Friday, September 18, 2009


We all know what today is in IPS. How many of your students showed up?


  1. not everyone knows.....I don' only guess is grandparents day..........

  2. It's ADM day. Money Day!!!! How many kids are enrolled in IPS?

  3. About 99% showed up! Of course, there are one or two names that transferred to other districts weeks ago that are still on my class lists.

  4. Had a whopping 50% attendance if that today. Hope they are counting the other days the kids were here.

  5. Off the subject, but...who WAS the dumb-ass that decided to take mass groups of teachers out of their schools on the same day to attend stupid, so-called professional development? Honestly, more instructional time is lost with these pathetic substitutes than leaving slightly early for a PBA day.

  6. I totally agree with the last about a waste of time! The Sub Teachers were so overwhelmed with the overcrowded classrooms(lack of discipline being enforced by the Principal)disrespectful students and constant classroom disruptions over the P.A. system.........and they wonder why IPS student's test scores are so low!!!!

  7. My understanding is it is a part of the 11 million dollars they got from the Federal Government. It really is a disadvantage to have the teachers out...way to go Bennett

  8. Where are all of these cadre teachers that were going to sub when teachers attended training? Didn´t IPS get a huge amount of stimulus money for this?

  9. "...who WAS the dumb-ass that decided to take mass groups of teachers out of their schools on the same day to attend stupid, so-called professional development?"

    That person would be Dr. Li-Yen Johnson.

  10. 66% attendance of my students appeared. However this is also the day we started counting only absent students, so if one teacher failed to mark a student absent they were counted present for the whole day, a great way to bump up that number for state funding. Thursday was still an affirmative attendance day, children had to be marked with a "1" to be counted present. The state should really investigate this fraud on the part of school systems (I'm sure other districts do a variation of the same fraud). And since all these teachers were pulled out for professional development none of them marked anyone absent. Dr. Li-Yen Johnson isn't a dumb ass, she is a manipulator of data, crazy like a fox.

  11. The majority of the cadre teachers have been recalled to the classrooms. This actually happened weeks ago. Another example of poor planning on the part of ips......

  12. So will this bullshit of absent teachers continue all year? Since most of the cadre teachers have been recalled, that means the subs who provide nothing but a warm body will continue to cover for professional development?

  13. At the same time, IPS cut the pay of retired teachers who were willing to sub by over 50% from last year....many are unwilling to do it this year....another dumbass decision by someone downtown.

  14. IPS actually increased the daily rate of retired teachers/subs, up to $150 a day, however, if we get a long term job/more than ten days, we don't get our full salary, which is then a pay cut, but daily we are much better off, thanks, IPS

  15. No, we are not better off...after doing 10 days straight last year...we received our daily this year we would only recieve $175 which is less than half of the daily rate of most retired teachers...why do you think so many retired teachers are not doing subbing this year......if you wish to work for half pay that is fine but dont tell the lie that we are much better off.....I know what I earned last year and I know what my potential is this year and I say Hell NO. ....already schools are complaining about the lacks of subs especially subs who are experienced and can control a class......peddle your bullshit somewhere else...I suspect you are an administrative plant

