Monday, September 14, 2009

Call Me

IPS B.S. hasn't gotten an e-mail from you in a while. Let us know what's going on in your school that the administration doesn't want anyone to know about. You can reach us at "" Spread the word.


  1. Sure! I'll bite!

    Who the Hell is responsible for the weekly "Wise Words for the Week", first received from Ola Jones-White, then again today from Dr. J. Denise Drain, Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Education, 226-4570. (Today's email, dated 9/14, contained "wise Words" dated 9/8.)

    Someone, somewhere, has time to cut and paste quotes (the number of repetitions needed for gifted students ve. gen ed.....MEH!) into a two-page PowerPoint that takes forever to load. If this was all I had to do, I certainly wouldn't sign my name, position, or phone number.

    Oh, wait, I guess this is proof that somewhere in the Maze is producing something.

    Thank God, I'll know to instantly hit delete, or possibly even mark these addresses as spam.

    No, it's not drivel or gossip from my building, but I had to waste teaching time to download, read, and delete it. If it hits my monitor, it's a classroom issue, especially if authored by IPS administration and sent via

    I wonder what color shoes Jones-White and/or Drain wear?

    Disgusting. I can do it for lass than half the salary. Who are these people?

  2. These folks are friends of Dr. White and they are trying to help you by downloading material from other online sources and sending you the material to keep their high paying jobs and to stay out of the classroom. The Board Members will vote them a bonus and praise them for their efforts (wobble you bunch of bobble-headed fools). Then the Dr. White will mention that teachers are worthless and have not used these "wise words" teaching resource to increase IPS's tests scores by 40% in one week.

  3. I am doing ok, lots of work this week and I am fighting a cold. I do have a job and did get a small check from IPS, not correct, but its just another day in IPS.

  4. I did not receive the wise words, but I am curious about that. Have you Googled them? Is the email a copyright violation?

  5. I just had to ask has the stolen rug been returned? How about the painting?

  6. Has there been a recent Prudence sighting? I haven't seen her since school began unlike last year when she roamed my building weekly.

  7. Looks like this place is dying a slow,agonizing death. It's too bad so many of us good teachers have been lumped in with the POS who post here.

    Now I'll just sit back and wait to be called Jane Kendrick.

  8. The stolen rug has not been returned by the secretary as of this posting............stay tuned.............LOL

  9. Copyright. Sure.

    Many years ago there was a friend of Dr. Adams who ran off a bunch of seasonal "dittos", didn't bother to Wite-Out all the Frank Shaeffer illustrations, and distributed them to elementary schools under her own name.

    You'd fall on a Pillow if you knew who it was. Part of the legendary "Cat Fight" at 120 E. Walnut.

    Oops. I'm showing my age. Or did I do that when I referred to "dittos"?

    We have rugs? Are they fireproofed? She probably had to sell it on Ebay to make her rent. Remember all of the TC Steele paintings that disappeared when Shortridge closed? I'm certain they're hanging above someone's fireplace.

    Not all posters here are POS. Some are excellent, but frustrated, educators simply waiting for the best time to leave this sinking ship, since we can't go elsewhere. Or we could hang on like Betty McCarty and drop dead instead of enjoying retirement.

    The "Wise Words" in today's email had the author's name and photo, and were properly cited. My gripe was that someone had the nerve to send out the PowerPoint as a public service to inspire Gifted and Talented educators, and the quote was an insult to all gen ed students.

    Yes, I'm happy to have a paycheck.

  10. If you talk to one of the top administrators at Manual, he might be able to tell you where some of the stolen art is when Shortridge closed.......he was just a teacher then and took his share of keepsakes........he must be between a rock and a hard place now.

  11. Actually some of the posts on here sound more like some of Prudence´s girl posse.....see if any of them can be traced to Shortridge.

  12. What is Dr. Johnson wearing now, is she still "styling"? Come on the details were perfect and well written for the blog. Ok, who knows what brand of red slippers was Dr. White wearing, Stacy Adams, Gucci, or Prada? What has happened to Kami Phelps at Arlington?

  13. I'm still looking for the rug! I'll bet hell will freeze over before we see it again.

  14. We sure had some dumb-ass substitutes in our building today. Honestly, a cardboard cut-out of a person would have been just as effective. LOL :)

  15. Barbie was in the office. What else does Barbie do? Seriously...we can't figure it out.

  16. What happened to all of the cadre subs....we have many teachers absent without subs...I thought this year would be different with those cadre subs,,,,I am sick of covering for classes that lack subs or taking some of their students...if Eugene cant get subs then maybe some of his administrators need to start subbing.....I wonder how much of this is related to the huge pay cut licensed teachers took in sub pay this year.....over a 50% cut in the daily wonder so many of them quit subbing.

  17. Yesterday and scheduled for today again. Went into the building and found out because of re-testing.

    I lost my prep/PLC/and lunch covering classes

    First we don't have a full 30 minute lunch. Now they (administration) are taking away what little time we do have (with no notice at that, oh I heard it was in our box the night before around 3:30).

    Are they really allowed to take lunch away, heck it is already less than 30 minutes? Where is the union? When will something be done. My union rep. said she will check on this. In the mean time I have to just deal.

    Might be time to take a mental health day! Maybe today. Have the sub go with no off time and NO LUNCH (all 22 minutes, including passing at the beginning and end).

  18. Get rid of community schools. Intermixing middle and schoolers is nothing but trouble.

    Even small town schools have the kids in seperate building (although the proximity or their elementary, middle, and high)is usually on the same campuses).

    Cost effective is not always education effective. To many MS girls are becoming target for older high school boys. Older students who are not doing what is right are not good examples for the younger (hormonal) middle schoolers.

    IPS downtown administration needs to end this experence soon. Conver these schools back to regular high schools and middle schools.

    High schoolers and Middle Schoolers are differing animals who need differing attention in order to grown. When will education officials who understand this speak up and stop this poor choice of programs.

  19. Off subject.

    I think IPS should get rid of this having elementary and middle sports in oposite seasons.

    Our kids need to have sports at the same time the townships do. We need to allow our kids to compete with township students. The other townships and suburban students compete against each other at the elementary and middle school levels. Yet, our kids only compete against each other.

    Not really finding out the need for improvement. Competing against others allows a chance compare and improve. IPS students at the lower grades are denied this oportunity. Track should be in the spring. Football in the fall.

    IPS should also have golf, tennis, and cross country at the middle school level. To expect students to compete at the high school level with no formal introduction and competing at the elementary or middle school level leaves our students behind. Again, the townships and suburban schools not only have these teams at the lower levels but compete against each other. The arguement that our kids don't want this is dead wrong. They are not introduced to these sports at the lower levels and have been indoctronated by time high school starts. Its a wonder the high school coaches in these sports get anyone out at all considering this fact.

    I would also suggest that at least one IPS school also implement a gymnastics team. There are students in our districts who compete for clubs but are denied oportunities to compete for a high school because they are in our district. This is just not right.

    Again, this was off subject. As a parent I hope someone with authority considers this. I have written Dr. White numerous times and he seems hard headed and stubborn. He sounds like he would rather cut programs than implement programs.

    These programs attract students help to keep them in school (unfortunetly). At a time when IPS is losing student anything to help keep them should be done. In addition drop the athletic elegibility policy. Use just the IHSAA rule. Again because unfortunetly kids leave school who are not making the high standard in the state to compete in athletics. Anyway to keep them. IPS has the most problems of any district in the state yet has the highest standards to allow students to stay in sports.

    These students don't hang on till eligable. They get jobs, then cars, and then never do athletics again. In my neighborhood they end up droping out. While their grades were not good, under the IHSAA standards at any other in the state they would be able to play (sports they were denied might have kept them in to graduate).

    Just thoughts on sports from a parent.

  20. Poor Barbie. She tried to stop a student from fighting, & the student started struggling with her instead! LOL !! Like, whatever !

  21. I have a feeling that I am this Barbie you're talking about. I don't know what I've done to offend you. If you feel that I am not doing anything, my schedule is posted outside my door, and I welcome any suggestions you have. I have tried to leave part of my day open so that I can meet with teachers whenever they have time available. Also, please talk to the principal and share your concerns. I also encourage you to contact Dr. Johnson's office and share the concerns you have about me. I'm trying to help in the building, but it's really difficult to help when no one will talk to you.

  22. And one more thing...I'm at your building because no one else wanted the job. The nasty attitude of many of the staff members is well-known around the district, and I was the only person apparently dumb enough to take the job. If you all would focus on doing your jobs instead of making people feel like crap, maybe I wouldn't be forced to be there.

  23. To the author of the last two posts...Don't worry. You can't possibly be our beloved "Barbie." The building I'm in has a very positive, friendly staff, including the principal. That's the main reason I turned down an offer to transfer elsewhere. I'm sorry you're miserable where you are.

  24. You're positive and friendly, yet you think it's funny that a fellow staff member was almost injured trying to break up a fight, and you call her 'Barbie', which you clearly do not mean as a compliment. Your definition of friendly and positive is seriously twisted.

  25. Let's see if the nationally ranked football player/ non-student at BRHS is playing football, there is no possible way for this student to be eligible, under IPS policy or ISHAA requirements unless there has been major underhanded deals.

  26. The parent above is right on target with Dr. White's point of view.

    He/she is right on target with what should be done to improve athletics and compete on a state level.

    I thought Dr. White was all about trophy cases and looking good. It seems he would embrase such changes in the policies and add the programs necessary. Instead he is doing things to cripple IPS athletics by not allowing out of district competition (differing seasons) and not implementing programs at the lower levels for the minor sports.

    For me at least he is helping football programs. To bad other sports are not seeing the same commitment as football and basketball.

  27. Hey, Barbie! Haven't heard from you for awhile. Is your school year getting any better?

  28. The stolen paintings from SMS were stolen over 15 years ago.The Manuel administrater would have still been in college....

  29. Poor Barbie...she thought this was going to be such an easy year being out of the classroom (again). Too bad she doesn't know that even coaches can be accountable and helpful in their own schools. Barbie made people miserable at one of her schools last year and she's back at it again this year...Why do people keep hiring her back into a helping role with teachers when she clearly thinks she's above us?

  30. Is this why Barbie's been absent this week? Could she have figured out that her o-workers don't like her? That the person she replaced was hard working and well liked by the staff? Hmmm...inquiring minds want to know.

  31. To hell with all of you. I just want my Barbie back. How dare you mean people speak ill of her. She'll go to work when she wants to. Lay off!!!

  32. "Why do people keep hiring her back ...when she clearly thinks she's above us?"

    My thoughts exactly. If she hadn't butted in and corrected my class right in front of me, while pretending I was invisible, I wouldn't be blogging about her. It was also not wise to refuse to do the same amount of work as the previous coach.

  33. Who is Barbie, an elementary or high school coach?

  34. Try middle school.

