Monday, August 24, 2009


Are your subs or cadres missing? The talk has started that these guys aren't showing up leaving some classes with no teacher. What's going on at your school?


  1. The Cadre Teachers only arrive at a school during days in which the School Improvement Team is there. Unless the building administrator is 'on board' and 'with the program' regarding the purpose and intent of the SI Team, it's likely that the building teachers have not been released to meet with the SI Team. If the building teachers are not released to meet w/the SI Team, then the Cadre members must sit and wait. Too many principals do not welcome the SI Team because they evidently are uncomfortable with outsiders digging into their schools' data.

    Some principals are confident and do not mind opening discussions about their schools' scores; on the other hand, some principals are extremely suspicious of anyone or any group having access to their scores and data.

  2. With class sizes huge in many schools, why dont we assign some of these cadre teachers to teach some classes.....or is that too much common sense?

  3. The Cadre teachers were hired using stimulus funds. These funds are earmarked by the Feds for Professional Development only. Certainly it makes sense to use certified teachers to teach some classes or sub; however, the stimulus funds stipulate that the Cadre be used only for Professional Development activities.

    Any time we accept federal monies there are strings attached.

  4. Were they hired to sit around the teachers' lounges and do nothing or are they really there to listen to teacher conversations and then report to the principals?

  5. The Cadre teachers seldom even know the building principals. This group is primarily the group of teachers who were laid off last spring. Using the stimulus funds for Professional Development saved them their jobs plus they're able to fulfill a district need to provide coverage to teachers during PD activities.

    The only thing that 'reports out' to the building principals regarding their teachers are the data sheets generated from the End of Course Assessments. Yes, each teacher's class scores are reported on building spread sheets by number of students passing the ECA and the number of students not passing the ECA. The numbers/data do the talking; not the Cadre teachers.

    As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and it is us."

  6. Pogo never met Eugene White!!

  7. What about the big fight at Broad Ripple High School yesterday with the "cream of the crop students"? The fight upset Linda Davis so bad that she ate six hot pockets, had her chair rolling at super sonic speed from the icebox to the microwave and almost hurt herself when a roller came off her chair during the mad dash to the microwave. The fight almost forced her out of her office, but she kept control and stayed inside where she was safe. Linda, with only six to seven students in a classroom means you are going to have to cut some of your best friends to another school after ADM.

  8. At Arlington, Dexter Suggs is being Dexter Suggs. He publicly berates teachers, pits one staff member against another, and shows favoritism...he has learned well at the knee of Eugene White.

  9. I say it again, since Dexter Suggs left transportation, transportation has never looked better. All it took was a competent person in charge.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. BRHS has classrooms that are full and a student count that it is almost at capacity. BTW, the negative comments about Mrs. Davis are cruel, crass, and completely UNTRUE!!!

  12. Naming an adult is one thing, but naming students (without their express permission, and that of their parents if they are minors) is highly unprofessional and unethical, and had to come from within the teaching staff. If they discover who you are you should be terminated for disclosing confidencial student information. Boy will Linda be pissed off that she has to fire one of her drinking buddies.

  13. Blogmaster--Please remove the names of the students who fought at Broad Ripple yesterday. Thank you.

  14. How is the information so confidential about fighting? Every student in the school knew--I'm a teacher and didn't know until today. Who told me? Several students and the sisters of someone involved.

  15. Poor Linda, what comes around goes around.
    She was crass and cruel with the dead wood staff (her terminology) she fired (again her words), many of whom were fine educators who dedicated their teaching careers to the students of IPS. The lovely dinner given midyear for her "new faculty" while the existing faculty got a "payday" candy bar for teacher appreciation week. The woman is the queen alright, the queen of tacky!

  16. Poster,
    The unkind things you say about Linda Davis show what a wimp you are! You are probably scared of her so you get on your little computer in the basement and say mean things about her. Grow up!

  17. Oh how pathetic, everything you know about a student through school is confidencial, discipline, grades, personal information. Even if it is common knowledge among the staff and students (think the dean's list) it is still confidencial. Why is it the police don't name juvenials in the press.

  18. While I don't agree with naming the parties involved, I think the person was trying to defuse the belief there was a big 'riot' at Ripple yesterday. Didn't happen!

  19. So you "defused" the belief it was a big fight, and now have created the impression that the staff is highly unprofessional. Which is worse, fighting students or a unethical staff?

    I have seldom seen a high school fight that involved more then three students, it is the group of on lookers and cheering spectators that makes it a "riot".

  20. Dexter Suggs is at Arlington? Other then the first day I haven't seen him.

  21. Everything said about Linda Davis is true..she represents everything that Eugene White does and it is destroying IPS. I do wish the names of the students could be deleted.

  22. Thanks Blog Administrator.

  23. I hope a sub shows up for me tomorrow, after the kind of day I had at my school, I will definitely need tomorrow off!!!

  24. Does any one know what is going on with H.R. and Payroll Dept.? Neither seems to know when our pay increase will kick in? This paycheck or in 2010 can someone who has the correct information please answer my question? If so could someone inform H.R.and Payroll......

  25. Your next paycheck will have your new payrate, which is your step raise plus 2% if you have the old salary schedule. Retro active raises come in mid October. And a one time bonus and a bonus payment to your 403B a little later.
    For real specifics contact your IEA AR, and if you are not a member keep calling Jane downtown, maybe she will agree to negotiate a different raise with you.

  26. "I say it again, since Dexter Suggs left transportation, transportation has never looked better. All it took was a competent person in charge."

    I'm a bus driver and with dumb and dumber over transportation it has gone to the dogs. We don't have enough drivers, all the supervisors are trying to stabbing one another in the back, and Robert Huggins knows nothing about transportation. Gene Moore is a joke. Last year we worked as a team. This year is is bad and it will get worst.

  27. You should have gotten a warning/information letter about the new munis system in your e-mail. If all goes right you will get only one "advice" about what has been deposited in your account, every two weeks, and it will include any extras the system owes you (workshop pay, tutoring, etc). The only reason you will get a live check (one you can actually cash at a bank) is for your reimbursement). Eventually you will get nothing, your advice will appear in your e-mail. We're going paperless. Also to the above poster I believe there may be an insurance overpayment check also.

  28. Why do you punk ass mother fuckers continue to bitch and complain on this weak ass blog. If you have something to say to another person, pussy ass say it to their face. Stop being a bitch. You mother fuckers are always telling us to talk your shit out.

  29. Obviously a friend of Eugene White!!!

  30. IPS should be in the record books for having the largest "musical chairs" game.

  31. I see you can take someone out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of everyone. Where do you think you are? The Maury Show?
    Your lack of upbringing is showing, your mother must be so proud.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. MLK

    What is the content of your character?

  32. "Profanity is the attempt of a lazy and feeble mind to express itself forcefully."

    "When a man uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the man or the argument is weak - probably both."

  33. Ah, another future Havard Graduate generated by IPS.

    So, nice to hear from them. As if we don't all day at school.

    May your vocabulary improve during your stay with IPS.

  34. So much for freedom of speech.

    So long, IPSB-S! I won't be back.

    PS...Our Cadre subs spent the entire day with us, asking questions, meeting students and staff. I was sick today, and received a sub.

    I know these comments may return the string back to the original question, which is the rationale for the blog. The cretins have won....for now.

  35. Where's Havard? Is it a charter?

  36. The really tragedy is that I think I know who this poster is, I've heard her speak this way about the blog in the lounge. She is one of the principal's pets. I now have lunch in my room.

  37. Good. We can continue talking about you, as long as you stay there.

    Funny, though. We all think YOU'RE the principal's pet.

  38. This place reminds me of Indy Undercover.

  39. Fat teachers of IPS. Get your fat ass up and teach.

  40. I bees a ips student. ####################################

  41. I don't know how to post a new concern so I'll just say what I want to say here. Is anyone else ticked off that the district is holding our money we've waited a long time for until before spring break? The big wigs don't care about us. We could use that money now or atleast before Christman. What does everyone else think?

  42. I think you dont understand school finance. Even Linda Davis knows to save her money to buy a supply of Hot Pockets to eat while her school goes to hell.

  43. Hmmm...someone didn't get hired at Broad Ripple. For good reason, obviously.

  44. Apparently some of our students have found this blog spot.

  45. Blogmaster-if you want people to take this site seriously, you should delete personal attacks and profanity.

  46. I am happy where I am...I didnt even consider applying for Broad Ripple and one of the reasons was LINDA DAVIS. Pass me another hot pocket please, and I will roll over in my chair and heat it in the microwave.

  47. That note to the Blogmaster sounds like Jane Kendrick is posting on here again. She is becoming a regular.

  48. This blog has become a car crash. Everyone is slowing down to gape at the destruction, but no one is doing anything productive to assist those most in need.

    Blogmaster, I admire your restraint. While the personal diatribes are sometimes humorous, they do in fact hinder the professionalism that we must display to our public.

    Opinions and observations that may result in positive changes to our administration, our educators, and our students are being overshadowed by those who chose to drag down the entire system and this site through use of profanity and insults. It's sad.

    I happily report to school, do my job, watch my students grow and prosper, and feel satisfied when I begin my drive home. Even though I'm nearing my third decade in IPS, I learn something from my students and fellow educators every day.

    I love my job. While I'm guilty of contributing some snide comments to this blog, I am proud to be an IPS educator.

    BTW, I'm also an IPS graduate, was married to an IPS graduate, and have two Manual graduates who make more more money than me.

    My first contract was $9,800. With our increase (Thank you IEA, you'll have my credit card payment shortly), I'll hit $67,000+. Pretty good for an IPS graduate!

    I can't imagine ever doing anything else. No, I'm not a lemming.

    Those of you who are unhappy, please look for another profession. Your bad vibes transfer to your students, and infect the entire classroom, then the school.

  49. I.P.S.-B.S. Undercover.

  50. honest-to-God dues-paying IPS teacher.



    Uncomfortable that I might work next to some of the idiot posters on this thread.

    Happy that I DON'T work next to most of the idiot posters on this thread.


    Do your principals mandate, not request but mandate, that all your lesson plans be submitted to him/her via email?

    Would he/she refuse to accept your handwritten lesson plans if you first scanned them and then emailed them as an attachment?

    Please respond...

  52. To our blog administrator:

    Please remove all blog postings with profanity. Personally I don't believe our teachers are using profanity in this blog. I believe others are the culprits.

  53. Kendricks is back to making comments


    Do your principals mandate, not request but mandate, that all your lesson plans be submitted to him/her via email?

    Would he/she refuse to accept your handwritten lesson plans if you first scanned them and then emailed them as an attachment?

    Please respond...

    Yes, it is much easier and I have a record showing that I submitted them. She requires everything be type written. Please do not tell me you are attempting to submit handwritten lesson plans. If so, that is not very professional.

  55. Unless you SBDM has decided on a specific format for lesson plans, and your entire faculty has voted that this is school policy it, there isn't one. Past practice says they need to be on your desk Friday afternoon and they have to be sufficient that you can follow them. There is no system rule they have to be typed. Old time administrators used to walk the building Friday afternoons after the students left and check for lesson plans. This helped them understand exactly what was going on in each room. What good are wonderful plans if they are all a lie?
    Administration needs to LEAVE THE OFFICE.

    Stop laying down and being bulldozed by administration.

    Each SBDM Committee is empowered by the IPS School Board, Public Law 340, Public Law 217, Public Law 221 and Public Law 100 to adopt policies for governing the operation of the school that are not in conflict with federal and state regulations. These policies must be published and copies must be made available for public inspection.

    If you roll-over and allow it your administration can make any decisions it wants.

  56. Yes, it is much easier and I have a record showing that I submitted them. She requires everything be type written. Please do not tell me you are attempting to submit handwritten lesson plans. If so, that is not very professional.

    For years and years teachers have used books, believe it or not they are actually called PLANBOOKS, to keep their lesson plans. This has been a standard practice for years, there is nothing unprofessionial about handwritten plans. And your plan book is all the "proof" you need that you have written the plans. Let your adminsitrator come and visit your room, they are suppose to be there once a week anyway.

    I also know a teacher who has submitted the most lovely set of plans, every week and every year, has state standards posted on the board, and follows every directive of the administration. However they bear absolutely no resemblance to what occurs in the class room, where the student are give personalized packages that don't even match the current textbook. I know because I was the inclusion teacher in this classrooms and tried to help the students locate the answers in the text books.

  57. Quote: "Stop laying down and being bulldozed by administration."

    This is exactly what Dexter Suggs expects the teachers at Arlington to do. Lie down and let him bulldoze you into the ground. Try submitting a handwritten plan in your planbook to him. He refuses to accept it and tells you to re-do it using a document attached to an email.

  58. See your AR, file a complaint, but do as he says.

  59. Arlignton High School SBDM meets on the fifth of September, the meeting are public, plan on attending. Stand together, or fall alone.

  60. I have been a teacher at Arlington for many years. This year, unlike years of the past we have clear expectations and the culture is beginning to change. This is not the 70's or 80's the expectation is different and technology the is the norm. We must teach to this generation and remove the "I been doing it this way all my life". You have been in education for 39 years teaching Spanish. Yes, I'm calling you out, and I hope someone informs Dr. Suggs that you have been making negative posting on this blog about him. ( I may send him an email tonight). Your teaching methods are outdated, and your classroom is boring, according to the students. I think Dr. Suggs is bringing and will continue to brig life into Arlington. The majority of the staff is behind him 100% and the students truly respects him as a person. You need to be on hall duty. It's funny how you pop out into the hall like a rabbit when you hear the students say Dr. Suggs is coming.

    What did he tell you when you submitted handwritten plans? Ms. Spanish teacher.

  61. "Arlignton High School SBDM meets on the fifth of September, the meeting are public, plan on attending. Stand together, or fall alone."

    In my brief observation of Dr. Suggs I don't think he would care if the city of Indianapolis attended the meeting. He is going to say what he has to say, and from what I have send thus far, do what he has to do for the students. " If the bear is asleep, it is sometime best to leave him alone".

  62. IPS sucks!

  63. SBMD is a discussion base committee. They do not make decisions. That is ultimately left up to the principal. Be careful. You may be walking the line of insubornation. If this man is no nonsense, based on you blog entries, you may want to evaluate the importance of your job. I don’t teach in IPS, but I have send people in my district get fired for foolish acts.

  64. "Quote: "Stop laying down and being bulldozed by administration."

    This is exactly what Dexter Suggs expects the teachers at Arlington to do. Lie down and let him bulldoze you into the ground. Try submitting a handwritten plan in your planbook to him. He refuses to accept it and tells you to re-do it using a document attached to an email."

    What a shame you can take time to type on this blog, but you can't take time to type your lesson plans. You my friend are a GREAT teacher. You are number 1 teacher. This is why this blog is a joke because of GREAT teachers like you.

    Dr. Suggs keep doing what you are doing. I live on the Eastside and the community and your students love you. You are making a major difference in the community and Arlington High School. You have some good teachers working with you at Arlington, and the students are beginning to believe themselves. Don't allow one lazy teacher to stop progress. Keep doing what you do for the kids.

  65. "SBMD is a discussion base committee. They do not make decisions."

    Better read the manual, because they do make the decisions about school policy, the principal is simply one vote, and once the faculty approves the decision they are school policy. It is on line, and I will excuse your ignorance since you don't work for IPS and haven't read the document.

    Here is the exact wording
    2. No School Improvement Plan or SBDM policy shall be enforced until such time as a faculty has ratified the decisions.
    3. No School Improvement Plan shall be submitted that has not been ratified by the school faculty.

    The School Improvement Plan is developed by the SBDM and it's subcommittees, and includes school policies.

    If you are interested in participating there are spots open for both community member and parents at almost every school.

  66. I have been a teacher at Arlington for many years. ... I hope someone informs Dr. Suggs that you have been making negative posting on this blog about him. ( I may send him an email tonight).

    So you are going to go to Suggs and report what another teacher does on their own time? After you come out of that meeting stop in the restroom and check to make sure you gotten all the fecal material off your nose.

    Personally I don't care what another teachers plans look like, I care that they care. And for you to "call out" another teacher who has dedicated their career to IPS students is reprehensible. It is my sincere hope that Dr. Suggs calls you on this behavior, we need to work as a team.

    I think about three different administrators I knew who lost their jobs and I realize they were soley responsible for what happened to themselves. They got, what my grandma used to call "to big for their britches". Administration is bound by the same rules as everyone else, or at least they should be.

  67. There are subs who are waiting and willing to sub for teachers when they are out. I was out sick and my job number was picked up just hours after I called in for a sub. I'd like to inform Principals and General Ed. Teachers that it is illegal to use Special Ed. Inclusion Teachers as subs in classrooms! Special Ed. Teachers are legally bound by law to provide the designated hours of service a day to each of their Special Ed. students as written in each students IEP When Special Ed. Teachers are utilized as Subs in General Ed. Classrooms.............this explains why Special Ed. Students are falling way below their grade level. They are missing instructional time working on their IEP goals with their Special Ed. Teacher.

  68. Special Education teachers are paid with IDEA funds (federal funds earmarked for special education only). When a Special Education teacher or staff member is told to sub for a gen ed class, it is illegal. This practice is called supplanting funds; that is, using funds designated/earmarked for one use only to supplant activities/responsibilities that are budgeted as general funds.

    Supplanting funds can cause the entire IPS district to lose ALL federal funding including Title 1 and the Federal Free Lunch Program, also. All it takes is for one person to report the supplanting of funds to the Feds who, in turn, will then investigate the situation. That's not a good thing and would not have a happy ending for IPS!

