Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good Housekeeping

There's a question about whether IP addresses can be determined from this blog, the short answer, "no."

IPS B.S. doesn't keep track of that information.

It's just the administration trying to divide us again.

They should be talking about the next big pay screw up that is coming.


  1. Isn't it amazing that in this day of advanced technology that we KNOW there will be a screwup in paychecks. Jane Ajabu has admitted it may take 3 years to get it done correctly. In the meantime, many people who were shorted on their paycheck in either of the last two pays are still waiting for their money. The only question is who will be cheated and by how much on this Friday's paycheck. I bet it wont be Eugene White.

  2. I'm sure it's true that you cannot get an IP address through the blog. But anyone who knows HTML code can figure out which posters are also the author of other posts. For example, the same person who accuses everyone of being Jane Kendrick also seems to have a soft spot for Doris Minton-McNeil. The person who made up the racist story about a student's welfare mom buying $400 handbags is also the poster who accused many other posters of being racist and was accused of being "Whitney" on the "Why Teach" thread. The person who accused her of being Whitney is the same person who posted profanities in response to "Anyone Seen Doris?" It's like Jerry Freaking Springer here, isn't it? Someone pass the popcorn!

  3. Is that you, Jane??

  4. Very good. Bravo. Right on cue. No I am not Jane Kendrick. What's hilarious is I can find no pattern at all in those you accuse of being Jane. They seem to be totally random posters, and never the same person twice. If you didn't post so many other seemingly legimate posts, I'd think you were a troll. As it is, I must assume many people just remind you of Jane!

  5. IPSBS might not keep track of the isp info, but the hosting site sure as hell does! People who have been slandering others might want to think twice about what they post. The web is hardly anonymous. Also.... any good hacker could find out.

  6. I can't find where that person has posted before (but I got bored with looking somewhere around the Apartheid posts) I know! Let's accuse her of being Jane!!!

  7. Even if some loser who has nothing better to do with their time but track down the author(s) of said post(s) does find out who wrote what, who cares? Clearly, it is not being done on IPS property or on IPS time.
    Why must we live in fear?

  8. I'm sure posts are being done on IPS property and time, just not using IPS computers. Don't live in fear of being exposed, be responsible. With free speech comes a huge responsibility, avoid all the pissing contests.

  9. No one is tracing IP addresses! What a bunch of hogwash. No one is posting on this blog using an IPS server either. It's blocked and impossible to do.

    People post on this blog from home or away from school.

  10. No one is tracing IP addresses, please just take your medication and the bad people will go away.

  11. This website is being blocked from IPS, so the only way that someone could be in trouble is if they are using an IPS laptop off hours to contribute to this blog.
    Why are we feeding this frenzy?

  12. If payroll makes a mistake on my pay check, I will be downtown and they will be cutting me a check on the spot! I am so sick and tired of waiting for may pay raise to be on my pay check if it doesn't happen on Friday, they will be seeing me downtown and they will have to call for security. This paycheck fiasco is just another ploy to keep our money. I am documenting and they will be paying me interest on my unpaid money. Plus, I am still waiting on a summer workshop paycheck that has yet to be issued to me. I can only be patient for so long..........sounds like it's time to get a lawyer involved.

  13. If you're a union member, you should have an ISTA/IEA/NEA attorney at your disposal.

    I love being a member.

    If you aren't, quit complaining. You didn't work to assist your peers, and your raise is free money on our coattails.

    If you are a member, thanks for being on the team.

  14. Whoever the author was that made the remark about IP addresses was just trying to play the 'Boogeyman"...well BOO! to you.

  15. http://ask-leo.com/getting_all_worked_up_over_ip_tracing.html

    This site should calm all fears regarding the availability of bloggers on this or any other site.

  16. There is no such thing as free money.......if the Union was so great where are the raises?? Don't preach to me about how great the Union is. For your information I am a Union Member.........a dissatisfied Union Member at that! I have my own personal attorney that can do more for me than any Union Attorney. You don't know what I did to assist my peers probably more than the Union does or did. The Union has partnered with Dr. White so that should tell you how great your Union is......you have been hoodwinked as well!!

  17. Looking for educators' and parents' input/ideas regarding Indiana's public school calendars.

    Participate in the survey at this website:


  18. Advocates of starting the school year later held a small rally and press conference at the Statehouse on September 3 arguing that schools could save money on air-conditioning by starting later and that families need more of the summer months to spend with their kids.

    Becky Bechtel, an Indianapolis resident, said that the move of ISTEP from fall to spring eliminates the last good argument for starting classes as early as Aug. 11 or 12, as many local districts did this year.

    "There is simply no good reason to start school in early August now that ISTEP has been moved to the spring," she said, adding that a law requiring a later start is the only real option parents have. "When ignored by their local school boards, many parents often don't know where to turn."

    Policymakers in both parties have tended to shy away from requiring a later start date and often refuse to take into account the wishes and needs of parents and educators alike.

    Bechtel's group launched a Web site to solicit parents' and educators' opinions. That Web site is www.indianaeducationforum.com.

  19. If school started after Labor Day, wouldn't it let out in mid to late June?

  20. The end of the second week of June would be fine.

  21. As the IPS calendar now exists, it seems like the students sort of arrive in small waves beginning in August and then arrive in full force after Labor Day. This means we end of teaching and then reteaching info that the late-comers miss.

    Administration knows this and even talks openly about it, so why not just have a one-time grand gala first day of school on the day after Labor Day?

  22. Starting school in August is all due to the football season. They have to have so many school days before they can play. If they didn't start in August, the final games would be played nearer to December.

  23. run that one by me again

  24. What's to run? ISTEP had nothing to do with it. Football is the reason.

  25. That is so not true about school starting so early due to football. Players do not have a set number of days to be in school before they play. They have do to have 10 practice days in before they play.

  26. Thanks for the clarification, players shouldn't be afraid to play in cooler weather. Do we have a bunch of girlie men?

  27. "Starting school in August is all due to the football season." Quote from above

    I hear you. Try this idea...what if the state of Indiana set the starting date for all public schools for after Labor Day? Then there'd be no problem with football season, football games, etc.

    By the way, my oldest son is a football coach in another state so I know what you're talking about.

    Let's hypothesize that the state of Indiana would establish the starting date of school for the day after Labor Day, OK? Then, the Indiana High School Athletic Association would adjust its calendar, right?

    The Commonwealth of Virginia (aka the state of Virginia) has a State Law that says the first day of school (for public schools) will be 'after' Labor Day. It works for everyone concerned! Virginia has a lot of tourism business which, in turn, means that a lot of the high school students are employed in tourism related jobs during the summer months. It's a win-win situation for both the students and the employers.

    Now, don't toss out the tired old argument about the 'inner city' students. Richmond and Norfolk, VA have more inner-city students than IPS could ever deal with or even fathom.

  28. I like starting earlier, it divides the year neatly in half, and when we used to return from the winter break, do a week of school then take finals it was a problem for students who had "forgotten" what they studied prior to the holiday.

