Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where's My Money, Dammit!

Did you read the paper today about Dr. White's bonus? A bunch of us sat around the table as mad as hell. We've been working without a contract and he gets a $17,000 raise. How many pencils, books and school supplies would that money buy? We also can't believe he got a bonus for improving I-Step test scores when we were the ones that did all the work.


  1. I'm continually amazed at the IPS School Board member's lack of understanding of their responsibility. They seem not to understand that Dr. White works for them, not the other way around.

    Does anyone have any idea why School Board members appear to fear this man? They could release him from his job at any time; yet, they continue to rubber stamp his every wish.

  2. AnonymousJuly 12, 2009

    Retired teachers who do substituting for IPS were notified this week that for the 09-10 school year, they will receive a 57% cut in their substitute pay. Most days last year, there were sub jobs that were unfilled and on critical days, they were 25 to 50 unfilled sub jobs.....many of the retired teachers have already indicated that they will not substitute for 57% less. Be prepared for a lot of classes without subs this year. Do you suppose administrators will fill in as subs when a class has no sub. NOT!!!

  3. The School Board must have its head buried in the sand at this point. Not only has Dr. White not performed a bonus-worthy job; moreover, awarding him a hefty bonus during tight economic times simply was a poorly thought out PR move on the Board's part. There are too many folks in Indy with NO jobs; yet, IPS continues to beg for money and gives the appearance of throwing it away on bonuses and nonessentials.

    Kids do not come first in IPS; Ed Center administrators come first. The School Board ensures that administrators continue to come first.

  4. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    Gone is the bump in salary they get after ten day. Many of these retired teachers fill in for entire semesters, replacing absent teachers, now there will be multiple subs over a teachers absence, who is going do all the work involved in teaching, lesson plans, parent meetings, grading, discipline, extra duties for what they pay a sub. Who loses? Why the kids of course, they'll spend time in a class without a chance of getting an education, or a grade. Remember Kids First.

  5. AnonymousJuly 14, 2009

    And what about Dr. White's $5,000.00 clothing allowance. I'd sure like to see a break down of all his "perks". The man makes over $100,000 a year and can't afford his own clothes. New teachers need clothing allowances, not the superintendent. When I found out the clothing allowance was indeed real (not urban legand) I vowed I would never again spend my hard earned money on uniform clothes for kids, if IPS can afford to dress the superintendent they can certainly afford to pay for clothes for kids.

  6. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    That needs to be in our next contract $5,000 clothing allowance for teachers and the Board. Heck, Dr. White has bankrupted IPS, lets do it in style, and huge fancy rings and watches for everyone. I been looking at a nice Cartier watch for years, I can look like Dr. White now.

  7. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    Dr. White could use an 'image consultant'. His current image just yells 'country's got money and come to town to show it off'.

    Perhaps if he'd just tone it down a bit.

    He missed a real PR opportunity when he didn't donate his clothing allowance money to a student uniform fund to buy uniform shirts and slacks for needy students.

  8. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    A copy of Dr. White's contract can be viewed at the below link:

    Beginning on page 19 you will find the Addendum to the contract...all the perks, bonuses, etc.

  9. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    I need to have the Board allow me to fill up my vehicle at the IPS pumps, and then allow me a $300 gasoline allowance like Dr. White. I did notice something about Dr. White's contract, it has not been legally changed to mention his new duites of fund raising. I guess its not important as IPS is flush with cash from his efforts.

  10. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Last year Gretchen Lampe (retired Uniserve Director) told me that had the administrators that were to have been fired but weren't because they did not recieved the correct notice in a timely fashion, actually been demoted or terminated, the money spent on their salaries would have been 1.5 percent for all of the other teachers. Because they weren't correctly notified they all stayed at their higher administrative salary.

  11. AnonymousJuly 17, 2009

    Wow to the above post. That's another example of a lack of organization, mismanagement, and failure of HR to do its job.

    This is what happens with public funds. No one person is accountable, so nobody is responsible.

    Just exactly WHO is running the show with IPS? Apparently the School Board should be, but they are NOT doing their job. They sit idly by and rubber-stamp everything and anything that Dr. White brings before them.

    Shame on you, IPS School Board, for failure to do your job! You're actually lucky to be elected by the poor folks from Center Township who, by and large, are an uneducated lot of people. They vote you in year after year because of name recognition, and nothing else.

    Sad to say, but I suspect you indirectly keep the Center Township people 'dumb' because if they were educated and realized your lack of leadership in supporting their best interests, they'd not vote for you again.

  12. Larry Yarrell would never stoop to changing grades for any student for any reason. For those of you that are making such unfounded accusations could be man or woman enough to give specific information i.e. name of student, teacher's original grade and the grade that Mr. Yarrell changed. It is very easy to make unfounded accusations and then punk out. If you believe such an outrageous misconduct has occurred, let's get to the bottom of this, you pathetic little liars.

  13. AnonymousJuly 22, 2009

    "If you believe such an outrageous misconduct has occurred, let's get to the bottom of this, you pathetic little liars."

    With apologies to William Shakespeare, me thinks thou dost protest too much, Larry. Chill, my man.

  14. AnonymousJuly 22, 2009

    I would like to know who the person is that works in Human Resources that is helpful. I have applied for several jobs that I know I am qualified for and did I get a chance to interview ..... NO ... because the position was already filled by someone OUTSIDE of IPS or the COUSIN of someone working in that department .... Is that call UNFAIR HIRING PRACTICES ....just something to think about ...

  15. AnonymousJuly 26, 2009

    $100,000 in Overtime pay!
    Many rumors have spread that technology supervisor Luther Bowens has been collecting overtime payments of about $15,000 per year. We have heard this for YEARS but recently we had a chance to actually see this information and IT IS TRUE! Don't remember the details but one year he was paid $29,000 in overtime pay on top of his $60,000 per year pay.

    We quickly added up his overtime and it was well over $100,000. We heard that he tells his team that they cannot report any overtime.

    What job does he have?
    How can we get more details of his actual pay?

  16. AnonymousJuly 27, 2009

    So he gets the bonus if 51% of the students pass the math or language arts section of ISTEP...I don't know about all of you but when writing our school improvement plan if we would have stated that we will strive to have 51% of our students pass those would have been about equitable treatment of administration and teachers...

