Thursday, August 6, 2009

Eugene Says Hi

Here is the message from the Superintendent's blog at the IPS website. Did he leave out anything?

On Aug. 12, students enrolled in traditional calendar schools will head back to school. They join their alternative calendar peers, who began the 2009-10 school year on July 20.

As always, I encourage men to bring children to school on the first day. I can’t stress enough how important it is for youngsters to see that the entire family values education. Moms have carried the burden of ensuring students get to school every day since public schools were first formed. Since I first started asking men to bring children to school four years ago, IPS schools have seen a rise in adult male participation. The message that men need to be more involved in their children’s education is being heard!

Thanks to our friends at the United Way, billboards are scattered around the city announcing our opening day and asking whether your kindergarten child is registered for school. This is a critical message. Youngsters can’t afford to miss even a single day of education.

If you need to register your child for school – no matter what age – visit one of our six Parent Information Centers. You’ll find a PIC center at Arlington, Arsenal Technical, Broad Ripple, Emmerich Manual and Northwest high schools, and at the Center Township Trustee’s Office, 863 Massachusetts Ave. PICs are open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. To enroll your child, bring his or her birth certificate, proof of immunizations, proof of your address (such as a lease or utility bill) and your license or other form of identification.

IPS has big plans for this school year. Please visit this space weekly to learn more about how we intend to improve education in our school system.


  1. I've seen two of those billboards, and we should be billing Eugene for using school funds for campaign expenses, both of the signs I saw were not in IPS, so he must be doing PR for a run for something. One is on 82nd street, you see it if you are heading toward Castleton from Geist or Lawrence township. The other was on the west side, also out of IPS district and oriented so the majority of the viewers would be township parents.

  2. I guess he just forgot to mention teachers..but since he thinks all of us are lazy, stupid and uncaring and too old, I guess it doesn't matter.

  3. Another huge billboard is inside of Perry Townshipboundaries, next to I465 and clearly not for IPS. Well this old lazy, stupid and uncaring teacher is off to CPR class for the safety of his students.

  4. And why is there a Perry Township sign outside the Extreme Makeover House. I thought that was IPS, although the kids went to Warren last year.

  5. We all know that IPS is White's springboard into politics. We are all pawns (students included) in his sick power game.

  6. I would welcome the chance for Eugene White to run for something so that the public could decide his is obvious that the school board are his puppets.

