Saturday, September 12, 2009

More Pay Problems

Word is trickling out that there were more pay problems Friday. Let IPS B.S. know if you were affected.


  1. I was one of the many teachers at my school who did not get money direct deposited today. In the middle of the morning, our checks arrived. Check this out--my last three paychecks have all been for different amounts! My question is how long are we going to have to endure this mess? As for as Jane Ajabu's explanation on the audiotape that it may take three years to work the bugs out, that is unacceptable! Who is doing the payroll as far as data info? I don't want the end of the year to roll around and have them say I was overpaid on a couple of checks.

  2. No check, wrong hours of sick/personal time, and wrong amount. Did Dr. White hired his sister to run payroll? I heard entire schools were missing paychecks.

  3. I was fortunate. My pay check was direct deposited on time. However, I am now receiving my check stubs at home via the US Mail rather than from my school which is weird.

  4. My insurance was not deducted from my last two pay checks.

    Also, my last check was wrong and it took them four paper checks to get right.

  5. My check wasn't direct deposited until 9:00 a.m. I almost had a panic attack when I called the bank phone line earlier that morning to check on it! However, late was much better than not at all.

  6. If this was the practice of "big business," it wouldn't be tolerated. Why do teachers "take" this??? Where is the union...really??? Are we our own worst ememy???

  7. Ed Center and the union are in cahoots. As soon as Peggy Penn was no longer union president, a nice Ed Center job was established for her. Last year she spent a lot of time sending cutesy, joke type emails which eventually landed in my inbox through a series of forwards. What a waste of taxpayers' monies.

  8. Please don't call for someone in payroll to be fired. We will all be so sad when all this screw up falls on the shoulders of the mail room clerk.

    It will turn out, after a complete and thorough investigation by downtown administrators, the mail room person is totally and completely responsible for every error that has occurred. This is the IPS motto, "blame those who are ordered to implement programs for the failure of programs; not those who are responsible for the decisions made to implement these programs" Screwed up payroll is not the responsibility of the person in charge of payroll. It is a direct reflection of the mail room clerks ability. Do you really want to see this poor clerk out on the street?

  9. Contact all the trouble shooters, Rafael Sanchez, Tully, Andy G, Rynearson, Dog, the bounty hunter, O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs. We need some investigations into this payroll problem.

  10. After three wrong and no check. Finally got a correct check myself.

    Still this kind of screw up should not be tolerated. There must be some state labor agency that over sees pay to employees. (If so, wonder if they can help get these people on Walnut in line with our payroll.)

    Oh, I forgot Dr. White will probably just blame us teachers for payrolls mistakes. We are his favorite whipping boys/girls. So, it must be our fault. I am sure he will find something to connect us to the problem. Get ready to bend over for his comments (if any do come, I bet he will not).

    God forbid that he goes after payroll personel and his friend Jane. Better hire another $100,000 administer to over see payroll like we have for uniforms, high grass, crack in the wall, and paint drying.

  11. administrators, sorry about that typo and other in the post above. Long day of grading missing time with my own kids.

  12. I am a sub and got overpaid $600.00. Any suggestions?

  13. Let payroll discover their error.

  14. To the sub: I think I would say something about it or at least don't spend it all because there may be a time when you sub and are expecting a paycheck and they will hit you with:" You don't get a check because we overpaid you in September." These errors have to be a drain on IPS limited finances, don't they?

  15. I am so glad that we are going to fire the mail clerk for creating this problem and you can thank the "Bobble-Headed" Board Members for voting on this software to create a better payroll system. Dr. White you did a great job,therefore the "Bobble-Headed" Board needs to vote you a huge bonus. Maybe this bonus needs to equal the amount that is missing out of teachers paychecks? Then Dr. White can purchase the purple Gucci shoes that he been watching online at Bluefly. Only in IPS does our CEO look like a "Pimp Daddy: that man loves to shop at the Pawn Shop. Where is Mary Louis with her short skirts, God, she does make my day. Mary Louis tell the public that everything will be corrected next pay period and then send us an email to keep us informed that we were cheated out of money on Friday.

  16. When is the back pay coming for those of us who worked in the past couple of years, but have retired?

  17. Hi Sparkplug, nice to see you posting over here!

  18. Whoops, meant to shout out to Hardworker3 ^ there!

  19. Me be Dr. White.

  20. Dr. White....doesnt give a shit if any of the employees are paid or paid correctly.

  21. Amen to that!

  22. Dr. White doesn't care about teachers, students, or parents. The man is a leach on the life blood of IPS, we are dying.

  23. Could you learn to spell leech?

  24. I had union dues deducted from my check. I am really ticked off about this since I have not been a union member for 5 years now. I have sent emails, made phone calls and left messages and still no response.

