Phyilis Barnes on the trip. This occurred because they were frustrated with Principal White taking field trips that other IPS students could not attend. IPS was scrambling trying to raise money for the Tech students that was supposed to go to Washington D.C.

    Doris and Jackie were did their jobs on the trip. But it has to be known, THEY WERE NOT NEEDED. They took seats from students who could have attended the wonderful trip. Blame Jane Kendrick; not Jackie and Doris.

  29. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    Anyone and anything can be and is blamed on Jane Kendrick. She must be everyones fall guy for what they want to do. If an administrator want to do something and know they are going to get grief, (usually because what you are doing is wrong) cite Jane as the source. I'd just bet she had nothing what so ever to do with who goes on a field trip.

  30. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Anonymous said...
    "I teach at Arlington. Teachers have recorded fights on their camera phones. How can we post the footage??? Please respond."

    Perhaps someone could open a You Tube account using a pseudonym. Then upload the video footage.

    Good idea to get this footage Online. Seeing is believing.

    Therefore, you are afraid of the children; if not, you would have broken up the fight. You are so sad! Please get out of education.

  31. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Afraid of children, have you lost your mind, these aren't children, they are full sized adults and they are often out for blood, and can be armed. More than one teacher has been injured in these fights. I've broken up fights and been punched and slapped and I am a woman.

    The law requires that you make an attempt, and that can safely been done by yelling stop fighting. Until you are in the schools and see what goes on you won't understand how truely dangerous it can be.

  32. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    "Therefore, you are afraid of the children; if not, you would have broken up the fight. You are so sad! Please get out of education."

    These are not children who are fighting; these are high school students who are physically developed with the strength of adults. I would never attempt to break up a fight among a group of high school students, no way! I call for Security if I see a fight.

    I witnessed a group of male students turn over a soft drink vending machine at Arlington a couple of years ago. One teacher (now retired) took pictures of this activity. She showed the pictures to Kendrick, Bridgwaters, Gretchen Lampe, and Greenwood at a full faculty meeting in the small auditorium. Central Office has seen the evidence.

  33. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    On Jane Kendrick being the adinistrations fall guy. I'm going to start using Jane Kenrick's name too. Next time I am asked to do something I don't want to do, an extra lunch duty, lesson plans, cover someone else's classes, I'm going to say Jane Kendrick says I don't have to do that. Turn around is fair play.

  34. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Why do you all continue to work in IPS if it is such a bad place. Is it for the check? It is a shame that IPS teachers (some teachers) are to busy putting down the school system instead of helping to make it better. I have only taught in IPS for 3 years, and I am beginning to understand that the problem in IPS is we (the teachers).

  35. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Jane Kenrick told me that I didn't have to put grades in the computer or prepare lesson plans. Jane made my life nice and easy.

  36. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    How did a principal with 5 years teaching experience, 18 months as a vice-principal and one year as a principal end up with John Marshall? I hear Michael Sullivan yelled and disrepected teachers so often that even the students complained. He regularly sent teachers who displeased him home. The media never heard about the massive fight between KIPP and Coleman. They had students with between 80-92 discipline referrals who were not put out of IPS until Jethroe Knazze who is an excellent administrator did so when these thugs were finally transferred to New Horizon.

  37. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    I think this is a great new web-site!

  38. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Jane Kendrick is a joke. My parents live in Anderson and I witness Jane run the school district in the ground. If she is so good, why isn't she Superintendent of another school district. Question why you never see her in public. I will tell you later.

  39. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    "Why do you continue to work for IPS if it is such a bad place?"

    You've worked for IPS for three years and you don't know the answer to this simple question? I'm here for the students. I believe that I work for one "boss" the future humans I am helping to shape. Every day I go to work and work to make sure they are prepared for the big test they face out there in the future, life. I don't work for the parade of "administrators" who sit in offices and don't interact with students.

    Wait until you've been here a few more years and start to understand the corruption of the adults. You are similar to the blind men describing an elephant, you're only seen a very small section, after three years.

  40. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    QUOTE "How did a principal with 5 years teaching experience, 18 months as a vice-principal and one year as a principal end up with John Marshall?"END QUOTE

    After reading his experiential background, I'd say he ended up at JM because he: 1) takes Ed Center orders without asking any questions, 2) is really excited to be earning more money, 3) has been convinced by Gene White that he's the 'man with the plan' to turn around the school, 3) is clueless about what awaits him, 4) is closely aligned with the Carson political machine, 5) enjoys dealing with social issues rather than instructional issues, 6) believes that he heard God speaking to him in a dream directing him to John Marshall, 7) is a close friend of Prudence Bridgwaters, 8) has always wanted an office with an unobstructed view of E. 38th Street, 8) enjoys stress and other job-related health problems, 9) can 'build teams' among teachers who've never met each other, OR 10) is the only administrator left in IPS who is silly enough to take the thankless job. Take your pick; one of reasons will undoubtedly be true.

    Woe upon the poor teachers at John Marshall. What's left to inflict upon that bunch of teachers. After Jeffery White was told to 'hit the road', they had Phyllis Barnes as a Principal on Special Assignment, the Director of Elementary Education. Go figure. Dr. White sent a principal to that beleagured school, a high school, who had never been a high school principal in all her years of experience. She knew nothing about high school students needing to earn credits, nothing about high school students taking final exams, nothing about high school scheduling, absolutely nothing about high school at all. She had high school students lined up by their teachers to march into the lunchroom like they were 1st graders.

  41. AnonymousJuly 17, 2009

    I find it difficult to believe that even a new teacher can teach in IPS and come up with the conclusion that the problem with IPS is the teachers. This is either a planted item by one of the Ed. Center lackeys or this is an incredibly naive person. Maybe she is just a slow learner.

  42. AnonymousJuly 17, 2009

    If you noticed, he/she doesn't know the difference between 'to' and 'too.' I'm thinking Ed. Center lackey.

  43. AnonymousJuly 17, 2009

    Let's hope she isn't a English teacher......her use of......"is we"......Defintely Ed Center mateial

  44. AnonymousJuly 17, 2009

    Afraid of students, no way, but I'm a realist, at one point this past school year there were at least five students and former students on the star most wanted list. These are students who are either still in school or a year or two out. Victor Scott who is accused of the murder of Mr. Lanza in March,2009 was on one of my friends class roster at the time of the murder.

  45. AnonymousJuly 21, 2009

    What is Bridgewaters relationship with Lori Elliot? How did Ms. Elliot become a vice principal at Shortridge? What are her qualifications / experience for this position? Why is she being paid substantially more for her services next year than was her predecessor? Was her position posted and were other candidates considered? Just asking.....

  46. AnonymousJuly 23, 2009

    And for those of you who don't know, they just involuntarily removed an elementary principal to be the new assistant principal at Marshall. He got a phone call monday DURING a meeting with members of his staff that he was being removed as elementary principal and would now be the assistant principal at Marshall. Its no wonder some principals do such a poor job when they are so rudely forced to change jobs. I have worked in many school districts and I have never seen a corporation treat people so badly as IPS does. Its a good thing that he is an outstanding guy and a caring, competent administrator.

  47. AnonymousJuly 24, 2009

    Re: July 23, 2009 5:13 PM

    Who is this man? Just curious. I am pretty sure the teachers at Marshall don't know about this.

    Jerking around administrators and teachers with little to no notice is a primary reason that our schools continue to fail. People need prior notice of two or three months, at minimum, so they can plan for the upcoming year.

    I hate to use an old cliche, but 'failure to plan is a plan for failure'. IPS fails to plan ahead.

  48. AnonymousJuly 26, 2009

    Reply to the Prudence and Jane Ajabu hint hint: Not to bash alternative lifesyles but Jane Ajabu has a GUY friend. He joined her in Las Vegas for a conference sometime back. Also Jane takes other short trips with another HR supervisor to Atlanta. Jane goes to see grandkids and the other supervisor goes to see a boyfriend. On IPSs cost. This supervisor was going there so much that her husband got suspicious and divorced her. I guess he got tired of sloppy seconds.

  49. AnonymousJuly 27, 2009

    IPS police, the IEA and even the clueless IPS administrators warn teachers never to attempt to break up a fight other than verbally telling the students to quit fighting. The liability and the possiblity of serious injury is just too great.

  50. AnonymousJuly 27, 2009

    Connections: Sullivan, Solomon, Ed Center. Solomon was allowed to take every Wednesday to attend an Indiana State program to get her Phd. Her sister is Dr. Giles' executive assistant, Rosemary Turentine.

  51. AnonymousJuly 27, 2009

    Connections.. Phyllis Barnes' son was hired to coach at Northwest. Eugene White's son was given some kind of job so he could coach at Tech.

  52. AnonymousJuly 28, 2009

    Barnes son was arrested drug possession twice. He also attended a private school. IPS is good enough to provide her a check but not to educate her child. Prudence is the same way. Her kids went to Chatard.

  53. AnonymousJuly 29, 2009

    Jackie Greenwood selected Heritage Christian for her children. What gives with these people? They are top level administrators in IPS and yet they won't send their own children to IPS schools.

  54. AnonymousJuly 29, 2009

    Connections: Jane Ajabu's sister now works for IPS.

  55. AnonymousJuly 29, 2009

    Connections: Shalon Roberson Dabney's sister is applying for the technology administrative assistants job. Her name is Ebony Roberson. Let's see if she gets the jobs.

    (Do a background check. SERIOURLY!)

  56. I am a teacher with over 20 years of experience in ips. Yes, I have been told to call for help when students fight and not to break it up physically. Recently, I was also told not to even put my arms apart to block students from entering my room or proceeding forward in the hall. I assume it was advice for my safety as I have been knocked down by perpetrators who were eager to fight and I was in their way!

