Saturday, August 8, 2009

Up or Down?

As the details of our new contract offer surface, how do you plan to vote?
  1. Yes.
  2. No.
  3. I need more details.


  1. Voted "NO"

  2. I need more details.

    Will the IEA be emailing us a copy of the tentative contract? I'd like to read it at home with no distractions before deciding.

    There's more than money involved, at least for me.

  3. I voted "no" as well.

    I like the extra money but it is now close to what the outlying districts get. This money not being retro for those who left voluntarily is demeaning to those who worked hard along side is. The union left them behind even though they did the same work the rest of us did. We should have been given at least 1 to 2 percent more in comparison with other districts over the same time period.

    MORE IMPORTANTLY, we need our working conditions addressed as well as money. The number of preps and students we are responsible directly effects quality of education and raising scores.

    We also need protected from administrators who are on power kicks in order to impress dictator White.

    Why are magnet teachers more important than shop teachers or other specialty teachers (that we need more of, contrary to public opinion not all our kids go to college).

    BTW, I am a core area teacher not a trade teacher before you get the wrong idea. Just looking out for my fellow educators.

  4. Anon 5:43 AM ---

    I agree with you that 'Working Conditions' need to be addressed!

    For me, working conditions are equally important as pay, considering that pay will remain fairly stagnant over 3 years.

    For those of us in high schools, the number of different class preparations is paramount. If I have 5 sections of Algebra I, then I'm going to do a much better job of reaching the students than if I have 1 section of Algebra I, 2 Sections of Algebra II, and 2 sections of Geometry. The fewer the number of different preparations the greater the depth of my instruction.

  5. I intend to vote " no" as well. I heard 'working conditions' was an area that White and the Board refused to be addressed. Also, if I remember correctly, one-percent was what was offered last year and declined. So what is the difference with 1&, 0%, 2% over three years ? The one time bonus wasn't that exciting when you consider what we would actually get after taxes.

  6. is realistic given the current economy

  7. The bonus will be deposited into your TSA and will be tax deferred......those who are complaining need to remember the legislature...I believe IPS lost 40 to 50 million dollars.. Many areas systems gained money......the time to complain or action is not at the contract vote but during the legislature. Where you there??

  8. I'm not complaining about the money for raises, and I'm realistic enough to understand the current economic status.

    Given the current economic status, it is prime time to negotiate for improved working conditions. We know the district cannot award us significant pay raises; however, working conditions cost the district nothing and are priceless for us.

  9. 7:20 AM, yes, I was involved (maybe not in person, was working).

    I wrote my representatives and others. Spokeout. I voted NO because of the working conditions not being addressed. I understand a lot of people can use the money.

    For me though the working conditions are most important. Of course. My adminstrator has be down for five different preps over my six periods. Currently roster of students is 171 students I will be responsible for in a core area class.

    That is just unreasonable.

  10. Posted this earlier on another thread here while I was on break. Now having my second break I see this thread. (So here is a copy and my take.)

    Well, so we probably have a contract for this year.

    I VOTED NO, by the way! Will we waite another three years for another contract and then be told we are doing this for money your working conditions, that are even worse from Dr. White ramming more down our throat, are the same.

    When will the bargaining committee go after the number of preps high school teachers have and the number of students seen. These things directly effect the quality of instruction and test scores. A teacher at the HS or middle school level seeing over 150 students and having four or five preps is not as prepared as a teacher who has 1-3 and less than 120 or 110 students. Grading, phone calls,etc have to be factored in. In addition to lesson plans, reports, and documenting when you sneaze for this evaluation tool being used now.

    Preps, number of classes (at the HS level, etc. Working conditions need to be addressed. It was said at the meeting that they want to keep people from going to the townships and suburbia that is one reasons they took the money.

    Well I hate to break it to you! People are leaving because of lack of respect from our adminstrators and working condition as well. WORKING CONDITIONS need to be addressed and made PRIORITY, IN ADDITION TO MORE MONEY!

    Sorry for any typo's and gram errors. Doing this quickly while on break from my second job

    (Another reason to pay more, so that educators are not tired from working other jobs to pay outragious student loans. What kind of quality does a teachers who has to work second jobs bring to the classroom? THE BEST THEY CAN, but still not what could be had! Even I know it, but dont' want to be living in squalor either.)

  11. I am 6:34a.m--I think the raise is very acceptable in this economy as well. I agree, it is a prime time to negotiate working conditions. I would almost forgo one-percent for a better work environment. Does anyone have any idea who our UniServe Directors will be? What's up with Casey Patterson being transferred?

  12. Exactly who are the people on the IEA negotiating team? I do not know their names. Anybody know?

    Also, exactly who are the people on the District's negotiating team? I don't know their names either.

  13. Is it true that the School Board and Dr. White refused to discuss working conditions? Or, is that just a rumor?

    Frankly at this point in my life, I would rather have better working conditions than a $500 per year raise. My working conditions are more important to me than $500 per year.

  14. Haven't voted yet, but after reading the blogs here I will probably vote "no" because it sounds like working conditions were not in the package.

  15. no but i need to go to the IEA office which is located on Shadeland Avenue, north of where Shadeland and Fall Creek intersect, two buildings north of Teachers Credit Union.

    We're getting a new uniserve director, and friends from Washington township said he stands up to White.

  16. Working conditions were NOT addressed. Whether we vote yes or no they WILL NOT be addressed, this is a Dr. White issue. We were told specifically at the meeting that Dr. White does not believe work conditions should be negotiated.

    We are getting both a bonus 1% check just prior to spring break and the district is contributing an additional 1% one time contribution to our tax shelter (this is in addition to the yearly $105 we already receive).

    Work conditions such as number of preps and unbalanced students are due more to incompetence/laziness of administrators creating the schedule. Problems are caused by administrators who chose NOT to cap class sizes and by counselors who use the automatic function of the computer program which schedules students. The program will schedule students in classes even when the number of students exceeds the cap (generally set at 45). Don't get too excited, and race to take a job in the townships these types of issues are also faced by teachers in the townships. The creation of small schools in IPS--set up the situation where teachers taught more preps. Also many of the AD's were not experienced enough at scheduling to consider what was best. Some were not receptive to help from teachers who had better ideas and more experience at scheduling. I believe that since the majority of the high schools have eliminated Small Schools, this type of scheduling issue may fade away.

    I do know from experience, that a good department head or lead content area teacher, can work closely with the scheduling administrator and eliminate some of these issues.

    If the contract is rejected and it will NOT guarantee that the board and Dr. White will discuss work conditions. Chances are we will work another year without a contract.

  17. I'd rather work another year without a contract then accept this contract. I am also unhappy that IEA doesn't have the terms on their web site.
    Many, many teachers are being denied their right to vote on this issue. I never got a post card, and many friends never got the post cards. Lots of people didn't make it to Tech (having never gotten the post card).

  18. Get over it! Life is to short. If you work in IPS then you know that you are working with students that truly need you. Yes there are problems. There are administrators that are on a power trip and work for a paycheck, not the students or more importantly the teachers, and there are teachers that work for the paycheck not the students. And yes I know we all work for money to survive, but if you have the courage stand up to the wrong. Realize that when you are in the classroom the administrator of that building has two options, support you or tear you down. If he/she chooses to tear you down then smoother he/she in kindness and go on helping those students that NEED you. Yes it is tough when preps exceed two, and trust me I am there with four preps and six classes, BUT they come to me knowing nothing and I am going to share with them skills that will prepare them for life. Not post secondary education (I love how educators shovel on the b.s.) but life. Remember we teach students not subjects. So get off your chest all the problems and then on Wed lets go in there and have a great year. Oh and thanks Uncle BS for starting this, it helps to vent. I voted yes because I want to teach.

  19. I am clueless. Can anyone tell me contract details?

  20. Quote from Anon 2:42 PM: "We were told specifically at the meeting that Dr. White does not believe work conditions should be negotiated."

    A couple of questions. Who, as in what specific person, precisely told you that?

    I was unable to attend the meeting at Tech on Friday as I was out of town. Is this the meeting you're talking about?

    I find it strange that Dr. White would prefer to negotiate salary issues rather than working conditions. Salary issues equate to money...IPS has none. Working conditions equate to making IPS a friendly, more pleasant place to be employeed. Working conditions cost the School Board nothing.

    When economic times are tight, then the highest and best thing a negotiating team can aim for is better working conditions. My job performance is apt to be better if my working conditions are better, and a $500.00 average raise over a 3 year period is worth less to me than better overall working conditions.

    For me, there's much more involved in my career than $500 per year. IEA dues are almost double that amount! Is this the best IEA can offer us? If so, then forget them.

    Many of us have too much integrity and old-fashioned dignity to sell our souls for $500 to $600 per year. Working conditions are priceless! Let the School Board keep their money; give me better working conditions.

    I will vote NO to this contract proposal.

    Contrary to Eugene White's apparent belief, there's more to life than a few dollars!

  21. Let's be realistic, whether or not you vote yes or no is insignificant when the union is the one who counts the votes.

  22. "For me, there's much more involved in my career than $500 per year. IEA dues are almost double that amount! Is this the best IEA can offer us? If so, then forget them."

    That last sentence is absolutely ridiculous. Go ahead and forget the union. THEN you will never have a contract, you will never get a raise, seniority will mean nothing within the district, you will be responsible for all of your own medical insurance premiums, and if your Principal (or his/her girlfriend or boyfriend) doesn't like the color of the socks that you wear, you will be fired. And when that happens, you will get to try to get your job back by going to court and paying for legal representation all by yourself.
    Guys, please quit bashing the union. That organization and the people in it are the only ones looking out for the classroom teachers. Try supporting the union a little more. The more support that the teachers show to the union, the more powerful the union becomes! If the IEA had 100% membership, White would never even THINK about 'refusing' to negotiate.
    How about we band together?? That would scare the crap out of downtown!!!

  23. I agree with 5:47. The union does more than bargain pay raises and contracts. Everyday, including Summertime, the union assists on pay issues, schedule issues, crazy building administrator mandate issues, etc. The Union has always supported every teacher in IPS.

    Wait until you enter your building and your Principal tells you to report to HR. If you are not a Union member, you will feel very loney listening to the charges filed against you.

    The union offers support in too many ways to be forgotten. BTW I voted YES! Thank you IEA for the everyday support you offer to the teachers of IPS.

  24. lonely not loney

  25. The state law mandates that White negotiate salary and a few other items with us or he would not even do that. White hates teachers. He is not required to negotiate language and chooses not to do so. A good superintendent would realize that student achievement goes up as teacher morale goes up. If you are an IEA member and did not get a card, please check with the IEA office to be sure that your current address is on file ......598 8464

  26. The district does not have the money because of the crazy raises being given to downtown adminstrators and the hiring of other adminstrators to watch the grass grow and paint dry. In addition the the legislature leaving children behind.

    The school board needs to stand up to Dr. White and stop being his puppet. I agree with 4:55. Keep the money and make this a better place to work that is more important with me.

    I live in the IPS district (send my kids to IPS schools) and will vote be voting against these spineless "Yes, Dr. White" people in the next election. I only hope that there are people who will negotiate working conditions running. Those who will stand up to or get rid of our elustrious white suite wearing, out of touch, on vacation in Asia leader.

  27. This is 5:01 again. BTW, I voted "NO".

    $500 cannot buy me. I will work under the old contract and will work without raises until working conditions are adressed.

    Yes, I know this may be till Dr. White and school board are gone. So be it!

  28. I don't think it matters how many voted no. The school board and IEA already scheduled a board meeting for Thursday.

    I think that the vote will be rigged, ignored, etc. and think we will be told it was ratified. They don't want their faces blackened.

    I think holding it at time teachers were still returning from vacations and working other jobs was a set up. So that only the desperate for a contract folks (not that others are not) will be there. Geting a majority vote of yes from far than even a eigth of union members.

    Isn't there something in our union rules that says for something to be passed over half should vote to be binding? If not there should be!

    Just my take! Off to church, see all my HS fellow surfs Monday morning when our dictators speaks over at Tech.

  29. I don't understand why, with so many people unhappy with the union, we don't opt to dump them for another union. IEA isn't the only union around.

  30. No union can be effective unless the membership is involved and supportive. Remember the problem is Eugene White and not IEA or your fellow teachers. In fact, many building level administrators agree with us also.

  31. There are rules, they were established by governance committee,but that document is not on line, someone in IEA needs to check this document.

    I went to the rally downtown for public education, and the speaker for the American Federation of Teachers was very rousing. The ISTA president was not the least bit convincing or inspiring. Maybe it is time to decertify IEA and go with AFT. I'm a little tired of the union presidency being a stepping stone to a higher paid position downtown.

  32. The superintendent buys off the IEA president with a do nothing high paying job. Look at Peggy Penn.

  33. 6:21, I disagree. I have a problem with many things in administration, but demonizing White is silly. The problems in IPS predate him. I have problems with certain administrators and policies, just as I have problems with certain teachers. But if White were to leave IPS tomorrow, what would really change? Same thing with the union. The real power to change IPS lies with us, not them.

  34. I don't know how long you've been with IPS but you are wrong.

    IPS has always had problems, this is true. Our population has always been inner-city, often the product of generational poverty. Educating these children who come with all this baggage is nothing new. Quite frankly I think that uttering the phrase "these kids aren't like they used to be" without a suggestion of how to effectively deal with this fact, should be grounds for termination.

    However up until Dr. White came on board there was never the attitude that the problems with IPS was really a problem of uncooperative, unwilling teachers. This blame the teacher for all the ills of society is unique to this administration.

    I had a student who told me that he had never taken the GQE and not been high, another who smoked dope with his mother before he came to school, and little kids who when they got caught stealing told the secretary that was how they got everything, they had no idea it was wrong.
    How is this any teachers responsibility or fault? Our resources are so limited in dealing with problems like these, what can we do?

  35. I voted YES on the contract. Here are my reasons why:

    * economically the district is broke....3% was the best that could be done with the money available.
    * I know the number of hours and personal time spent to negotiate the contract and don't think it should be for nothing. By the way, with the exception of the pres and vice pres, union positions are VOLUNTEER. People volunteer their time away from families, friends, and lives to support teachers and counselors.
    * I would like to see working conditions addressed, but I also know that won't happen until the current regime changes. There is another district in Indiana that was been working without a contract for 6 years now, I do not want to be in that position.

    I will be happy to take what I can get from the turnip and wait patiently for change above me. As far as leaving IEA, personally, I would never leave IEA. $30/26 times a year is worth my job to me. If you sign up for the NEA insurance you save your union dues in reduced premiums. Just my 2 cents

  36. I'm still not sure how I will vote. I do know this....Our class sizes will be larger this year, our funding cut, yet Dr. White will take his raise in salary if IEA passes this measure (at least according to the paper).

    I find it interesting that administrator positions in downtown keep growing, while teacher positions are shrinking. He has no interest in making sure that teachers have a good working environment because we don't matter to him. Two years ago at our manditory meeting he praised us to the high heavens, and then went to speak at a church the following Sunday saying, "The only problem IPS had was the teachers in the classroom." He's full of it! He doesn't care about us, he never has, and he never will. It's all about what makes him look good.

  37. one danger that i saw on friday was the fact that everyone was overly concerened with the things that were in the document handed out by the iea...on the other hand, i am concerned with what was not in the document...max # of preps...guaranteed prep time...evaluation procedures and concerns...seniority job security and general working condition concerns for a start...that tells me that we are getting a raise...however, healthcare costs will go up, we will teach more during the day...we will have 3+ preps...we will be easily replaced by fellows or other young professionals, etc...

    as for the idiot (8:37) who doesn't think white is must have gone out to dinner with giles and penn last night...this admin is more top heavy and anti teacher than ever!!! perhaps your tune will change when you get another three bosses and some bleeding heart sap that wants to teach in the inner city for three years before they go off to south america to do mission work takes your job

  38. Now the Star is giving us an assignment for the new school year in today's editorials.

  39. 5:14 a.m. & 6:16 a.m.-- I agree with both of you. Why would IEA choose such a last- minute time for a meeting as important as this one? I think the vote is doomed and rigged as we will see on Thursday when it is announced that it has been accepted. I have friends who refuse to join the union until it is not IEA!!

  40. Anon need to tell your friends that if they are not part of the solution then they are part of the problem...most people who claim to not like IEA are people who just dont want to pay the dues but get the benefits. I dont agree with everything they do but as a member that is when I have a voice and tell them.

  41. The meeting time was chosen to make sure the new pay scale would be in place in time for our first paycheck on August 28th. Teachers have until Tuesday to get their vote to IEA. Teachers who were able to make the meetings at Tech on Friday (noon and 2pm) were able to vote that day. Anyone who has not vote needs to go to the IEA building on Shadeland by Tuesday evening to turn in your vote. There is an emergency school board meeting that will be held Thursday evening so the board can vote on the contract. Should the contract be ratified by IEA and approved by the school board on Thursday night, we will begin the school year on the new payscale. Retroactive checks will deal only with your hourly pay from August 2007 to August 2009: your salary; homebound pay; summer school; night schoo; workshops; extra curricular; etc. Those retroactive checks will be distributed sometime after October. You will also receive a 1% bonus check before spring break. This year the board will contribute $105 + 1% to your VALIC annunity.

  42. There are lots of teachers who have no memory of what used to be negotiated prior to the reign of Mayor Goldsmith, who convinced the Republican legislature that IPS teachers were so horrible they should only be able to negotiate salary and benefits. Of course this legislation only applied to IPS and Gary. We still follow parts of the contract that predate that travesty. We follow those terms under what is termed past practice. We need to see copies of this old contract so we know what past practice was, for instance the number of preps was covered by past practice and is routinely being ignored. If they are ignoring past practice we should ignore it too, no more faculty meeting, they are not in the contract, they're past practice.

  43. Could these IPS teachers be forgetting the great victory they won back in 2001, made possible because charter school legislation passed? I haven't, because I covered the legislative battle as a Statehouse reporter for The Indianapolis Star. To get legislative support to pass charter schools, legislators gave IPS teachers their collective bargaining rights back. Teachers lost those rights back in 1995 when a GOP-controlled legislature passed a sweeping accountability law designed to improve this struggling, urban district. It was a typical political trade-off: Republicans and other charter-school supporters got a new charter school law, while Democrats and the teachers' union got IPS teachers their collective bargaining rights.

    Michele McNeal former ed reporter from the Star.

  44. 12:30 Mr.McNeal, we are not forgeting the legislation. Our "Great One on High" is forgeting. He and his yes men (the school board) are refusing to follow this law.

    Unfortunetly, what real action can teachers do to force negotiations of things other than salary?

    The legislature has also put teachers in the same catagory as police, doctors, nurses, etc. We have no right to strike or anything else to force an issue. In effect saying you have a right, ONLY IF THE OTHER SIDE AGREES. Otherwise you forget it. There is no real bargaining tool to force the other side to discuss things they don't want to. In this case working conditions.

  45. The SBDM committee at the schools have a lot of power but in many buildings it is ignored or it is difficult to even find proactive teachers to serve on the committee. It is a very time consuming job if done right but teachers have 50% or more of the makeup of the committee.

  46. That is if they are allowed to function. When they do function often administrators step in and illegally stop the proceedings. AR's step up and get your committees going.

  47. Democracy is based on empathy, on the bonds of care and responsibility that link us together and make us a nation.
    -- George Lakoff

    something to think about as we begin the year, the bonds of care and responsibility, we demonstrate those traits to our students, wouldn't it be nice if our administration showed care and responibility to us. Silly me.

  48. Anon 2:02 you are right ...some building administrators have adopted the bullyiing and intimidation tactics of Dr. White.....

  49. To the person who wrote, "Let's be realistic, whether or not you vote yes or no is insignificant when the union is the one who counts the votes." If you are an IEA M-E-M-B-E-R please feel free to come to the IEA office after school and count votes. Otherwise, you have no idea what you are talking about.

  50. I don't know if they adopter the attitudes of Dr. White or were promoted because they share his views and attitudes. I knew one of these people when they were in another position, and they were a bully who used intimidation in that position. They were using it with parents and students, but now they have started to use the same tactics with teachers.

    It is not a tactic that works on the long run with parents and/or teachers. Effective schools engage parents and students, they don't bully and intimidate. Administrators and teachers need to work together with parents, and sell them on the features and benefits of what they have to offer to students. It is their job to sell the parents and students on the value of an education, to the student, not to the school system, the teacher, or the administration. Imagine you want to buy a car, and the salesperson says "buy this car or else, I have a
    mortgage payment due, and want to go on vacation" Would you be buying? This technique simply doesn't work. It is probably the cause of what appears to be passive aggressive behavior on the part of teachers and students.

  51. To the person who wrote, "I don't understand why, with so many people unhappy with the union, we don't opt to dump them for another union. IEA isn't the only union around." Most of the people who are bad talking the "union" are people who don't belong to the "union". To the people who think that the union is rigging this vote, need to grow the f*** up. Instead of sitting at home, thinking of something clever to say, "anonymously" put your name down and join a committee in IEA, and then you can speak of something you know, otherwise keep your idiotic statements to your "water cooler talk" conspiracy.

  52. AFT is only 16every check and our reps ROCK!

  53. 4:16 I know this was directed as someone else.

    I want to say though. I was one who got involved on SBDM's and spoke up when things went wrong in my building and district.

    After a couple of years a new adminstrator took over (one of the downtown mans henchmen) and they proceeded to ignore the SBDM recommendations. When I spoke up. I was suddenly put on a PIP with no warning or evaluation. My building rep did nothing. If it were not for people at the main IEA office I would not have my job. I lost all respect for my union rep at the school. If it were not for Gretchen Lampe I would have been railroaded.

    So, I believe looking into a different union and always keeping my options open.

    BTW, I will never serve on another committee or be involved. I will just follow orders. Me and my family don't need to go through that again.

  54. You are not alone, retaliation for legal union and SBDM activity is very common. Once I was threatened with an administrative transfer for participating in SBDM, and I'll be at a new school because I dared to challenge a bad decision by an administrator. Even speaking up can get you fired. I know someone who was fired because he dared to say he didn't agree with the dress code.

  55. Broad Ripple has the same problem. The current Principal there managed to manipulate Dr. Kendrick into shutting down their SBDM over the summer because she was intimidated by the active voices on the committee. They are still waiting to hear whether or not they can continue in the fall. (Which begins in just a few hours, I think!)
    Good Luck Broad Ripple! Don't let her get you down!

  56. Anon 4:51 - Gretchen Lampe saved you, yet you suggest looking for a different union. Wow! That's gratitude. Remind me not to do you a favor.

  57. 10:005 Anon, I was just saying one should always keep their options open. Investigations and knowledge never hurts.

    Remember what I said my building Rep did. One should always be aware of options. Don't ever go blindly into something thinking they are always the greatest thing out there.

    I said,keeping options and having knowledge is always good.

    I did not advocate a change. Just knowledge and comparison. Just as someone votes for one party because of policy at one time then votes another way during the next election. Things change. Keeping knowledge of others keeps (in this case) IEA on its toes. Know that its teachers know they are not the only ball game in town.

    BTW, I am definetly in Gretchen's debt.

  58. In many buildings, no one wants to be the AR...then finally someone says I will do it so that there is some one in the building to talk to....these reps are your peers teaching full time and trying to provide this service while also managing their personal lives. I have done it and it is a hard job because everyone expects that instantly you are an expert on everything and know all the rules and rights thankful that someone in your building is willing do something and always call the office when you have questions.

  59. Thanks Dr. White for the great SHOUT OUT at the teacher's meeting. It's good to know you appreciate our efforts to get the truth out.

  60. Dr. White says and does whatever, without retribution. I am amazed at his gall and his lack of couth in regards to public speaking. He will tell us how important we are, and then turn around and say that we wouldn't be around if this "was the business world".
    We all need to stay positive. We need to rely on each other. Try not to let our colossal waste of time this morning rain on our first day of school parade.
    We are working hard, and we ALL know it. That is all that matters.
    Good luck to all of us!

  61. I liked his ruby red slippers, and kept waiting for him to click his heels together and go back to his parallel universe.

  62. Dr. White must be worried that this blog will reveal some truths....otherwise why would he have bothered to attempt to denigrate it. If he thinks that there are untruths being written here then let him correct them.

  63. If IEA members can vote tomorrow, why did Dr. White say that the contract had been ratified?

  64. Because IPS teachers roll over all the time. We're so used to accepting scraps he knows we'll take it.


  66. You mean we must drive to IEA office because we could not make Friday's meeting? How damned accomodating!I won't be able to and that's for sure!

  67. Just today they had the language of the contract on the web site. I guess IPS isn't the only organization where timely, clear and concise information is needed. No information on whether it was approved.



